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Classic DVD102

7 user region code comments

December 30, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Sakuma, August 11 2002:

To access Region changing is very simple.

Turn on the DVD player, if there is a DVD in the player, completely stop the DVD from playing (usually stop twice). Press the Setup button, then Volume +, Volume -, Volume +, Volume - After you do that, it will close the setup menu, and in the Top Right of the SCreen, it will say VER * Use the left and right buttons on the remote (by the select / play key) to select a region. VER 1 = Region 1, VER 2 = region 2
Also, you can select Version 255 which is region autoselect (though it may be code free, i don't know).
Then you press setup twice, and insert the disc. It should work like that.

PostRegion code hack posted by Jess, August 12 2002:

Make sure there's no DVD in the tray.
Press the following:

Volume +
Volume -
Volume +
Volume -

You should see VER x in the upper right hand corner (x is your region). Use right and left cursor keys to select the region you want, 1-6. 255 will read all regions.

Have fun!

PostRegion code hack posted by sweh, November 07 2002:

Ensure no CD in drive, or press STOP twice to stop anything playing.

On remote press SETUP and then NEXT PREV NEXT PREV

This will get to a VER menu top right. Region 255 is region free. Use left/right keys to change.

If, in this menu, you press the UP or DOWN button then the VER menu will change to 3001 or 4001. When it says 4001 press the right arrow and it changes to 4000. This _appears_ to disable macrovision. I tried a quick test recording and with it at 4001 then it failed to record, but when at 4000 then it recorded OK.

PostOther hack posted by mohan, March 31 2003:

VCD Hack for Classic DVD40S:

You can enable your DVD Player to work with VCD/SVCD's as well.

Swtich on DVD Player and make sure there is no DISC in side
Press Setup
Press Next(>>)
Press Prev(<<)
Press Next(>>)
Press Prev(<<)
Now you see the Version Info(1) on the TV Screen
Now you can move the Version Info by using UP and DOWN Keys and Move unitil you see 5001

Now Press Side Arrow(right one)till it will change to 5000

Now Press Setup Twice, it will be saved...Now you can play VCD's


PostRegion code hack posted by jtakeman, July 21 2003:

I have the firmware upgraded.
It is macro free-region 0 and CGSM/A disabled.
I have not figured out the CD flash yet.
But I can program your chip(if socketed in the player.)
for you. Or program a fresh chip if needed.

PostOther hack posted by Jay T., July 23 2003:

Region 0 Macro off and CGMS/A disabled(digital copy protection).
This is an update.
I have the firmware as a CD flash working.
email if you need a copy.

PostRegion code posted by jtakeman, December 30 2003:
The classic DVD102 Firmware can be found at this link.
Works best with an external programmer. But I have had some success with a CD flash.
Works with version 2.01 and 2.02 only
Good luck.
P.S. You will have to join the group to down load or to view. Too many emails for me to deal with. Your on your own.jtakeman

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