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Sony BDP-S360

12 user region code comments

August 18, 2018 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by AVAddict, September 01 2009:

Region free BDP-S360 (same as 350 hack posted by mao141 - thanks) for DVD playback only, BD untested. UK unit only tested.

Full procedure for a oneforall remote is as follows:

1. Press DVD
2. Hold the magic button until the DVD button flashes twice.
3. Press 0533

4. Hold the magic button until it flashes twice.
5. Press 994
6. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
7. Press 00189 (if your oneforall remote uses 4 digit or 3 digit codes, use less leading zeros)
8. Press 1 ( this sets it to key 1 - it flashes twice )

9. Hold the magic button until it flashes twice.
10. Press 994
11. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
12. Press 00255
13. Press 2 ( this sets it to key 2 - it flashes twice )

14. Hold the magic button until it flashes twice.
15. Press 994
16. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
17. Press 00095
18. Press 3 ( this sets it to key 3 - it flashes twice )

19. Hold the magic button until it flashes twice.
20. Press 994
21. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
22. Press 00221
23. Press 4 ( this sets it to key 4 - it flashes twice )

24. Hold the magic button until it flashes twice.
25. Press 994
26. Press Magic Key (don't hold)
27. Press 00079
28. Press 5 ( this sets it to key 5 - it flashes twice )

The remote is now programmed and ready to use, to make the BDP-S360 region free:

1. Use the remote that came with the player to bring the player out of standby, make sure there isn't a disc in it.
2. Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on the oneforall remote. The 24p light will start flashing. (Centre light)
3. Put the player back into standby with the Sony remote.
4. Hard reboot machine (remove power)to prevent the 24p light flashing indefinitely.
5. Next time you turn on the player it will be region free for DVD playback.

This worked for me, but obviously I accept no liability for anyone who tries it on their machine.

PostRegion code posted by rackaouy, January 01 2010:

The hack worked fine with a 4 digits OneForAll. I am now region free for DVD but it did not change anything for the Blue Ray (zone B unchanged). I need to read zone A BD (and only these ones if there is no othe choice). Any suggestion?

PostRegion code hack posted by Tirppa, January 08 2010:

Tried this hack with One-For-All Kameleon 8 on a European (Finnish) S360. Worked perfectly.

PostRegion code hack posted by rackaouy, January 09 2010:

It works for DVD but have you tested a Region A (USA) Blue Ray ?

PostRegion code hack posted by ab mantel, January 12 2010:

Procedure for the ONforALL Kameleon 6

Setting the machine
Press the “Magic Key” for 3 seconds until the rabbit appears
Pres “DEV SET””
Press DVD
Press 0533
Press OK
Pres “ESC” twice

Press the “Magic Key” for 3 seconds until the rabbit appears
Pres “Key Magic” this is not the “Magic Key”
Press DVD
Pres the Magic Key shortly
Press 00189
Press 1 ( this sets it to key 1 - it flashes twice )

Pres “Key Magic” this is not the “Magic Key”
Press DVD
Pres the Magic Key shortly
Press 00255
Press 2 ( this sets it to key 2 - it flashes twice )

Pres “Key Magic” this is not the “Magic Key”
Press DVD
Pres the Magic Key shortly
Press 00095
Press 3 ( this sets it to key 3 - it flashes twice )

Pres “Key Magic” this is not the “Magic Key”
Press DVD
Pres the Magic Key shortly
Press 00221
Press 4 ( this sets it to key 4 - it flashes twice )

Pres “Key Magic” this is not the “Magic Key”
Press DVD
Pres the Magic Key shortly
Press 00079
Press 5 ( this sets it to key 5 - it flashes twice )
Press OK
Pres “Esc” twice to return normal mode

The remote is now programmed and ready to use, to make the BDP-S360 region free:

1. Use the remote that came with the player to bring the player out of standby, make sure there isn't a disc in it.
2. Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on the oneforall remote. The 24p light will start flashing. (Centre light)
3. Put the player back into standby with the Sony remote.
4. Hard reboot machine (remove power)to prevent the 24p light flashing indefinitely.
5. Next time you turn on the player it will be region free for DVD playback.

PostRegion code hack posted by jthalliday89, January 31 2010:

Can you tell me model number of remote control used for hack and hack code? I have oneforall 7940 but doesnt want to know it? Thanks.

PostRegion code hack posted by nlopedebarrios, March 10 2010:

This one worked on a BDP-S360 bought in the USA:

1) Make sure there is no disc in tray
2) Press the "HOME" key on the Sony BDP remote control
3) Press number keys "1389310"
4) Power off.

Now try a non-region 1 dvd.

PostRegion code hack posted by dul3728, March 16 2010:

Region code hack posted by nlopedebarrios, March 10 2010:
This one worked on a BDP-S360 bought in the USA:

1) Make sure there is no disc in tray
2) Press the "HOME" key on the Sony BDP remote control
3) Press number keys "1389310"
4) Power off.

Now try a non-region 1 dvd.


I have tried the above method on my Sony BDP-S360 (USA) and it does not work.

Any other method to hack the region codes other than using all-in-one remote ???

PostRegion code posted by sinnott, May 25 2010:

I too tried the hack nlopedebarrios left two posts above and it didn't work. :(

PostRegion code hack posted by jasmac62, January 31 2013:

Will the above procedure work with URC-7740 4in1 remote??


PostRegion code hack posted by BJ Fink, November 06 2017:

Region hack for Sony BDP-S360

PostRegion code hack posted by akasaka, August 18 2018:

This is a way for those who don't have a programmable remote, but have a Windows Mobile PDA on hand.

Install a program called "NoviiRemote Deluxe" on your PDA.

Download this file —

Place the file into the "Codebases" folder within the NR Deluxe install directory (which is usually \Program Files\NoviiMedia\NR

Remove the disc from the player tray.
Start NR Deluxe and select the SonyBDP Exploit codebase.
Point the IR window of your PDA at your player and push the one and only "OELUTZ" button on the screen.
Do not point the PDA away until the red IR icon in the top right corner has turned gray.
The player should be unlocked now.

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