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13 user region code comments

April 14, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Noam, November 26 2003:

This work fine for the new AMW S99 (40$ in circuit city)
1) turn on the dvd
2) open the tray
3) enter 8561
4) change the region code to 0
5) exit to main menu
posted by Noam

PostRegion code hack posted by Paul, November 29 2003:

It really works... great deal for $40.00 at CircuitCity!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by tomek, November 29 2003:

It doesn't work with my AMW V99. Where shuould I enter the 8561 code? On the default screen (just after turning the DVD on) or somewhere in the menu (setup)?

PostRegion code hack posted by paulkim, December 01 2003:

i believe 1st and 2nd post has the S99 from CircuitCity. the V99 from BestBuy (BF sale) is a different model, which doesn't accept the 8561 nor the 13698888 code..

anyone knows any region code for the V99?

PostRegion code hack posted by Frank, December 01 2003:

I tried the hack discribed above but it didn't work!!! Maybe is missing a step or a number in the code.

Does anybody else has a hack for this DVD?

PostRegion code hack posted by Craig from Area 450, December 04 2003:

The hack listed is indeed for the AMW S99, not the V99. A review of the S99 is here:

Unfortunately, I have no information on the V99.

PostRegion code hack posted by tom, December 07 2003:

I did the steps above. didnt work for my amw s99. whats different?
after entering 8561 all it says is invalid code.

PostRegion code hack posted by DrKnow, December 17 2003:

Finally found the region hack for the AMW-V99 that I bought on Black Friday at Best Buy. While some seem to confuse this unit with the AMW-S99, THIS IS INDEED THE AMW-V99 hack. Using your remote (DVD door can be open or closed), enter the numbers: 9735

Here is the link to the hack:

You will see the same menu as the one on the AMW-S99 as shown here:

I don't see anything for removing copy protection, but this is a start. I know there are lots of these players out there so the hacks should get around soon.

PostRegion code hack posted by TR, December 19 2003:

This seems to work for the AMW V99 ($19 in after Thanksgiving sale at Best Buy)

1) turn on the dvd
2) open the tray
3) enter 9735
4) change the region code to 0
5) exit to main menu

Best $19 I ever spent!

PostRegion code hack posted by Peter, January 10 2004:

Futher confirmation the 9735 hack DOES work. Also gives options to adjust rating (I assume to control the maximum rating of DVDs allowed) and a PASSWORD option, I'm not sure what this is for. I performed the hack with the tray both OPEN and CLOSED.

My gratitude to the discoverer!

PostOther hack posted by trickypuss, January 14 2004:

Dunno if anyone else has tried this, but I put a backup dvd created with DVDXCopy into my V99 after using the region-free hack mentioned above. It asked me to input my password (default is 8888) and then the movie begins playing off the dvd-r. Password is input with the remote, and there's no confirmation. Just banged out 8888 and pressed play. Previously it would just sit there when I put in the disk without asking for password or anything. Neato. So this explains one use for the password function.

PostRegion code hack posted by rod, March 06 2004:

Tem o codigo p/ liberar as regiões do dvd AMW-V99 pelo controle remoto? poderia me passar?

PostOther hack posted by BobyYoo, April 14 2004:

anyone know how to hack the macrovision??

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