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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Cyberhome CH-DVR 1500

11 user region code comments

January 15, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Mediaman2000, November 15 2003:

For Region Free
Without any disc in the recorder press STOP then press 00000

For specific regions repeat but press

00001 for Region 1
00002 for Region 2
00003 for Region 3
00004 for Region 4
00005 for Region 5
00006 for Region 6

PostRegion code hack posted by STu Cazzo, December 07 2003:

With the tray closed and no disc in the unit press


00000 for region free.
00001 for Region 1
00002 for Region 2
00003 for Region 3
00004 for Region 4
00005 for Region 5
00006 for Region 6

Indication region setting will apper circa mid screen for a few seconds.

This was tested with Version U1105200301 firmware upgrade.

PostRegion code hack posted by Mediaman, December 11 2003:

The hack will report Region x where x is the region you selected when successful. However, it only worked for me before I foolishly upgraded to the latest firmware. It no longer works on the latest firmware. I am trying to discover if anyone else has had success with the hack?

PostRegion code hack posted by lcdmaster, March 27 2004:

I used the technique :

PLAY (with no disc inside the tray) and then the region code setting as suggested by others and it worked. My recorder was updated with the newest firmware date : 2/26/2004

U0226200401XA \602

I tried playing discs from other regions like region 2 and region 3 and they seem to work fine. I have not come across with problems like someone suggested when playing back the region 1 disc. We'll see.

By the way, any clue to disable the Macrovision in this recorder?????


PostOther hack posted by James, March 28 2004:

I just got the CH-DVR 1500 and every thing worked great and the region hack worked great too. A friend brought over some dics that he said had JPG photos on it and we put it it says "Reading" and nothin eled. I tryed heting stop and open/close on the remote and on the player and nothin. Any one know how I can get the dvd try open again?

thinks for any help

PostRegion code hack posted by Judge Mathis, March 29 2004:

I'm Not Sure If I'm Some How Special, But My Cyberhome CH-DVR 1500 Actually Plays Region Free, And I Havern't Hacked It At All, My Only Problem Is With Some DVD's Like "Crazy Nights" I Get Some Region Map And The Disk Won't Play Any Suggestions ??

PostRegion code hack posted by James, March 30 2004:

"Region code hack posted by Judge Mathis, March 29 2004:

I'm Not Sure If I'm Some How Special, But My Cyberhome CH-DVR 1500 Actually Plays Region Free, And I Havern't Hacked It At All, My Only Problem Is With Some DVD's Like "Crazy Nights" I Get Some Region Map And The Disk Won't Play Any Suggestions ??"

I had this same problam with my region free Daewoo...I had it on Region 0 or all region and wouldnt let me play one of my region 1 dvds. I had to go in and set the region to region 1 so it would play.

So try doing the region code for the region "Crazy Nights" in and it should work

PostRegion code hack posted by DVDBURNBUFF, May 16 2004:

I am on my second unit, the first malfunctioned after updating the bios and firmware. The hack for the region code mentioned above worked very well(play 00000..etc). I have copied VHS and DVD (store bought videos) with no problems. When I get the error (copyprotection) I switch to video 2 I have a vcr connected no tape in it, I set the vcr to input 1 or 2, get the blue screen (generated by the vcr) press record, press pause, then change to input 1 (the input where my DVD player is set to, start the movie, press pause again, and bingo!! no macrovision. I have a macrovision box (I used vhs to vhs), I have found I do not need to use it with this machine. I have an RCA DVD player model DRC212N that I use, no mods done to either machine.
Good luck.

PostRegion code hack posted by Gustavo Bastos, April 29 2005:

I bought my DVR 1500 one week ago at TARGET. Firmware dated December 2004.

The hacks mentioned above didn't work.

Actually with the tray closed and no disc inside, any button I pressed, shows the symbol of wrong function in the screen.

When I put a region 4 disc, it says "unsuported region"

Anyone knows a new hack for this new firmware?

PostRegion code hack posted by ghoulgirl215, May 02 2005:

This is what worked on mine and I just got it from HSN today.
Hack details:
Power up, no disk in.
Press MENU (status reads invalid key icon)
Press 1 (status reads invalid key icon)
Press 9 Menu is displayed.
Scroll down to Region ALL
Press EJECT to clear the special menu
Or Press Menu again
This has to be done every time your Player/Recorder is unplugged.

PostOther hack posted by Pheonix, January 15 2006:

I own a cyberhome 1500. I hope this works on all 1500's. I was able to get roughly 10.5 hrs on a dvd+r disc. All I did was hit record on the remote and let it start recording and then hit record again 9 more times. You will see it will record in 30, 60, 90 min it like 9 times or so and make sure not to leave it on any interval....It worked for me and I hope it works for you....Enjoy!

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