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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Ellion DVR-530S

2 user region code comments

August 22, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Shintaro, December 27 2004:

As with most of Ellions DVD Recorders, to make the unit region free:
Make sure there are no disc's in the unit, and that it is powered on and the tray is closed.
Press 7,7,0 on the remote control.
A Small dialogue will show on the screen telling you the change was made.

This unit is also sold as the Tevion TEV530S, and naturally, the region hack is identical.

PostRegion code hack posted by Mark, August 22 2006:

Turn on machine, the recorder should be empty and disk tray should be closed.

Once the "NO DISK" bar is displayed, with your remote control.

Press 77 then the region code in which you want to set it to.

0 - Region X/0/FREE (playable in all regions)

1 - Bermuda, Canada, United States and U.S. territories

2 - The Middle East, Western Europe, Central Europe, Baltic States, Egypt, French overseas territories, Greenland, Japan, Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland

3 - Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea and Taiwan

4 - Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico, Oceania, South America

5 - The rest of Africa, Former Soviet Union, the Indian subcontinent, Mongolia, North Korea

6 - Mainland China

7 - Reserved for future use

8 - International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, etc.

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