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What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.

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Bose Lifestyle 28

7 user region code comments

May 19, 2010 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by JoeB, November 27 2002:

Compliments Peter in the Netherlands!

"Use the standard remote controls to unlock as follows:

Enable Multi-Region, Bose Lifestyle 28: RH-UP-Shuffle-Stop_Mute

Enable Region Enhanced, Bose Lifestyle 28 and 35: Stop-Shuffle-Region
Code (ie: 1-4)-Enter

Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by JoeB, February 25 2003:

CONFIRMED this works! February 2003 but you need the latest firmware too.
Get the latest firmware and remote hack for changing region here:
Lifestyle 35/28 is also hacked using remote control.
The buttons are pressed one after the next. You never press
more than one button at a time. Press then release, then do the next...

To make region "0"
- Seek Forward Button (right arrow)
- Tune Up Button (up arrow)
- Shuffle Button
- Stop Button
- Mute Button

To enter specific regions ONLY use for region enhanced disks:

- Open the disk tray first to ensure it works
- Stop Button
- Shuffle Button
- Region number of the DVD discs sold in that region (i.e. for
region 4, press the number 4 button)
- Enter

PostRegion code hack posted by Unknown, October 22 2003:

first insert a region1 dvd into drive. when it has been inserted using the bose remote control press and hold the plat key for 30seconds or more then let go of the play button and then type in 999 on the control and it will set iy yo multiregion - to change back do the same again but use the code 000. I have tested this on models sold in the uk and works fine

PostRegion code hack posted by torben j, February 24 2005:

1. Initialize the Media Center:
To initialize the media center so its region code can be changed, place a DVD in the unit and select DVD.
After the system displays "Invalid Region Code", press the following buttons in the sequence below on the
media center's remote control.
• Right Navigation Arrow
• Up Navigation Arrow
• Shuffle Button
• Stop Button
• Mute Button
2. Set the Region Code:
With the Media Center on, open the DVD tray and insert a DVD disc. While the DVD tray is open, press the
following buttons in the sequence below on the media center’s remote control.
• Stop Button
• Shuffle Button
• Region number of the DVD disc you inserted in the tray (i.e. for region 4, press the number 4 button)
• Enter

PostRegion code hack posted by JoeB, November 26 2006:

Firmware and procedure to unlock here:

PostRegion code hack posted by bithead9, April 26 2008:

PostRegion code hack posted by Bauke Zwerver, May 19 2010:

I applied the hack below (arrow up...etc) to my 4 year old USA system but got no response. Then tried the 30sec play and 999 hack and voila, the DVD player is now region free... BUT the video signal is now B&W, no longer color.

Tried several things to repair this, no solution yet:
- play 30s then 000 to set back again, no response
- arrow up ... etc tray opens then closes again, set the region no response, no change in video output.

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