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Audiovox D1710

5 user region code comments

May 06, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by fulcrum, March 31 2004:

disc open. use remote press set up.set
up. top right hand corner there will be # comes up every
time u press ff the # will change the zones when u see # 255 this means all
zones it must work on a time limit because it took me 7 attempts i did not
see anything in the top corner but when i tried a disc it now plays any disc
from any region hope this helps good luck

PostRegion code hack posted by Knight2000, April 01 2004:

anaice one fulcrom it worked fine but mine saod Ver at the top it went to 255 flashed then i exited set up and hay presto all regeons

PostRegion code hack posted by fulcrum, April 01 2004:

I hope that all of you are happy with this hack. I got it from another user.
I'm happy, that I could help you!
Wish all of you a lot of fun with your, now, code free dvd-player from Audiovox.

PostRegion code hack posted by SAmuel, April 02 2004:

what about the D1730, anyone has the hack for that model?

PostRegion code hack posted by baracuda, May 06 2004:

Thanks fulgrum, your hack worked nicely..

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