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What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.

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Goodmans GTV14DVD

5 user region code comments

April 02, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Jeremy Harkcom, September 08 2003:

Try any of these from the remote control let me know how you get on by nipping over to

eject so tray is open
stop 1 9 9 9 - for possible hidden menu
stop 1 4 5 6 - followed by region code number 0=all
i.e. stop 1 4 5 6 2 for region 2
or stop 3 3 5 8 - followed by region code number 0=all
i.e. stop 3 3 5 8 2 for region 2



PostRegion code hack posted by matty, January 04 2004:

1. Press the DVD function on your TV set.
2. Press Setup on your remote control.
3. Press 1, 3, 7 and 9, in order, one at a time.
4. Select this option and using your remote control, change it to 1
for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on, or 0 for multi-region playback.

PostRegion code hack posted by ed, January 25 2004:

Finally sussed it. The other codes didn't work for my tv/dvd that i bought today. Only by chance that this worked.

1) Hit setup.
2) *Go to the Preference tab
3) Type 1, 3, 7, 9
4) Hit the up/down arrow to change the region number (0=multi region)
5) Hit enter
6) Hit setup.
7) Play!

PostRegion code hack posted by Nibbs, February 29 2004:

Can confirm the above (1379 followed by up arrow on the Preferences page) hack, and thanks for it, the other ones didn't work at all with my system.

PostOther hack posted by fil, April 02 2004:

for the GTV34RDVD none of the above work..infact there isnt even a "preferences" tab on the setup menu!

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