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Denon DBP-1611UD

4 user region code comments

March 02, 2012 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Gerrie, January 11 2012:

To Change Blue Ray Disc Region:

1. Push "Setup"
2. Enter 3-2-6-5
3. Change Blue Ray Disc Region:Eg. 1/2/4
4. Enter To Confirm
5. Push "Setup" To Exit
6. Power Off Unit
7. Unplug Unit
8. Power On Unit

PostRegion code hack posted by hazchem1, January 14 2012:

Although there is a differance between the 1611UD and the newer 2012UD this hack brings up the screen for region code screen for the 2012UD also.

The only problem is after the code 3265 is put in and the region code is displayed, there is no way of changing over the code, the remote will not highlight over the numbers to allow the change.

Possibly and different way of hacking the 2012UD, even although the 3265 code brings up the factory settings screen?

PostRegion code hack posted by Gbolcsfoldi, February 07 2012:

After the code 3265 was pushed on the remote, the region code options were displayed but could not be highlighted over the alternative region code numbers to allow a change of region. This was for a player available in Sweden.

PostRegion code hack posted by hazchem1, March 02 2012:

Yes, indeed as I described, this is what happens to me. I have updated my player several times on line since purchase. Perhaps Denon have patched the hack and it will not allow you to change the region?

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