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Akai DVM-9500

3 user region code comments

March 04, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostOther hack posted by Jo, January 05 2004:

To activete VCD and SVCD options you should change
PROM settings.

1. turn on player

2. wait until it stops looking for cds.

3. press "pause" and "1","4","7","2" (screen with
PROM settings should appear)

4. select 4th number by up or down (on top of screen
you will see 4 7d or some thing like this on the
front panel will be the same)

In this number 8th bit is PAL/NTSC and 2nd VCD by
default is OFF(=0)

5. presses "7" and "program","5" on the screen will
see 7E

6. press "enter" (settings will flash briefly)

7. VCD settings done

To activate SVCD

8. select 7th number in PROM settings. You will see
some thing like 7 01

To activate SVCD you should change 5th bit.

9. press "1","1" you will see 7 11 on the screen

10. press "enter" screen will flash briefly

11. press "return"

12. turn player OFF

13. Settings are activated.

This may do region free also but I don't have any to try other than region 1

PostOther hack posted by ALEX DOY, February 20 2004:

vcd hack mentioned above
really works
also im able to use vcd with pbc(PLAYBACK CONTROLS)

PostOther hack posted by Carlos, March 04 2004:

Just to thanks the collaboration. Played VCD and SVCD as well.

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