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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Coby DVD-514

6 user region code comments

March 22, 2010 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Adrian, March 16 2005:

with no disk in the player press:
Setup, Vol+, Vol-, Vol+, Vol-

in the right upper corner a current region code would appear. You could switch between 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 255 using Right and Left buttons. I beleive, 255 is for multy-region.

DVD-player keeps these new settings even after powering Off.

PostRegion code hack posted by Graham B, April 26 2005:

coby 514. power up. put disc in tray
press set up
then vol+ vol- vol+ vol-
code appears in top right 1
change altering left and right buttons
leave on 255 multi region (all discs)
press set up. play your discs

PostRegion code hack posted by Dylan Zara, November 28 2005:

power on, open disk tray (leave open, closed with no disk in might work too, didn't try), with remote press SETUP, them VOL+ VOL- VOL+ VOL-. On the top right side of the screen your region code will appear, use the left and right nav keys on the remote to switch between regions, and 255 (there is no 0) for all regions. Pretty awsome for a $40 DVD player from Albertsons!

PostRegion code hack posted by Computer Guy, October 14 2006:

If you buy DVD-514 from Office Depot (10/14/2006) and vol+/vol- hack doesn't work for you you might actually have

Coby DVD-514M (box says 514 but remote and pack of unit says 514M)

If so:

Turn unit on with remote
NO DVD in the tray (mine was closed, but opened might work)
Press TITLE then 1 then 9
Gray box will appear in the center of the screen with number 1 in the middle
Using up/down arrows change to desired region (0 for REGION FREE)

It remembers it after power off.

PostRegion code hack posted by squirrel123, August 30 2008:

1. Open the DVD tray
2. Press 'STOP' button on the remote control
3. Press '70'
4. Press 'MENU PBC'
5. Use the numeric keypad to select your region code number (0 – 6). 0 is all regions.
6. Press 'Enter'

Bought at Lucky store in Aruba

PostRegion code hack posted by donnyboy, March 22 2010:

For Coby 514 - Black.
Same as Coby 209 - Black

Power on
Open tray
Press 9735
Gray sreen appears
Change Region Code to "0"
Press OK and Exit Setup

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