To convert from DV video you may need to install the Panasonic DV
To convert from DivX/XviD video you have to install a DivX/XviD
Codec, you may need both DivX 3.11 and the DivX 4 or 5.
To convert from QuickTime MOV videos you must download the QTReader.vfp
and copy it to the TMPGEnc folder.
To convert from MPEG2/SVCD/DVD videos you may need the MPEG2
Plugin or a MPEG2 Codec/Player.
To convert from DivX/XviD with AC3 Audio install the AC3
ACM Decompressor.
To convert from MKV install the matroska / MKV Codec.
To convert from OGM install the OGG Vorbis DirectShow filter/ OGM Codec.
If you receive any errors or have problem opening files in TMPGEnc be sure to
read the TMPGEnc Common Problems.
required: Latest
Install TMPGEnc by extracting all files in the
zip file to a folder.
start TMPGEnc and open the Wizard(under File->Project
Wizard if you have closed it).
Step 1 - Format
do we select what format to create.
SVCD or DVD and PAL or NTSC(NTSC Film). NTSC is the format
standard in USA and Japan and PAL in the rest of the world.
But many DVD Players and TVs support both NTSC and PAL standards
so you should be able to make both. If your DVD Player or
TV does not support one standard, then choose your countries
standard whatever the source video is (but it is always best
to convert to the same standard as the source video or else
you will get jerky playback, read more about NTSC
to PAL or PAL to NTSC here).
Select Super Video-CD -
NTSC if the video source is 29,97 frames/sec
NTSC Film if the video source is 23.976 frames/sec
PAL if the video source is 25 frames/sec (FPS).
(Use virtualdub to check
the source frames/sec, read here
how to.)
Step 2 - Select
source file
Here do we select the source video and audio.
Open the video by clicking on Browse. The audio will be opened
automatically(If you have a different audio source then choose
it manually).
Note 1! If
your source is DivX,XviD, ASF or SMR it is best to extract
the audio separate to a wav with Virtualdub
because TMPGEnc can not handle all audio sources that well(causes
sync problems). But if you are converting from captured material
such as DV,Huffyuv,MJPEG you can leave the audio same as the
Note 2! If you get an error when opening
the video read here.
Note 3! If your video source is 23,976 fps
then check so it says Film movie under Content of video,
if not then go one step back and select NTSC Film(Use
virtualdub to check the source fps, read here
how to).
Step 3 - Filter settings
Here we can add filters and
also select source range and clip the video.
First select Source range
Source range
If the movie is above 60 minutes as most are you must cut
Cut it in half by
1. Move the bar where the clip should start
2. and select start frame.
3. Move the bar where the clip should end
4. and select end frame.
Select first the first half and add some more seconds so you
will get some overlapping between the CDs. When encoding next
part select exact from half to the end.
(If the movies is over 3 hours cut in 3 parts and so on)
Select Other Settings
Click on Advanced
Change the Video arrange Method to Full screen (keep aspect
ratio) if you wan't the movie to look exact the same as
the video source.
If you have a widescreen movie and you want it to be fullscreen(no
borders) select instead No margin(keep aspect ratio)
and TMPGenc will cut it.
Step 4 - Bitrate setting
Here do we specify on what media we are going to store the
video on, on a 74 min CD you can almost store 740 MB SVCD
video on. Bigger file
means higher bitrate which means higher quality.
Select CD-R 74min or 80min depending on what media you are
going to burn on. 80min means of course a bit higher quality.
Select 99 % of disk capacity to be sure it fits. The average
video bitrate should not go below about 1600 kbit/s if you
want to have good SVCD quality but you could of course try
with lower and you will then fit more video / CD.
Step 5 - Encode
Last Hit OK to start the first encoding.
(While encoding you can check
if it looks okey, select File->Preview(it won't
effect the encoding) and if it looks wrong(widescreen or fullscreen)
you can stop the encoding and start over and change especially
the Other Settings->Advanced->Video arange method.)
Repeat everything to encode the other part(s).
you are ready to burn it to SVCD.
Read here.