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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Samsung BD-P3600

19 user region code comments

June 08, 2010 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by greedoe, June 11 2009:

To convert this player to Multi-Region playback

1. Press the Repeat button on your remote control NB: Do not confuse this with the Repeat A-B button.

2. Press the buttons 5, 7, 5, 3 and 8 on your remote control, in order one at a time.

3. The numbers 02 will be displayed on the top left of your onscreen display.

4. Press the 1 button on your remote control for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on, or 9 for multi-region playback NB: The above step may be time sensitive and need to be performed quickly.

5. Press the Open button on your remote control NB: The above step may be time sensitive and need to be performed quickly.

6. After 15 seconds have elapsed, power off your player and then power on your player.

To convert this player to Multi-Region playback if the above does not work.

1. Press the Repeat button on your remote control NB: Do not confuse this with the Repeat A-B button.

2. Press the buttons 3, 8, 7, 6 and 7 on your remote control, in order one at a time.

3. The numbers 02 will be displayed on the top left of your onscreen display.

4. Press the 1 button on your remote control for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on, or 9 for multi-region playback NB: The above step may be time sensitive and need to be performed quickly.

5. Press the Open button on your remote control NB: The above step may be time sensitive and need to be performed quickly.

6. After 15 seconds have elapsed, power off your player and then power on your player.

PostRegion code hack posted by Walka, August 07 2009:

My BD-P3600 is US model and the listed hack doesn't work. The REPEAT button seems to be deactivated when there is no disk in the machine (the red "do not enter" symbol appears on the screen when Repeat is pressed this way). We've just moved back from the UK and have lots of Region 2 DVDs we want to watch here. If anyone knows how to hack the US machines, please let me know!

PostRegion code hack posted by gigshaft, August 08 2009:

Word on the street is the current hack posted is NO LONGER VALID, as it was made obsolete by the latest firmware update.

There currently appears to be NO REGION HACK available for the Samsung BD-P3600.

(Though please, somebody prove me wrong.)

PostRegion code hack posted by Rossbills, September 26 2009:

From Gifford72, BD1500 hack. This worked on my BD-P3600, after a couple
of tries. Ignore the illegal command symbol with the repeat key. Timing
rather than speed is important My BD-P3600 has had all the latest firmware

1. Turn onm player, no disc in tray.
2. Wait btill at Samsung logo screen
3. Open, then close the tray, wait nor no disc message top left of screen
4. Press repeat key on remote (ignore illegal command symbol) then enter
region code (see below)
5. If it works your current region code will appear top left of screen
6. Press '9' for region free
7. Open and then close the DVD tray again
8. Power down unit
9. When powered on should be region free.

I needed a second attempt before it worked, so don;t panic.
(I'm just settling down to watch some Region 1 discs on my formerly Region 4

Region Codes:
R1: 29334
R2: 57538
R3: 56732
R4: 76884
R5: 53814
R6: 24462

Thanks to Gifford72, not me for this one.

PostRegion code hack posted by jackbalance, September 27 2009:

Doesn't work on my BD-P3600. It has firmware 2.02 (latest in Europe). Have tried this at least thirty times. No success. Worked fine with firmware 1.02 but that's nowhere to be found.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rossbills, September 29 2009:

Checked Firmware: Mine is running BEv2.02_090827A_XSA
Loader: Ldv1.05_090720
Region B/4 (BD/DVD)

Pretty sure thats the same as the latest European firmware update you

Make sure you use the right region code for your region. The ones I got from
Gifford72's posts could be incorrect, except for the R4 code. That's the only
one I used, obviously. (It was the same as my Samsung 1080P model's codes
by the way, so probably all the later models are the same.)

Check some of the other later Samsung model posts for the code numbers
provided there?

Also, don't be afraid to repeat the process. It's about timing. It took me two

PostRegion code posted by jackbalance, September 29 2009:

Yes but it's region 4. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has warned that DVD players that enforce region coding may violate their Trade Practices Act.[7][8][9] Under New Zealand copyright law DVD region codes and the mechanisms in DVD players to enforce them have no legal protection.[10] And that's region 4. So a backdoor has been purposedly left open in the firmware for that region. Not for region 2. Trust me, I tried this thirty times or more. And when I bought the unit, the same hack worked. My mistake was updating the firmware.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rossbills, October 04 2009:

Bovver. Well, all I can offer is sympathy then. I should note I don't know if the
hack makes R4 players Blu-ray Region Free, as I haven't tried that. There is a
new firmware upgrade out now I noted today.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rossbills, October 05 2009:

Warning: BDP3600 Hack doesn't work with Firmware upgrade to BEv2.04

The upgrade cancelled access to R1 discs previously obtained. Oh, well, off to
the ACCC.

If running R4 BEv2.02 firmware don't upgrade firmware. Also ruined access to
youtube, laboriously set up.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rossbills, October 06 2009:

Alright, it made a liar of me. After I posted I had one more go and it worked.

I think I hit the repeat key after the disc tray closed and just as the No Disc
message came up, then entered code. It could be that time critical. Wish I had a
datalogger that would record the events.

But still no youtube

PostRegion code hack posted by brummer, February 02 2010:

I have this player too. I am in dvd-region 2. The remote hack does not work, I get the stop sign pressing repeat. One should read the p1600 thread:
The method is that the singapore (region 3 and pal) and the brazil (ntsc) firmware allow the remote hack. Choose the right one from what you have, PAL or NTSC. That is very important (or black screen). One have to edit the firmware from one of these with a hex editor to match ones region. Edit only the first occurring XXX in the file, - save it (with the original name) and apply. Then flash once more with the unmodified firmware from singapore/brazil. Then apply the remote hack with the right code (singapore is region 3) and select 9 for region free. Read carefully the thread.

PostRegion code hack posted by bondolad, February 02 2010:

i am currently on version 2.05 (just updated) and how the
Region code hack posted by Rossbills is explained worked for

As mentioned later in the post by Rossbills, the timing of
this hack is everything. After the 5th go i got it, a

PostRegion code hack posted by winman42, February 07 2010:

Having no luck getting this to work on my Region 1 unit. My unit has version 2.05 firmware. When the codes dont work, must you turn the unit off, and start the process over from the beginning?



PostRegion code hack posted by bondolad, February 08 2010:

@ winman42 -
Yes you must turn player off and start over again if this does not
work each time. I have done this on my region 4 player.

The timing I had to get accurate was at the stage when the tray
closes to when you have to press the repeat key. After the tray
closes a bar comes up on the screen and moves to the right (similar
to knight rider light!!) then no disc shows in top left corner. I
found i had to press the repeat key 1 second after no disc comes up
and not before. I think people might be pressing the repeat key to
soon at this point. If you wait to long after no disc shows on screen
it will not work.

The next step is to enter your current region setting, for you this
is region 1 code 29334. After you have pressed the repeat key as
mentioned above, immediately enter your region code and follow the
rest of the instructions as mentioned by Rossbills.

I just tried a second attempt at this hack, it worked for me on the
3rd go. So it definitely works on default players that are set to
region 4

PostRegion code hack posted by JGreen, February 13 2010:

I have S/W version 2.06_100201A_XAC and the previous hacks do
not work

PostRegion code hack posted by mtmateus, March 15 2010:

The previous hack does not work with region 1. (_XAA)
Probably, only works for region 4 ...

PostRegion code hack posted by winman42, March 21 2010:

Can anyone confirm they have gotten a REGION 1 unit to convert to ALL REGION with this hack. I'm still not having any luck with my Region 1 machine.



PostRegion code hack posted by gbnaboa, April 20 2010:

It works in my BD-P3600 Brazil (region 4) with latest firmware. Just a variant of the hack already posted.

1. Turn on player, no disc in tray. (must be withOUT disc)
2. Wait untill at Samsung logo screen (and the music)
3. Wait for no disc message top left of screen (no need to open/close the tray - as must have turned the player on without disc and it will show no disc)
4. Press repeat key on remote (ignore illegal command symbol) then enter region code (see below)
5. If it works your current region code will appear top left of screen
6. Press '9' for region free
7. Open and then close the DVD tray again
8. Power down unit
9. When powered on should be region free.

Worked at the first time I tried... I am already watching region 1 discs on my Brazilian Reg 4...

Region Codes:
R1: 29334
R2: 57538
R3: 56732
R4: 76884
R5: 53814
R6: 24462

PostRegion code posted by jassfan, June 08 2010:

I just got BD-P3600 in the US with firmware ver. 2.9 I cannot make region free with above instruction. Anyone can help?

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