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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Diamond Vision DVDV803-03

18 user region code comments

March 12, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Su Azerg, April 30 2005:

On remote, Press SETUP
Key in 1389
use up down keys to change region
0 is region free

PostRegion code hack posted by Dave, May 02 2005:

This also works on DVDV803-04 model as well.

PostRegion code hack posted by Jurek Dz., May 12 2005:

This also works for DVDV305-03 & 04
Jurek z Canady

PostRegion code hack posted by Seca_99, July 08 2005:

This hack also work on the 801-03

PostRegion code hack posted by WarHog, July 21 2005:

This above hack also works on 805-04

PostRegion code hack posted by James, August 03 2005:

This hack also works on the 805-03.

PostRegion code hack posted by Pavel, October 01 2005:

This also work on DVDV807-03 that i just bought from wal mart only difference is a had the cd tray open while pressing setup 1389
Pawel z Kanady

PostRegion code hack posted by Peter, October 04 2005:

The hack also works on DVDV807-04 purchased in Canada.

PostRegion code hack posted by phil, October 07 2005:

Region code hack posted by Phil.
confirmed Canada for DVDV807-03 - 04.
open dvd drawer
press setup on remote
press 1389
press direction arrows on remote to alter region to 0
press setup to exit menu

PostRegion code hack posted by zuluzkiller, December 30 2005:

I go the same player dvdv807-04a from wall-mart and confirm that the hack does not work but you don’t seem to need one. Player will play all the regions out of the box and also PAL on NTSC TV. Great for $24.99.

PostRegion code hack posted by Craig, December 31 2005:

I purchased the Diamond vision dvdv807-3a for myself from Wal-mart in early Dec '05 and found this hack to work just fine. However, we also purchased one a few weeks later for a gift and the hack did not work. I noticed the setup menu to be somewhat different. What we did find was the dvd player worked with different region discs out of the box. i.e. Region 1 discs worked as did our region 2 discs.

PostRegion code hack posted by Jovi, January 20 2006:

Diamond Vision DVD803-04 is identical to Coby DVD 224 in US.
Both all region and Macrovision off work on my unit.

With no disk in the player (and draw closed,) press:
Setup, Vol+, Vol-, Vol+, Vol-
in the right upper corner a current region code would appear. You could switch between 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 255 using Right and Left buttons. 255 is for Region Free.

If you press Up (or Down) button you can get into macrovision menu from here. Again, using Left or Right buttons switch between 3000 (Off) and 3001 (On) values.

PostRegion code hack posted by Codegen, March 01 2006:

This also works with the Digitec branded players.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rajque, March 29 2006:

Apply the Hack with the remote control

PostRegion code hack posted by raymli, April 28 2006:

Found region hack for Diamond Vision DVDV811X-03 Divx player. With remote open tray, key in 9735. Secret manual comes up. Use remote to change region "0". Close tray.

PostRegion code hack posted by Whitey, September 30 2006:

I work in a pawn shop and have many Diamond Vision DVDV807-04 all purchased in Canada they are all apparently Multiregion right out of the box I have tested regions 1,2,4 and most PAL formats although there is clearly marked on the back of the player that it is region 1 I believe this to be a sales district stamping or perhaps a method of hiding the fact that they do not encode their software.

PostRegion code hack posted by Alan C, November 18 2006:

Just bought the Daimond 809-03 from Wal Mart Canada, $CA31.62 inc taxes, although it has region 1 on the back it plays my region 2 UK PAL DVDs straight out of the box.

PostRegion code hack posted by A Davies, March 12 2007:

Having read the last 'hack' by Alan C I too bought a Diamond Vision DVD 809-04 from WalMart $29 and as he says not hack needed plays straigt from the box. I have moved over to Canada from England and needed to get a region free DVD player. This helped a lot many thanks.

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