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CyberHome CH-DVR 1200

3 user region code comments

December 31, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by geospart, November 25 2005:

This hack works,

To change setting from region 2 to the region of your choice:
1. Power on the player
2. With the remote control press set up.
3. With the remote control press the following sequence of
numbers: 1, 6, 9, 5, 1, 8.
4. A hidden menu will appear.
5. Choose your required region from 0-9
6. Region 0 sets the player to multiregional.
7. Exit the menu and power off and then power on. The player
will now be set to the region of your choice.

PostRegion code hack posted by Andyman, December 15 2005:

The hack posted by geospart also works on us region 1 versions of the cyberhome 1200.Just input on the remote as listed on geosparts hack,works perfectly.This little player is actually better than the for the macrovision problem you will have to put a sima ct-1,or ct-2 video enhancer in line this will take out all macrovision problems.

PostRegion code hack posted by ANDYMAN, December 31 2005:

The above hack does work but now the only disc media the recorder will format is SONY and everything else it just either sits there and you have to unplug the unit,or it just says no disc.I stand corrected and if you can find it the cyberhome dvr 1500 is the better unit.

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