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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Daewoo S2122

3 user region code comments

December 10, 2002 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by , April 18 2002:

This make regionfree your DVD player:

- Power up the unit
- press OPEN
- Press SETUP
- insert 33088 followed by the zone number (0 = all zones)
In the main menu screen, a line will disappear and a little box with "R=number" will confirm the region change.

PostOther hack posted by tony, November 03 2002:

To show sw and hw info:
Open tray, quickly push 2188

PostRegion code posted by The_Magic_Rat, December 10 2002:

Finally i discovered a way to disable macrovision in Daewoo S2122 model.

All you have to do is:

a) Dowload the new firmware for the Denver DVD311 (w*w*
b) Rename the file "E1-DVM.ROM" (capitals required!)
c) Burn a CDR with the renamed file
d) Load the disc on your player: a menu will appear: press PLAY on your remote. The screen wil be distorted and after a couple of minutes the player will go in Stand By mode.
e) DONE! Press "power on" on your remote control, remove the disc and with the tray open press 2188: you will read on your tv some useful informations about your player. The intrsting thing is the 6th line: "Macrovision:OFF".

Happy to be useful an remeber: DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I'll will not take any responsability for you player.


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