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Samsung DVD-V6700

13 user region code comments

September 19, 2017 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Tiger1, May 24 2007:

Hi I live in Australia and added this model.

acknowledging: Region code hack posted by ZoidsGodzilla, November 22 2006: for the Samsung DVD-V5600

1. Press the DVD button on your remote (the Samsung logo appears)
2. Press the SUBTITLE button on your remote
3. With your remote enter the code: 76884
4. The current region is displayed on the top left corner of the screen. (e.g. 4)
5. Press 9 on your remote (Region free)
6. Again press the SUBTITLE button on your remote
7. Enjoy the Region free player

If your player is NOT Region 4 by default then you will need to Substitute the Numbers in Step 3 with the ones Below.

Region codes:
RC 1: 2, 9, 3, 3, 4
RC 2: 3, 8, 7, 6, 7 (or 5, 7, 5, 3, 8 )
RC 3: 5, 6, 7, 3, 2
RC 4: 7, 6, 8, 8, 4
RC 5: 5, 3, 8, 1, 4
RC 6: 2, 4, 4, 6, 2

For Example if your Player was Purchased in the usa ( Which is Region 1) then Step 3 would read :-

3. With your remote enter the code: 129334

Have Fun :0)

PostRegion code hack posted by Jim Woods, June 17 2007:

I've tried the above hack and it does not work for the DVD-V6700. I can't seem to find an alternative.

PostRegion code hack posted by lighttherapy, June 20 2007:

Tested working on a region 2 Samsung DVDV6700.

1) Turn on

2) on the remote press subtitle button

3) on the remote press enter , 5 , 7 , 5 , 3 , 8 .

4) region 2 will appear in the left corner, press 9 to make region free,
press the subtitle button

5) open and close tray twice

6) power down then back up

& your machine is multi region

PostRegion code hack posted by Jim Woods, June 21 2007:

I am in region 1. When I try the above, it does not work. No region 1 appears after entering the code. The remote does not have a tray open/close button. My Region 4 DVDs (from when I lived in Oz) still do not work. Im an in desparate need for another solution.

PostRegion code hack posted by dude, June 25 2007:

Tested working on a region 4 Samsung DVD-V6700.

1) Turn on

2) on the remote press subtitle button

3) on the remote press enter 76884

4) region 2 will appear in the top left corner of TV, press 9 to make region free, press the subtitle button

5) open and close tray twice

6) power down then back up

& your machine is multi region

PostRegion code posted by David, August 04 2007:

Tested all the codes with Australian region 4 player, and they do not work. Don't go out and buy the player thinking the codes listed here will work

PostRegion code hack posted by r1chee, August 10 2007:

The hack posted by dude in June worked on my Asutralia (region 4) DVD player. To make it work make sure you don't have a DVD in the player at the time !!! otherwise you get the red circle with the line through it everytime you press the remote. Am very happy with my player now - thanks to everyone who posted on this forum !!

PostRegion code hack posted by Trozza, August 17 2007:

Turn on machine with no disc inserted.
Press subtitle button on remote then 7 6 8 8 4
Current code will appear in the top left corner.
press 0 then subtitle again.
turn the machine off then on.
It is now reigon free.

PostRegion code hack posted by MaxRobinson, October 24 2007:

I live in Region 2.
I followed the instructions and now it's Region Free but...

But it playbacks Region 1 discs in BLACK AND WHITE !

I don't think that is caused by my TV monitor because another Region 2 DVD player is linked to the same TV and
it playbacks those Region 1 discs (strangely !) which are not declared NTSC discs, perfectly in COLOUR.
This second one cannot playback discs which are Region 1 NTSC.

Any help ?

PostRegion code hack posted by Will G, December 18 2007:

Can anyone confirm this hack for Region 1 players?

I tried the region 1 code and the red circle with the line through it appeared in the upper right corner of the screen throughout the code input.

PostRegion code hack posted by peterhadgraft, December 30 2007:

Hack for region 4 using the remote works fine. However the region code did not display at any time.

PostRegion code hack posted by screwdriver, May 13 2008:

Region hack for Samsung DVD-V6700S (Region 2)

I tried the first two hacks in the thread first without success, though I saw the region code in the corner when I tried the first one. What finally did it for me was:

1) Power On
2) Subtitle
3) 5 7 5 3 8
("2" appears in top left)
4) 0 (for region-free)
5) Subtitle
6) Turn off

All done.

PostRegion code hack posted by alpreston, September 19 2017:

I couldn't get any of the listed hacks to work. I'm in Canada (region 1). Now the machine won't play any DVD at all. (I've tried region 1, 2 and "all")

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