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Cyberhome CH-DVD 400

9 user region code comments

December 13, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Craig Roberts, May 21 2003:


Ensure Power for TV and DVD are both on
With batteries in remote control and remote pointed at DVD....
Press 'open': DVD tray will open
Press 'set up' on remote control: 'Main Page' menu will appear
Press 1,3,6,9 on remote control. Nothing new will happen yet
Press Left arrow 3 times: Nothing new will happen yet
Press Right arrow key once: A new option of 'Version' will appear on the menu
Use the remote to move down to the 'Version' section, and press 'enter'
A new section 'Region Code' will appear, with a number '2' next to it
Use the Right arrow key to move on to the number 2.
Use the up and down arrow key to select the region you require.
The number '2' will change to your new region choice. (eg ‘0’ for all regions)
Press the left arrow key to move back on to the 'Region code' section.
Press the down arrow key to 'Main Page' and press 'enter'
You will arrive back at the 'Main page' section
Select 'Exit set up'
Your new region will be set.

PostRegion code hack posted by AndyT, May 21 2003:

1.) open cd tray
2.) press the following keys to change the region code:
followed by pressing 'left' 3 times and 'right' 1 time
3.) choose the new menu point 'version'
4.) change the 'region code' to 0

PostRegion code hack posted by Neil, December 26 2003:

An hour later and someone has discovered the hack
for the new fireware revision CH-400 DVD players:

In short:

If your firmware version is:
B40016C with the DVD player manufacture date: November 2003
or later!

This is how you apply the hack:

1. Power up DVD player and OPEN the DVD tray.
2. Press SETUP button.
3. Go to the GENERAL SETUP Menu
4. Using the DOWN ARROW, Select VERSION menu and press RIGHT arrow to highlight and select.
5. Type 1, 3, 6, 9 and then the region code will appear.

All straight forward from there!

The real credit came from the poster who figured it out:

PostRegion code hack posted by Ross, December 26 2003:

This Hack is tried And tested and works.
turn dvd player on with ur remote.
press eject or open.
press setup
type 1, 3, 6, 9, left, left, left, right.

you should get a new menu saying version like the rest of these hacks up on here. HOWEVER if u dont turn the machine off and start again but do it slowly and precise i was less than a foot away with my remote near the sensor to get it to work.

go into version and change to you desired region. (0 = all regions) Merry Xmas

PostRegion code hack posted by editor1593, June 01 2004:

My CH-400 recently died on me and Cyberhome were very kind to replace it free of charge because it was still under warranty. However the new player has a different user interface on the setup menu.
Changing the region is now similar but with less button pushes.
1) As before open the tray, and enter the set-up menu on the player.
2) Go across to the general setup menu.
3) There you will see an option called version.
4) go to that option and highlight the version number.
5) now press, 1, 3, 6, 9.
6) A region code menu should appear.
7) Use the up and down keys to select the region you want.

PostRegion code hack posted by e404pnf, December 05 2004:

There has been a (relatively) recent upgrade to the BIOS & OSD Menu for these players (BIOS B40016c).

The older hack will work still in some cases, but for UK users who buy from WHSmiths you'll probably need this. T

This has worked on two CH-400 players, and may be worht a try on the CH-402, & CH-405.

This is an adaptation of the CH-412 hack posted by Norbert Kunka. Thanx fella!

1. Turn on TV & DVD player
2. Press the SETUP button
3. Press the RIGHT ARROW button 4x to bring you to the "General Setup" page
4. Press ENTER
5. Press DOWN ARROW 5x to highligh "Version"
6. Press ENTER
7. Type the code 1, 3, 6, 9 (you will now see the preset region code)
8. Us the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to change the region (0 for all)
9. Press ENTER twice and exit setup

Best of luck

PostRegion code hack posted by Bertie1969, January 22 2005:

Recently purchase player from WHSmith.. tried e404pnf's hack for some reason wouldn't work. Couldn't change version details.

A hack that did work was:
1)Press 'menu'
2)Press '1'
3)Press '9'
4)Use up & down keys to select region '0'
5)Press 'enter'

So far tried region 1 & 4 .. No problems

PostRegion code hack posted by Patrick_A, June 20 2005:

After having read the region hacks, I can verify that the region code hack has been changed for the later firmware versions. Mine starts with 400ME and ends with 041021T.
The region hacks is as follows:
- Turn on device, no disc inserted
- Press 'Menu', 1, 9
- The current region code appears
- Use 'Up' and 'Down' arrows to change this setting

PostRegion code hack posted by Paul Russell, December 13 2005:

How to convert your CyberHome DVD 400 player
into a Region Free DVD compatible machine
1. Power Up the unit with NO Disc in the tray.
2. Press the Menu button on your remote control
3. Press the 1 button on your remote control
4. Press the 9 button on your remote control
5. The currently selected region will be displayed on the screen
6. Using the UP/DOWN arrows on your remote control, change the region to 1 for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on, or 0 for multi-region playback
7. Press the ENTER button on your remote control

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