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16 user region code comments

July 10, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Craig from Area 450, December 05 2003:

As originally posted by Noam (but under the heading V99) November 26 2003:
This work fine for the new AMW S99 (40$ in circuit city)
1) turn on the dvd
2) open the tray
3) enter 8561
4) change the region code to 0
5) exit to main menu
posted by Noam

I can verify that it does indeed work. Here is the secret menu the hack brings up:

Here is a link to my review of this player:

PostRegion code hack posted by etchy, December 08 2003:

the above mentioned one works. I got my player at C City on 12/8. Tested it with a region 2 DVD (first w/ and w/o hack).

It DOESN'T do macrovision though. :(

Anyone know of a macrovision turn-off?

PostRegion code hack posted by etchy, December 11 2003:

you have to do it with the TRAY OPEN. (sticking out). it doesn't work with the tray closed, even if there's no disc in the player.

you don't need to hit anything besides 8561, the secret menu pops up as soon as you finish the 4th digit. it will say 'invalid key' while you are typing though, ignore this.

(just turn it on, open the tray, leave it open, type that number and it'll pop up).

i'm actually having problems with mine, i'm going to try and exchange it tomorrow...

PostRegion code hack posted by michael, December 20 2003:

Mine was bought at Circuit City in Austin, TX, on 12/20/03.

Turn on machine.
Open tray.
Type 9-7-3-5 on remote keypad.
Region menu comes up.

Select region "0" for region-free play. Am currently watching a Region 2 disk on it. ;)

PostRegion code hack posted by Federico Berrino, December 20 2003:

1) turn on the dvd
2) open the tray. not really necessary. but the tray must be empty
3) enter 9735
4) change the region code to 0
5) exit to main menu
Tested on a circuit city dvd bought 20 dec 2003. don't know whether it works with macrovision

PostRegion code hack posted by Simone, December 22 2003:

I bought two AMW S99s from CirCity. Each had a different code. Try both the 8561 and the 9735 codes. I had to use a different one for each of the two DVD players. Each is now region free.
Summary on remote control:
Power on
eject (open tray)
8561 or 9735 (try each one)
"Region menu" select 0
eject (close tray)
power off

PostRegion code hack posted by Neil, December 27 2003:


Thanks Mike from Austin TX I used the below hack after using the 8561 code to no avail and it's worked.

I bought my DVD from Ciruit City in Manhattan, New York they had their Thanks Giving sale late November, early December.

Cheers again Mike now I can take this player back to London or New Zealand when I eventually head back to either place to live.

Below is the code that works on my machine.

Turn on machine.
Open tray.
Type 9-7-3-5 on remote keypad.
Region menu comes up.

Select region "0" for region-free play.

PostRegion code hack posted by Steven, December 29 2003:

Hi Guys!

I just purchased this DVD player from Circuit City, an dit was already region free from the box. No hack needed to be applied. Plays flawlessly pal region 5 DVD on my USA TV.

Take Care!

PostRegion code hack posted by manrique_mar, January 02 2004:

Happy New Year guys and gals!

I bought this player on January 1st at Circuit City in McAllen, TX.

I made my DVD region free using this steps:

Turn on machine.
Type 9-7-3-5 on remote keypad.
Region menu comes up.

Select region "0" for region-free play.

That´s it! I could never makeit work with the tray I tried it with the tray close and ... IT WORKED ON THE FIRST TRY!! :)

I guess this new Gen of DVD Players doesn't need to have the tray open.
I did NOT test if it broke Macrovision.

To bad it does not have S-video Output. :(

PostRegion code hack posted by Koushik, January 03 2004:

Hey guys,

Happy New year! I bought my AMW S99 on 01/02. I tried 9735 w/ tray out/in. It didn't work. Then I tried 8561 w/ trya open. Huh! There it is. Thank you all!

PostRegion code hack posted by Bin Gan, January 04 2004:

Manufacture date: Nov 2003
9735 worked with tray out on the first try.

PostRegion code hack posted by Bernie in Sarasota/Fl., March 16 2004:

Hi, this was my first hack. I hacked DVD-Player Amw S 99 to Region code 0 , March 16, 2004 . Thanks to the guy with the numbers 9735 . The other number did not work. I`m watching now DVD`s from Germany in Pal as well as the format +B, witch works as well.That was easy, again many thanks. Aware only the purchase at CCity. Good prices, ok. but make shure you know exactly what you want. Sales people
give non quality answers, do not listen to their crab, they have a.E. no idea about Pal support on a DVD player, ashame. Again : thanks for your trustfull support in you web pages. Bernie from Sarasota / Florida

PostRegion code hack posted by Rick, March 28 2004:

AMW S99 February 2004 Version 1.0
Remote Control hack does not work anymore.

PostRegion code hack posted by ToNy, April 02 2004:

I bought the S99 unit from Circuit City yesterday (4-1-04) and applied first tried all format discs I could think of: VCD, DVD, DVD-R, MPEG, MP3s, CDs, CD-Rs and had no problem with any of them. I next tried one of my PAL discs and it said "Wrong Region".

So, I tried the 9735 on the remote and it brought up the menu and I chose REGION 0. No problems, it plays all regions without a hitch.

My unit was Version 1.0, so the previous post is not necessarily true. I purchased it at Circuit City in Union Square Manhattan, NYC. I paid $39.99 (no rebate offered). BTW, there was also a Progressive Scan version for $49.99 for those that are interested.

Not sure if it plays CD-RW or DVD-RW, I'll have to check that.

I did check on the MACROVISION, however. It DOES NOT REMOVE the MACROVISION. So, if you want a cheap region-free player, this is your player! if you want Region-free and Macro-free, you'll have to look elswhere.


PostRegion code hack posted by Bernie Sarasota, April 16 2004:

Hei, a couple weeks ago, I hackt my AMW S 99 for region code 0 and for PAL . I meanwhile did the same om 3 others for friends of mine and it all worked well. Only be shure -I realy dòn`t know, why,use for the hack the remote control for the specific player. I tried only 1 for the 3, and it did not work. Each one only with it`s own. Bernie
out of Sarasota, Florida (

PostRegion code hack posted by Neil Street, July 10 2004:

Just to keep things current, I just bought one of these from CC in Birmingham, AL. I used the 9735 hack and it worked just fine. I am watching a Swedish film (Region 2) as I type this update and all is well.

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