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Alba DVD45

20 user region code comments

March 15, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Daryl Baines-Johnson, August 01 2003:

1.Turn on your DVD player
2.Open disc tray either using the EJECT button on the Player or the OPEN button on the remote
3.Press 2812
4.A menu should pop up, press ENTER until 9 appears
5.Your DVD player is now region-free (you can play any countries DVD's)

PostOther hack posted by bob croft, September 06 2003:

alba45 will play vcd1.1
I used vcdeasy to edit mpg1 file and saved as toc file
then burned image with nero 5.5 to a cdrw on data setting with finalise not set.
picture quality is not the best I have seen!
hope this will be of help.
Bob C

PostRegion code hack posted by albert mitchell, October 26 2003:

need code 2 unlock alba 45 as copies keep stoping

PostRegion code posted by Jason, November 17 2003:

any vcd hacks for ALBA45 dvd player??????????

PostRegion code hack posted by jed, December 13 2003:

I found the hack for the alba 45 also works on the alba dvd50blk bought from tesco for £39..99 the hack is as follow's open
then press :3
1 for region 1
then shut the draw hey presto it's multi region well at least it play's A NIGHTS TALE which is impressive as it is a RCE disc as well.
I have also found that if you use an R1 disc again it may not play it.
if this occur's turn it off then on again it seems to play them again with no problem's

PostRegion code hack posted by brown, December 22 2003:

the hack above for the ALBA 50blk does work but if u choose 0 instead of 1(region) then it can play all discs all the time. Just tested on Finding Nemo(r1) and pirates of the carribean (r2)

PostOther hack posted by stephen cahill, December 27 2003:

I have a an Alba dvd45 can you tell me if there is a hack to enable me to play vcd's or svcd's as my screen tells me that the disc entered is incorrect format

PostOther hack posted by Scousa2k3, December 28 2003:

i got a alba dvd45, some copies i put in do not play it comes up saying incorrect disc format i have tryed changing the regions but none seem to have affect is ther anything else i can do or try besides going out to get a new dvd player

PostRegion code hack posted by angelbabe, January 21 2004:

Cinetec DVD2200
To unlock:

1. switch on the DVD player and press the eject button.
2. using the remote control, press the "setup" button to display a setup menu.
3. press the right arrow key four times to highlight the preference page
4. enter "1379" on the remote control and this will display the current region setting
5. press the up and down arrow buttons on the remote to cycle through the regions, region 0 is the multi region and will play most titles.
6. press the "setup" button again to save this setting and it will return to the menu screen again.

hope this works for u..

PostRegion code hack posted by Martin Mc Neill, January 23 2004:

re -cinetec dvd 2200.

Thanks for the hack, it works.

PostOther hack posted by d haskew, February 14 2004:

alba45.anyone know how to get this player to play differentLLY formated dics.s ? such as those made using copy x express DH004A5521@BLUEYONDER.CO.UK

PostRegion code hack posted by washington chaipa, February 21 2004:

play dvd movies

PostOther hack posted by maureen, March 21 2004:

VCD on the Alba dvd45. The chipset will play vcd but some strange engineering prevents this on this particular model. You can fool the software. Play a standard mp3 music cd for a minute or so and then swop the cd for a vcd movie. Hey presto it plays.

PostRegion code hack posted by KL, March 26 2004:

anyone know the code for Alba DVD 59? It looks very similar to a Alba DVD 129.

PostOther hack posted by ASD, April 12 2004:

Does it Play DVD+R's?

PostOther hack posted by Jay Adkins, April 12 2004:

Hi Got A Cinetec DVD 2200 Player Anyone Know A Macrovision Hack For This Machine

PostOther hack posted by Ford Prefect, April 27 2004:

For Ian (09/12/03) re: Black and White picture.
Most often it's just that only one scart input into your TV will handle full RGB scart, the other is component video. Try switching the scart from the DVD to a different scart input on the TV - it's worked for me.

PostRegion code hack posted by julie, April 28 2004:

hi i have just bought an alba dvd45 from tesco 29.99, i am trying to find a hack to make it multi-regional, i tried the ones on there but they dont work, also i think its a newer model as the picture of the one they sell in argos is different to the one i have, any hacks??

PostRegion code hack posted by NUJ, May 02 2004:

Just bought DVD45 from Argos for £29.99. Plays region 1 and 2 straight out of the box. NO HACK REQUOIRED. What a bargain.

PostRegion code hack posted by andy, March 15 2005:

Alba DVD45 Hack

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