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Initial IDM-1250

5 user region code comments

June 08, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by bugmenot, December 27 2004:

hidden menu posted by orx for mintek also works here, like in many current initial and mintek portables.

Here is a procedure to activate the hidden menu, which work on MDP-1020. Still need to figure out how to change the region code once in there.

Open tray, setup, enter general setup, 1,3,7,9, the hidden menu pops up. Unfortunately, the region code is green and stuck?

PostRegion code hack posted by roli, February 12 2005:

Codefree the Initial IDM-1250:
Open (No Disc)
turn on
on the Remote Control:
press Setup
select Preferences
press Enter
Enter the Code: 253135
Press left arrow
Press down arrow
Press Enter
Press Setup
change the region code (0)
press Enter
press Setup
The Player is now Codefree

PostRegion code hack posted by videopoop, April 25 2005:

seems like the idm-1210 is more popular, but shouldn't this idm-1250 have the same crack code work?

PostRegion code hack posted by Natt Prasanphan, June 07 2005:

It does work but you don't actualy open dvd tray, anyway good on you Roli, Thank you.

PostRegion code hack posted by kuka, June 08 2005:

Ok Natt. I finally got it to work. woohoo!
Plays all my Region 2&3 DVDs Ayu, HAL, Namie, DAI, ELT, more.

For me, Roli had too many steps, and got me confused.
But still, thanks Roli!

Here is my version of instructions:

Quick 10 Steps:
- Power
- Setup
- Down 2x
- Play
- 253135
- Left
- Down
- 0
- Play
- Setup

Detailed version:

1. turn Power 'On' - slider switch left side of unit

using the included credit card remote:

2. press 'Setup' button, bottom left (next to down arrow button) to display menus

3. 'Down' arrow 2x to Preferences menu

4. press 'Play' > button, center of arrow buttons, to select Preferences menu

5. press numbers: '2,5,3,1,3,5'

6. 'Left' arrow < button

7. 'Down' arrow button

8. you should now see REGION CODE 1 or similar

9. Press '10/0' button for all region, or whatever region you want

10. Press 'Play' > button again

11. Press 'Setup' button to exit menus.


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