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Daewoo DVD-5700

5 user region code comments

January 16, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by JnX, January 24 2002:

How to make the Daewoo DVD-5700 Region-free and Macrovision-free using patch:

How to make the Daewoo DVD-5700 Region-free and Macrovision-free using remote sequence:

Open/close(tray open)

You should be able to see the secret menu and scroll down to DEBUG and the list shows from 1-9 (which is regions). option 9 is region free/bypass. Well by default 1 is ticked and will not able to change permanently. Well here is the solution to change the region code.

X 3 0 1 0 (X your choice of region 1-9)

Go to secret menu and check the region you set. You can change to any region by following the above step.

PostRegion code hack posted by JnX, March 07 2002:

HIDDEN MENU : press these button once

Open/close (tray need to be open)

For more info check the forum:

PostRegion code hack posted by Norvak, July 03 2002:

How to make the Daewoo DVD-4000 Region-free using remote sequence:

Open/close(tray open)

You should be able to see the secret menu and scroll down to DEBUG and the list shows from 1-9 (which is regions). option 9 is region free/bypass. Well by default 1 is ticked and will not able to change permanently. Well here is the solution to change the region code.

PostOther hack posted by Medievil, January 04 2003:

Got A 5700 and an extra PC DVD drive lying around??? Open up that 5700, what will you see...hmmmm... how about a sandard IDE cable/connector and PC Power cable plugged into the units dvd drive. Through in your dvd player and now this drive supports DVD-rw, DVD+R/+RW (If the pc dvd drive supports them) Works great and is a very easy mod to add functionality (Or replace a bad laser) to the 5700. The only thing you need to make sure of, is that the PC drive is set as Master. Cable select, or slave will cause the Daewoo to not respond untill you change it to master. It is also possible to use a plain PC CD Rom drive, but , of course, you lose dvd playback.

PostRegion code hack posted by Vic, January 16 2004:

The Above hacks works great, but I notice after a few months the player will reset to region 1. Anybody else ever have this happen and do you know how to set to region 9 permanently.

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