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Funai HD-D2885

4 user region code comments

April 01, 2008 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Fox Mulder, February 23 2008:

Option 1)
Using with a laptop or computer with infrared port.Most Pcs have this. 1. Create a DOS bootdisk floppy (or download a premade package If your PC or laptop does not have a floppy create bootable. CD rom
using Nero (demo versions are available free on the net), or yourfavourite burning software. You can make a bootable cd rom using theinstructions here Use the file which is attached.3. Extract IRsend.exe from thezip and place in a safe spot on ourcomputer.4. Take funaicode.txt rename it remote.txt and place that beside it.5. Place the renamed funaicode.txt
file in the same directory/folder as IRsend.exe onyour boot up disc or floppy6. Boot up your PC from the floppy or CDrom which has the IRsend.exe andremote.txt on it and run IRsend.exe. You may need to go through the setup menu on your Pc to turn on the infrared or IR port and ensure it is setto a COM port that is not
being used. If it is not turned on it won’t work.If you do not know how to go to setup or how to turn on infrared, you mustrefer to the manual that comes with the Pc . That is because each Pc has adifferent way of handling this.7. Navigate to the folder where you placed IRsend and type IRsend c2.More often than not your IR port will be on COM2 and the c2 switch tellswinsamp to transmit through that port. If another COM port is used orchosen by yout then make sure your instruction refers to that. Forinstance if the port chosen happens to be COM 3 you would type IRsend c3.When IRsend loads, press "R" to load remote.txt... which are the codes. Atthebottom of your screen you MAY see a number of
buttons highlighted. Usingthe cursor key, you can highlight these buttons and press Return to press aparticular button. This fires the codes through the infra red port to youDVD. 8. Make sure you point the Pc infrared port or sensor at the FUNAI unitinfrared port/ sensor with no disc inserted. Remember the ports/sensors haveto be close together and make sure your player is instandby mode.9. Run the IR or infrared codes by pressing Enter on each correspondingbutton. Press enter to send the first code, then right arrow to move tobutton 2, then enter etc.and repeat till finished.10. When you succeed the player may reboots.11. Once it starts up and before the logo appears key in the numbers 519812. If it does not start up itself, power down then power up and key in theaforementioned numbers.Go to The Final Step (at the bottom of the page)

Please let me know if any of you has success. Thanks!

PostRegion code hack posted by Fox Mulder, March 16 2008:

Option 1)
Using with a laptop or computer with infrared port.Most Pcs have this. 1. Create a DOS bootdisk floppy (or download a premade package If your PC or laptop does not have a floppy create bootable. CD rom
using Nero (demo versions are available free on the net), or yourfavourite burning software. You can make a bootable cd rom using theinstructions here Use the file which is attached.3. Extract IRsend.exe from thezip and place in a safe spot on ourcomputer.4. Take funaicode.txt rename it remote.txt and place that beside it.5. Place the renamed funaicode.txt
file in the same directory/folder as IRsend.exe onyour boot up disc or floppy6. Boot up your PC from the floppy or CDrom which has the IRsend.exe andremote.txt on it and run IRsend.exe. You may need to go through the setup menu on your Pc to turn on the infrared or IR port and ensure it is setto a COM port that is not
being used. If it is not turned on it won’t work.If you do not know how to go to setup or how to turn on infrared, you mustrefer to the manual that comes with the Pc . That is because each Pc has adifferent way of handling this.7. Navigate to the folder where you placed IRsend and type IRsend c2.More often than not your IR port will be on COM2 and the c2 switch tellswinsamp to transmit through that port. If another COM port is used orchosen by yout then make sure your instruction refers to that. Forinstance if the port chosen happens to be COM 3 you would type IRsend c3.When IRsend loads, press "R" to load remote.txt... which are the codes. Atthebottom of your screen you MAY see a number of
buttons highlighted. Usingthe cursor key, you can highlight these buttons and press Return to press aparticular button. This fires the codes through the infra red port to youDVD. 8. Make sure you point the Pc infrared port or sensor at the FUNAI unitinfrared port/ sensor with no disc inserted. Remember the ports/sensors haveto be close together and make sure your player is instandby mode.9. Run the IR or infrared codes by pressing Enter on each correspondingbutton. Press enter to send the first code, then right arrow to move tobutton 2, then enter etc.and repeat till finished.10. When you succeed the player may reboots.11. Once it starts up and before the logo appears key in the numbers 519812. If it does not start up itself, power down then power up and key in theaforementioned numbers.Go to The Final Step (at the bottom of the page)

Please let me know if any of you has success. Thanks!

PostRegion code posted by Fox Mulder, March 25 2008:

Option 1)
Using with a laptop or computer with infrared port.Most Pcs have this. 1. Create a DOS bootdisk floppy (or download a premade package If your PC or laptop does not have a floppy create bootable. CD rom
using Nero (demo versions are available free on the net), or yourfavourite burning software. You can make a bootable cd rom using theinstructions here Use the file which is attached.3. Extract IRsend.exe from thezip and place in a safe spot on ourcomputer.4. Take funaicode.txt rename it remote.txt and place that beside it.5. Place the renamed funaicode.txt
file in the same directory/folder as IRsend.exe onyour boot up disc or floppy6. Boot up your PC from the floppy or CDrom which has the IRsend.exe andremote.txt on it and run IRsend.exe. You may need to go through the setup menu on your Pc to turn on the infrared or IR port and ensure it is setto a COM port that is not
being used. If it is not turned on it won’t work.If you do not know how to go to setup or how to turn on infrared, you mustrefer to the manual that comes with the Pc . That is because each Pc has adifferent way of handling this.7. Navigate to the folder where you placed IRsend and type IRsend c2.More often than not your IR port will be on COM2 and the c2 switch tellswinsamp to transmit through that port. If another COM port is used orchosen by yout then make sure your instruction refers to that. Forinstance if the port chosen happens to be COM 3 you would type IRsend c3.When IRsend loads, press "R" to load remote.txt... which are the codes. Atthebottom of your screen you MAY see a number of
buttons highlighted. Usingthe cursor key, you can highlight these buttons and press Return to press aparticular button. This fires the codes through the infra red port to youDVD. 8. Make sure you point the Pc infrared port or sensor at the FUNAI unitinfrared port/ sensor with no disc inserted. Remember the ports/sensors haveto be close together and make sure your player is instandby mode.9. Run the IR or infrared codes by pressing Enter on each correspondingbutton. Press enter to send the first code, then right arrow to move tobutton 2, then enter etc.and repeat till finished.10. When you succeed the player may reboots.11. Once it starts up and before the logo appears key in the numbers 519812. If it does not start up itself, power down then power up and key in theaforementioned numbers.Go to The Final Step (at the bottom of the page)

Please let me know if any of you has success. Thanks!

PostRegion code posted by Fox Mulder, April 01 2008:

Option 1)
Using with a laptop or computer with infrared port.Most Pcs have this. 1. Create a DOS bootdisk floppy (or download a premade package If your PC or laptop does not have a floppy create bootable. CD rom
using Nero (demo versions are available free on the net), or yourfavourite burning software. You can make a bootable cd rom using theinstructions here Use the file which is attached.3. Extract IRsend.exe from thezip and place in a safe spot on ourcomputer.4. Take funaicode.txt rename it remote.txt and place that beside it.5. Place the renamed funaicode.txt
file in the same directory/folder as IRsend.exe onyour boot up disc or floppy6. Boot up your PC from the floppy or CDrom which has the IRsend.exe andremote.txt on it and run IRsend.exe. You may need to go through the setup menu on your Pc to turn on the infrared or IR port and ensure it is setto a COM port that is not
being used. If it is not turned on it won’t work.If you do not know how to go to setup or how to turn on infrared, you mustrefer to the manual that comes with the Pc . That is because each Pc has adifferent way of handling this.7. Navigate to the folder where you placed IRsend and type IRsend c2.More often than not your IR port will be on COM2 and the c2 switch tellswinsamp to transmit through that port. If another COM port is used orchosen by yout then make sure your instruction refers to that. Forinstance if the port chosen happens to be COM 3 you would type IRsend c3.When IRsend loads, press "R" to load remote.txt... which are the codes. Atthebottom of your screen you MAY see a number of
buttons highlighted. Usingthe cursor key, you can highlight these buttons and press Return to press aparticular button. This fires the codes through the infra red port to youDVD. 8. Make sure you point the Pc infrared port or sensor at the FUNAI unitinfrared port/ sensor with no disc inserted. Remember the ports/sensors haveto be close together and make sure your player is instandby mode.9. Run the IR or infrared codes by pressing Enter on each correspondingbutton. Press enter to send the first code, then right arrow to move tobutton 2, then enter etc.and repeat till finished.10. When you succeed the player may reboots.11. Once it starts up and before the logo appears key in the numbers 519812. If it does not start up itself, power down then power up and key in theaforementioned numbers.Go to The Final Step (at the bottom of the page)

Please let me know if any of you has success. Thanks!

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