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Apex AD-1225

2 user region code comments

April 11, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by terryarmstrong, March 08 2004:

I am not 100% sure if this works.
Eject the tray
push setup on remote
push > on remote (next to Enter button)
on video go to "video" and select auto

PostRegion code hack posted by Chapo, April 11 2004:

My recommendation is to go out and buy a Daewoo so all of you guys get rid of Apex region free issues. Here you go:
Go into the PREFERENCE SETUP menu and change the various options (i.e. AUDIO, SUBTITLE, etc.) to the settings that you desire. You won't be able to change these options once the disc starts playing.
The "force" method is as follows:
1. Open the disc tray
2. Place your DVD on the tray.
3. Close the disc tray.
4. While you see the words "LOADING" on the screen, try pushing ONE of the following buttons repeatedly, very quickly:
5. If the trick works, the DVD will start playing, with the word WRONG REGION in the upper left corner. If the button you pushed does not work, repeat the process trying one of the other buttons on the list.
To get rid of the WRONG REGION message, push the P/N button on the remote 3 times. (You will probably see the "Stop" symbol in the upper right corner after doing this - there's no known way to get rid of this symbol, but it's more bearable than WRONG REGION.)
Besides P/N, the only other buttons that will function while the DVD is playing are:
Arrow keys/ENTER (only when inside the setup menu)
In order to stop the DVD, you must push EJECT or turn off the Power.

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