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Philips BDP3000

22 user region code comments

October 04, 2021 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by jokeeasy, August 11 2009:

1)No disc in tray
2)press "HOME" key on remote control
2)press number keys "1389310"

PostRegion code posted by stevesamoua, August 18 2009:

I own BDP 3000 region 2 and this doesn't work for me, at least not for Blu-ray discs. Can anyone give some more info, maybe I'm doing something wrong. Thanx a lot and kepp excellent work.

PostRegion code hack posted by CALPE, September 15 2009:

Hack will be for DVD discs only

DVD discs regions are 1 to 6
BluRay disc regions are A to C

These are two different types of discs

PostRegion code posted by finnegan1516, November 19 2009:

I have a Philips BDP3012 and i've tried everything and it just doesn't work, i dont know if i'm doing something wrong but when i press the numbers 1389310 on remote control, it appears an "x" meaning its invalid and nothing happens... i still cannot see my region 1 dvds

PostRegion code hack posted by chrisj802, February 06 2010:

Please note that Philps have upgraded the Driver to BDP0800. The 1389310 hack does not work on this version.

PostRegion code posted by smp, February 06 2010:

chrisj802 - you are wrong. The hack works just fine with the latest firmware.

PostRegion code posted by stevesamoua, February 06 2010:

I've read somewhere that Blu-ray hack isn't possible without hardware mod. is that true? I see someone did excellent job for LG just via soft-mod. You get region menu for DVDs and Blu-Ray.

Why do I always have to get "the other" player as present?

PostRegion code hack posted by mardavisus, February 12 2010:

I just tried this code today. And the result was successful. Both for the DVD and Blu-ray Disk. The player was a region 2 (B) one and now I can play region 1 DVDs and region A blu-rays.

PostRegion code posted by ababa13, February 12 2010:

Regarding 'mardavisus' comment wondrinng if it's about Phil BDP3000.

PostRegion code hack posted by mardavisus, February 13 2010:

In order to clarify the case:

After I entered the code, when I checked the region lock info I saw that while DVD is 0, BD is still region B.

But I don't know how, I can play BD from B region. I played Lost season 5 and The Matrix.

PostRegion code posted by stevesamoua, February 13 2010:

I've found something. It should work for all Philips users.

No disc in tray
Press Home
Scroll to settings
enter: 13893108520

You'll get all info. I still got BD region on B!

Is it possible that there is nobody who can solve this out?

PostRegion code posted by plazmatick, February 13 2010:

I got something else to! Some USB test menu!

1. Make sure there is no disc in the player when you turn it on.
2. Move to settings.
3. Using the remote control, key in the following: Pause, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9.

can someone define what is this?

PostRegion code hack posted by DavidGGG, February 19 2010:

Comment: Lots of BD discs are region free even if it says a region on the box. Among them "The Matrix". See a long list at So don't use them for testing hacks..

PostRegion code posted by stevesamoua, February 20 2010:

There is no need for blu-ray disc at this point.

Just do this:
No disc in tray
Press Home
Scroll to settings
enter: 8520

You'll get your system info. Mine says Blu-ray: B and I hate that!!!!
There is way too many movies region locked movies to not get this blu-ray hack.

PostRegion code hack posted by donpedro, March 27 2010:

Just bought one in Slovakia (Datart) for 149e and hack mentioned here worked (tested only region 1 DVD, no BD yet). It is model BDP3000/12 made in Poland.

Check currect setting
1)No disc in tray
2)press "HOME" key on remote control
3)press number keys "8520"

Set to DVD region 0
1)No disc in tray
2)press "HOME" key on remote control
3)press number keys "1389310"

It does not say anything, so to verify use 8520 steps.

Type: DBP3000 Loader: BP0600 85750600
Firmware: HQ 00004437,HF 00003714, SZ 00003753
Region_Code: DVD(0) DB(B) JVM: JVM PBP1.1_JVM090105

PostRegion code hack posted by obs, July 16 2010:

On another player (Seiki BD660) that uses the same/similar chipset, after entering the code 8520 and getting into the info menu, you can use the up/down arrow keys to go to BD Region Code, then change the region (1 for Region A, 2 for Region B, 4 for Region C).

*Maybe* this will also work for the Philips.

PostRegion code hack posted by mad dog69, November 17 2010:

using 1389310 code (and it DOES work,got player 6 months ago and have latest firmware), the 0 at the end denotes region,so if u put 1389312 it changes to region 2 etc,usefull if u have a warranty claim as Phillips do not like unlocked players.

PostRegion code hack posted by multitech, December 31 2010:

DVD Region code change
1).Power on the set and keep no disc.
2).In the Home menu, press <6><6><6><6> button.
3).Input below new region number by the remote control, then it will change after restart the player.

Number Region
1211 2
1361 3
1431 4
1521 5
1641 6

Remark: BD disc region code change only by upgrade software.

PostRegion code hack posted by marlboro_man, October 11 2011:

PostRegion code hack posted by Laurayoung, March 03 2012:

Need code for region 1 DVDs and my players r region 2

PostRegion code hack posted by Babywolf, April 13 2012:

Hey guys.
Here’s a simple step by step guide on how to convert Philips Blu-Ray Player models BDP3000
ONLY from Region B to Region A so that you can have access to US Region A locked titles!

STEP 1: Download the software located at:

STEP 2: Un-zip the download and make sure the unzipped folder is titled ‘UPG’

STEP 3: Rename the .bin Files in the folder:
BDP300055-FUS-1015355.bin rename to BDP300012-FUS-1015355.bin
BDP300055-FWF-1015355.bin rename to BDP300012-FWF-1015355.bin

STEP 4: Insert the USB flash drive into the rear of the Blu-Ray player.

STEP 5: In the Home menu, select Settings, Advanced Setup. Software Download [USB] and follow the on-screen instructions.

That’s it! You now have a Region A LOCKED Blu-Ray player for next to nothing!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by Igor, October 04 2021:

Qual código desbloqueia o BLUE Ray bdp3000

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