Prodisc |
4.7GB |
ProdiscF01.. |
8x |
Plays on 23 DVD Players
Plays not on 3 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 29 comments (233153 views)
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Complete Media
Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 00 00 00 01 40 c1 fd 9e d8 52 00 02 88 0d 0c .....@....R.....
88 88 90 00 03 50 72 6f 64 69 73 00 04 63 46 30 .....Prodis..cF0
31 00 00 00 05 b8 83 00 30 00 01 00 06 09 0f 10 1.......0.......
Media color and text:
Silver (Blank) UPC/EAN Code:
No info
29 user comments
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Comments posted by bisco from Thailand, April 21, 2010:
shiny silver, no logo.
Additional information:
Purchased from: Date purchased: December -0001 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-212 at 8x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver . Media text is no logo. Media package type is Shrink Wrapped. Number of discs 100. Media made in Taiwan. |
Comments posted by Rosenrot from United Kingdom, April 20, 2010:
Glossy white top unbranded DVD-R for thermal printing sold under the Prodisc name. The wrapping around the stack of disks is generic and has no manufacturer name on it. These are described as grade-A disks by the importer. The disks repeatedly failed to play in a Sony dvd player, with very jerky playback.
By way of comparison, the same image file plays flawlessly in all tested dvd players when burned to both TYG03 media and CMC MAG AM3 media.
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Comments posted by SVP from United Kingdom, June 07, 2007:
Works well at 8x
Additional information:
Price: $40 Date purchased: December -0001 Burnt with LG GSA-H42L at 8x using firmware SL01. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is White printable. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Media made in Taiwan. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero, Adobe Encore, Adobe Premiere Pro2 |
Comments posted by foomonger from United Kingdom, May 19, 2007:
I've burned a couple of dozen discs so far and I'm very impressed. All my burned files have MD5 checksums, and so far, every disc has verified 100%. Pretty good. I generally fill the disks to maximum capacity, too. I don't have a console or stand-alone DVD player, so I can't comment on those, but for use on the PC, this is the most reliable disc I've ever used (since I started burning them around 5yrs ago). I also notice that, for some reason, these discs seem to mount quicker than my other DVDs. I'll be buying more.
Additional information:
Purchased from: svp [UK] £10.54 for 100 disc spindle Date purchased: April 2007 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-111D / DVR-710 at 8x using firmware 1.29. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is no text. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero, all burned in eight minutes or less (@ 8x). |
Comments posted by MrMoody from United States, January 31, 2006:
Inkjet printable. Garbage media has read errors starting at 85-95% on all drives and players. Might be usable if you stay under 4GB.
Additional information:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-109 / DVR-A09 / DVR-509 at 8x Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is White. Media text is blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. |
Comments posted by Glitz from United States, January 30, 2006:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Sams Club Burnt with Sony DRU-710A at 4x using firmware byx5. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is All white (no text). Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Shrink -- Making coasters about 5% of the time
Nero -- Making coasters 90% of the time |
Comments posted by Jim Adkins from United States, September 10, 2005:
Write time 8.3 min
Additional information:
Price: $0.3 Purchased from: Supermedia Store Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-108 / DVR-A08 at 8x using firmware 1.20. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Prodisc 8x dvd-r. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero. Works fine on Bravo D2 Works fine on OPPO DV-971H |
Comments posted by Gunner from Canada, April 17, 2005:
No comments
Additional information:
Burnt with LG GSA-4160B at 4x using firmware 304. Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Purple. Media text is Prodisk DVD-R x8. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. |
Comments posted by Trevor from United States, February 27, 2005:
Media is supposed to be 8x but my burner would only recognize it as 2x, plus after burning the disc it would freeze up on my DVD player. Works great on the computer though.
Additional information:
Purchased from: Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 2x using firmware FS0K. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Silver. Media text is Unbranded. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Does not work on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by camberiu from United States, February 02, 2005:
Great Media for the price.
Additional information:
Purchased from: Date purchased: January 2005 Burnt with Rosewill RD-162 at 8x using firmware A060G. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is NO TEXT. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Alcohol 120%, Nero. Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by yellowsugga from Canada, January 23, 2005:
These disc seem to burn fine, but they pixelate and skip at the end. The pixalating is not bad enought to make the disc freeze and crash the player, but they are definatly not that great. This is before I even printed on them. They also are not very good on PS2. Most don't boot or take along time doing so. If you look at the bottom of the disc, the outer edge seems to have imperfection. The dye appears to be smeared as opposed to be totally smooth as on other disc I have seen. These are the inkjet printables so I don't know about the regulat ones, but avoid these disc if you can.
Additional information:
Price: $30 Purchased from: Local Computer Store Date purchased: January 2005 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-107 / DVR-A07 at 2x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Poor. Console reliability is Poor. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is All white No text - Injet Printables. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Media made in Taiwan. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Decytor Works fine on Pioneer DVR-320 |
Comments posted by George from United States, January 17, 2005:
White Top, no text at all.
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Date purchased: January 2005 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-106 / DVR-A06 at 6x using firmware 1.08. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is none. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Used dvd decrypter to copy a dvd by making image, then burning the image. I put speed to max (should be 4x on this pioneer), It spent a good portion writing at in the 5x and 6x area, and topped out at 6.5x, or so DVD Decrypter reported while it was burning. Rockin'. Works fine on Panasonic DVD-A120 Works fine on Sony DVP-NS425P Works fine on Sony DVP-NS715P |
Comments posted by sushi from United States, January 15, 2005:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: supermedia Burnt with NEC ND-3520A at 12x using firmware 1.24beta2. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is Purple. Media text is prodisc 4.7 GB DVD-R 8x. Media package type is Shrink Wrapped. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: dvdshrink 3.2
nero 6.x |
Comments posted by john from United States, December 31, 2004:
Burned fine in NEC 2500 at 8x, but in LiteOn 1633 burns always failed at 8x, worked fine at 4x. LiteOn 851 recognized it as 2x media. Toshiba R5112 recognized and burned it at 4x using the .ru firmware.
Additional information:
Purchased from: supermediastore Date purchased: December 2004 Burnt with Lite-On SOHW-1633S at 8x Burning reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is 4254E242602418C20. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Works fine on Apex AD-1500 |
Comments posted by Seth from United States, December 22, 2004:
Good stuff. Kprobe/DVDInfo scans here.
Additional information:
Price: $30 Purchased from: Date purchased: December 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-3500A at 8x using firmware 2.18. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is Hub Printable - unbranded. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Media made in Taiwan. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Decrypter-->DVD2One-->IMGToolBurn-->DVDDecrypter [b]|[/b] DVD Decrypter-->DVDShrink-->DVDDecrypter |
Comments posted by hehehhehe from United States, December 15, 2004:
The media burns fine when burnt at 8x in my rebadged Pioneer A07 and will also pass the read tests. The disc will play fine but will fail error test in a picky DVD drive like the ND-2500A. No such problems at 4x, which is what I use for minimal error. It's good 4x media, but poor 8x media.
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: supermediastore Date purchased: September 2004 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-107 / DVR-A07 at 8x Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Burns fine and passes read test on same drive. Works fine on Apex AD-1200 Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by Alan from United States, December 15, 2004:
Terrible. Some write problems including some "coasters" as well as some that burned OK but fail media check. Problems reading in many stand-alone dvd players. Some did burn and playback OK. Burned at 8x, doing remaing ones at slower speeds to see if that helps.
Additional information:
Price: $0.5 Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-2510A at 8x using firmware 2.16. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is Prodisc 8x DVD-R white inkjet hub printable. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Pinnacle Instant Copy, Nero 6, Fantom CD |
Comments posted by ZX6Warrior from United States, December 13, 2004:
No problems with any discs after 11 burns at 4x; All my burner can handle. Especially good for my Epson R300. No smears. Have made several for family and friends with no problems on their home DVD players. Unfortunely I do not have their brand of players.
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: BestBuy Date purchased: November 2004 Burnt with Sony DRU-510A at 4x using firmware 1.1a. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is None. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25. Media made in Taiwan. Authoring/Burning comments: Authored and burned with the following: Nero, DVDlab-Pro 1.0 Build 041014, and DVD Shrink 3.1.4 Works fine on Panasonic DVD-RV32 |
Comments posted by Mick from United Kingdom, December 11, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $0.3 Purchased from: Dabs Date purchased: November 2004 Burnt with Samsung TS-H552U at 2x using firmware TS01. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is Orange. Media text is Bulkpaq. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero 6.6 Does not work on Cyberhome AD-L 528 |
Comments posted by Eddie from United States, November 15, 2004:
Inkjet printer media
Additional information:
Price: $30 Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with I/O Magic Internal 16X DVD±RW/±R (IDVD16DD) at 12x Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is None. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Decrypter approx. 6 to 7 minutes burn time. Works fine on Apex AD-1110W |
Comments posted by hehehhehe from United States, November 07, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Supermediastore Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 8x using firmware 2.F7. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Burnt without error but speed is actually 6x since it takes 11 to 12 minutes to burn a disc. The firmware also locks up my drive sometimes with this media. People in other forums seem to say they don't get above 6x with this media. So much for Prodisc, the S03 was impeccable but the new 8x media is potluck, as you don't know what you'll get (MMC, ProdiscF01 or Prodisc S04). I'll stick to Ritek from now on unless Prodisc improves. Works fine on Apex AD-1200 Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by Rob from United States, November 04, 2004:
Burned a few at 8x on my Pioneer A07. Playback on two different standalones was great. No problems.
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-107 / DVR-A07 at 8x using firmware 1.18. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is none. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: DVDDCRYPTOR Works fine on Onkyo DV-CP500 |
Comments posted by Rob from United States, November 03, 2004:
Just received my prodisc 8x dvd-r inkjet printable's. I burned one last night on my Pioneer A07XLA using DVDSHRINK and DVDECRPYTER. Disc only burned at 4x. Not sure why yet. I'll check into it. But I played it back on my very picky Onkyo CPD 500, and it played back just like the original movie. Ran it through my Epson R300 to print on the actual media, and after letting it dry for 24hrs, it doesn't smear or smudge. I'll try a burn at 8x later and post the results.
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-107 / DVR-A07 at 4x using firmware 1.20. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is nothing. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: DVDSHRINK and DVDECRYPTOR Works fine on Onkyo DV-CP500 |
Comments posted by hehehhehe from United States, October 22, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 8x using firmware Herrie 1.07b4. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is None. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Used IMGtool Burn at 8x. Nero cd-dvd speed shows errors but plays back fine. At 4x, Nero cd-dvd speed shows no errors. Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by espaeth from United States, October 11, 2004:
Perfect 8x burns with LG-4120B w/ A111 firmware.
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with LG GSA-4120B at 8x using firmware A111. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Authored with DVD Author (Opensource, not TMPGENC), burned with Nero Works fine on Panasonic DMR-E55 Works fine on Philips DVD727 |
Comments posted by al from United States, September 23, 2004:
coaster @ 8x burn speed
great @ 4x burn speed
Additional information:
Price: $0.8 Purchased from: Date purchased: September 2004 Burnt with LG GSA-4120B at 4x using firmware a110. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Media made in Taiwan. Media UPC/EAN code is dvd01x0180. Authoring/Burning comments: Captured TIVO pgm with WinXP's MovieMaker
Burned with PowerProducer2 Works fine on Sylvania DVC850C Works fine on Toshiba SD3950 |
Comments posted by Wolfgang A. Mozart from United States, September 07, 2004:
Media burns solid on my DVR-107 running firmware 1.18 hacked. Multiple 8x burns smooth, and playback is flawless.
Additional information:
Price: $50 Purchased from: Date purchased: September 2004 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-107 / DVR-A07 at 8x using firmware 1.18. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media inkjet printable reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: Latest Nero version. Works fine on Panasonic SC-HT900 |
Comments posted by Dr Saggitarius from Canada, August 23, 2004:
After having lots of trouble with other cheap media, I talked a local retailer to let me try some of these discs before I would get the whole 50 pack. Play flawlessly in my player. Other discs would artifact after 10 mins of playback, but OK on the PC.
Additional information:
Price: $1 Purchased from: local retailer Date purchased: August 2004 Burnt with LG GSA-4120B at 4x using firmware a102. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is none. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: DVDShrink Works fine on JVC XV-S300BK |
Comments posted by Dale from United States, August 10, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: July 2004 Burnt with OptoRite DD0405 at 8x using firmware 160E. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Console reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is (Blank). Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: DVDShrink 3.2
Nero 6.3
MCC!! Top notch and cheap! THe price went down just after my order shipped :( great media though, tested flawless with surface scan and data transfer using nero CD-DVD speed tool. Tested on my PS2 worked great
Note for optorite DD0405 users you must be using at least 160E to burn at 8x Works fine on JVC XV-S502SL Works fine on Samsung DVD-M101 |
29 user comments,
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