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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Daewoo DV6T821N

4 user region code comments

January 17, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Mike.Montgomery, July 10 2003:

1. In status NO DISC or DVD on screen (tray closed)
2. Press 7 > 7 > PLAY
3. SYSTEM SETUP will show on screen
4. Press ENTER key in COUNTRY CODE of 3rd line
5. COUNTRY CODE will be changed to "---" status
6. Press "0" and ENTER (changes C CODE to "0" status)
7. Press SETUP key

NOTE: I don't own this model, but the hack comes to me from a reliable source.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rogelgrande, October 02 2003:

No other hack worked for me, until I got this one directly from HQ in Korea:

1. Open DVD tray
2. Entre 0520 using remote
3. Press keys in this order: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT
4. Enter region code, 0 for complete code free
5. Close DVD tray

PostRegion code hack posted by jennylynn, October 29 2003:

I tried this hack that I got from this website and it worked for my Daewoo DV6T821N:

Here it is again using your remote controller:

1. Make sure disc tray is empty
2. Turn on unit and put unit in DVD mode so that DVD or NO DISC shows on screen
3. Press the following keys in order:
7, >, 7, >, PLAY (the > key is next to the enter key, and is NOT the FAST FORWARD or NEXT key)
4. A menu will appear on the screen. Scroll down to the 3rd line (COUNTRY CODE) and press ENTER
5. Key in the number of the region you want to change to, or key in 0 for region free.
6. Press ENTER
7. Press SET UP (this key is to the bottom left of the enter key

Your unit is ready to play DVDs!

PostRegion code hack posted by Bob Prescott, January 17 2004:

Thanks people. The option as described on this page worked a treat for me:

Press 7 > 7 > PLAY -- etc...

Anybody out there know how to turn of macrovision? Remember, share the love and it will return....

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