You need Rad
Video Tools (freeware) to encode mov files made by
Quicktime 4.0 / 5.0!
Install Quicktime
and Rad
Video Tools.
Launch Rad
Video Tools
1. Select the Quick Time File you want to encode
2. Click on "Convert a file"
1. Select under "Output type..." the type
"Avi-File" and click on browse to
select the output dir/file
2. Hit Convert.
1. Now RAD Video Tools aks you for the compression format.
I prefer Pic Video MJPEG
Codec with quality 20 because it take not much webspace
and have good quality, but you can of course use another.
Now you have the AVI File and you can encode it to VCD
audio in the AVI File:
Some Quick
Time Movies have audio copy protection. A solution for it
to download the application Total
Recorder 3.0+. After starting this application you must
press the recording button and start your Quick Time Movie.
Total Recorder will only record the sound that come from the
Quick Time Movie. After recording, you have to save it as
wav and multiplex it for example with TMPGEnc.
This Guide is made by Michael