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GoVideo DVR4300

2 user region code comments

August 15, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code posted by R SQ, June 07 2003:

I am trying to copy to my DMr-E60 and I tried looking on the dvdchips site and they donot have anything for either the e60 or the govideo dvr 4300. so nany information would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

PostRegion code posted by Charles, August 15 2003:

I originally purchased My DVR4300 combo deck from Radio Shack in order to copy homemade dvd's to VHS tapes. However just for grins I tried to record from a couple of hollywood dvd's (Austin Powers, Secret Agent Cody Banks) to VHS tapes and to my surprise it worked right out of the box. I couldn't believe it. No remote control, software, firmware or hardware tweaking was necessary. A Best Buy employee mentioned that they were forced to remove 40 GOVIDEO combo decks off their shelves recently. Maybe the FCC got wind of it. He wasn't sure which model it was though.

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