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Denon DVD-2900

19 user region code comments

March 14, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by the best, July 21 2003:

the hack of denon dvd2900 whit disc upgrade of italian page ,,work fine.
dowload the archive ,burn a cd, insert in dvd player and codefree ,,enjoy.

PostOther hack posted by Juan, July 24 2003:

Do you know whats your firmware?

1. Power the unit off (main button, not remote control)
2. While pressing together the "Play" and "Open/Close" buttons, press "Power".
3. In the display you will see the Play and Pause symbols.
4. Now, using the remote control, press the "Menu" button. With each press of the button, you will scroll through the different versions of the the unit. First is the "DRV", followed by the "B/E" and finally the "Panel".
5. Using the front panel button, power the unit off to return to normal

I whant know if someone use the firmware hack on a Denon DVD-2900 without SCART (NON EUROPEAN MODEL)


PostRegion code hack posted by S, July 31 2003:

I have a Denon DVD-2900 purchased in the US.

I just tried the firmware update at . Simply burned a CD with the file ( very small file ), inserted in the DVD player while powered off, and powered the player on. Took about 3 min ( the player loaded the disk and flashed on the screen that it was updating the firmware ). Once complete, I powered off. When I powered the player back on it played Zone 2 DVDs without a hitch.

PostRegion code hack posted by Colin, August 15 2003:

I have tried the the firware upgrade at :-

It made everything nicely region free BUT I am now unable to play DVD-AUDIO DOLBY-DIGITAL.

Ideas anyone?

PostRegion code hack posted by aK, October 02 2003:

can the hack work on NTSC version? looks like you guys are from european makes me think that this hack ONLY work on PAL systems?

PostRegion code hack posted by Joseph, October 05 2003:

I own 2900 US version (no Scart). I have applied the hack from the Italian site Pdh29vnd.cpn. Now I can watch region 2 Pal DVD but only when I sey video stream to NTSC (using remote NTSC/PAL button) and yet the picture is streched vertically and clipped (I can't see subtitles). If I set the video to PAL, I get blank screen. I use it with Pioneer Plasma thet can play both PAL & NTSC. Anybody has an Idea?

Also where (how) may I get orinigal US firmaware ( DRV 0300307, B/E 6237, Panel 6236).

PostRegion code hack posted by Eelco, October 06 2003:

I have tried both versions 41f and 42f on a european model (with scart).

Both seem to work ok, I have not discovered any problem with dolby digital with both versions.

you can download both of them here :

PostOther hack posted by Juan, October 23 2003:

I have a USA model and to see a PAL disc in progressive mode do the command at first post.

I can see Pal in progresive mode with my Panasonic PT-L300u and my Denon DVD-2900 USA with region free firmware 0041f

Good luck

PostOther hack posted by evivbulgroz, October 27 2003:

Following the hack on USA DVD 2900:

Thank for your post, Juan. However, have tested the hacked player with RCE discs?

Can you pick the zone manually?

PostRegion code hack posted by Colin Sumby, November 05 2003:

I'm the guy who posted the DD failure. Basically it works, but with the Eagles Hotel California it will default and the amp takes the signal as Dolby Pro-Logic and will not be reset! I had the old 2600 which worked perfecto.

PostRegion code hack posted by happy harry, November 14 2003:

I have a officially code free player from the distributor. To my surprise it is version 42f.

On the European version you get 42f as found on If a european distributor uses it, it will be fine.

42f has no problem with DD or DVD-A.

PostRegion code hack posted by Spiky, November 17 2003:

Well, I tried this out. I have a USA 2900 upgraded with the latest firmware from Denon USA. I used the Italian firmware mentioned above.

All my discs work just fine. This includes:
DVD-A (both DVD-A and DD work fine, but I don't have the Eagles to try that disc)
Kodak Picture CD
Also, Thomas & the Magic Railroad plays with no problem. I believe this is an RCE disc.

It does still have the issue of PAL not playing properly on my NTSC TV. It is shifted down the screen by many pixels, not sure exactly how many. If I play a 4:3 PAL movie, it is not watchable since too much is missing at the bottom of the screen. Widescreen works ok, it is just shifted down the screen. I have a 27" 4:3 TV.

PostRegion code hack posted by Colin Sumbx, December 05 2003:

In response to Spiky, the only disc that I do have issues with is 'Hotel California'. Prior to the firmware upgarde the disc would default (No menu options to do otherwise) to DD. Now, with the firmware upgraded (I have tried both available versions) the default is Pro-Logic. This could be more of an issue with the the actual disk more than the player. My other disks work (Queen: The Game, Queen: A Night at The Opera, Yes: Fragile, Fleetwood Mac: Rumours) but these also have a menu option and require a response.... either PCM stereo or DTS.

Every other disk type work wonderfully... CD-RW, MP3 etc.

It occurs to me that I have NOT bitched to Denon about this or should it be The Eagles record company?

PostOther hack posted by Spiky, December 11 2003:

What is a "back screen"?

PostOther hack posted by bpomme, December 11 2003:

Hi Patrick,

simply use the Setupmenue.


PostOther hack posted by Bart Alders, February 01 2004:

Noticed colin's post regarding problems playing dvd's in
different formats.

I recently made my 2900 cofefree and can now no longer choose the dd5.1 and dts layers on the dvd disk
"Diana Krall, live in paris"

The player will simply play the 2 channel layer no matter what sound option i choose in the menu. Shows only two channels of output on the 2900 panel.

Dont have too many music dvd's atm but for instance Eagles hell freezes over plays in dts when i choose it to, like it should.
Anyone else experienced problems alike? Any ideas?

PostRegion code hack posted by Joe, February 24 2004:

The firmware update works for a US DVD-2900, but the Region 1 "Lost in Translation" RCE disk does not play.

I have tried several other RCE disks - see - (specificaly Bad Boys 2, In The Cut Unrated, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, and Underworld), and they seem to work fine. I had not tested the player with "Lost in Translation" before the firmware upgrade.

PostRegion code hack posted by Linda, February 25 2004:

Just flashed a silver US Denon 2900 with the Italian firmware and everything
seems ok - In response to Joe's post, the first disk I tried was lost in
translation and it played back ok, although I had to change audio tracks in
the menu.

PostRegion code hack posted by cheech 420, March 14 2004:

For owners of the US 2900

I have installed the firmware from the Italian site and have no problems since I installed it. The firmware does allow the playing of imports, but with one minor glitch.

When comparing the difference of imports on a Phillips 726, (no, not hardware wise) I noticed the picture was not centered on the Denon. No, it doesn't affect the picture, but it does appear lower on the screen than an NTSC DVD. Menu's appeared out of whack, the lower parts were cropped, but menu options could still be accessed. I will post pics, later this week, to show what I mean. I must state however that the movie itself WAS NOT AFFECTED in any way! So this problem aside, the firmware does its job well.

So to review, that firmware DOES NOT affect NTSC movies in any way shape or form. I even watched Lost in Translation, with no problems. However import DVD's are not centered (picture is slightly lower on the screen, I use the 4:3 letterbox format, but nothing to keep you from enjoying the movie. The menu's are affected at the bottom, slightly cropped, but all of the options are VIEWABLE and can be accessed.

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