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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Emerson EWR-10D4

3 user region code comments

October 16, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostOther hack posted by Booser, April 26 2005:

Display system information and upgrade firmware

CM Skip and press 1 2 3 displays system information

CM Skip and press 6 5 4 asks for a disc to upgrade firmware

PostRegion code hack posted by michael, May 15 2005:

I tried to use the recommended hack for Emerson EWR-10D4. But I was only able to see system display area. I was never able to unlock it.

So it is possible for anyone to post another hack that will work like I said the first part of the hack:
"CM Skip and press 1 2 3 displays system information" worked great.

But the second part of the hack:
"CM Skip and press 6 5 4 asks for a disc to upgrade firmware" didn't work at all.

If someone knows the unlocking code for Emerson EWR-10D4 and prefers to contact me directly through e-mail please do so through the following e-mail:

PostRegion code hack posted by Stefan, October 16 2005:

The hack works very well from the remote and then if you have a firmware disc you can upgrade. But I do suggest that you do not

1. CM Skip and press 1 2 3 displays system information

and then

2. CM Skip and press 6 5 4 asks for a disc to upgrade firmware

you have to do them seperate. So do step 1 then exit. Step 2 and insert firmware disc. Then step 1 to see if it upgraded.

If firmware upgrade is found it would help if it were listed.

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