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7 user region code comments

September 09, 2009 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by visionmaster, July 09 2009:

The same hack as for the DVX350 works on the DVX440

You need:

You may find it here:


-open the zip and burn the ISO file on a CD (e.g. with NERO-Burning ROM);
-turn on the DVD
-insert the CD in the DVD tray;
-close the tray;
-wait till the on-screen region menu appears;
-select "0" (zero) on the DVD remote (0=multi regions);
-select "pause".


PostRegion code hack posted by czerri13, July 19 2009:

The above hack didn't work for me - I tried it both on a CD and a DVD and both times I got a disc error message.

PostRegion code hack posted by czerri13, July 20 2009:

Please disregard my previous post - the hack worked like a charm!

PostRegion code posted by Gregersamsa, July 27 2009:

FYI: I tried the above hack on DVX440, it does NOT work at all. Disk error is all I
get. I tried both CD and DVD, same result.

PostRegion code hack posted by czerri13, August 01 2009:

Just putting the ISO file on a disc won't work. You need to open the ISO with CD/DVD recorder software, which should make the software want to burn a disc. Done like that the hack works brilliantly.

PostRegion code hack posted by larrydalooter, August 23 2009:

Doesn't work for me either. With a CD you get "Disc Error" and the CD gets kicked out. With a DVD you get "Check Disc". And this is with opening up the ISO and burning it (should have two folders and one underlying file (KPJC19_1.DVD).

Any ideas?

PostRegion code hack posted by sirgaga, September 09 2009:

Guys spent a wee while working this out.

Follow below and you'll soon have the player region free'd!

1. Open nero and select Recorder, then Burn Image

2. Browse to where you unzipped the region hack and select the ISO within the folder.

3. When the Burn options appear, make sure Write Method is set to 'Disc at Once/96' and not simply 'Disc at Once'.

4. Burn to the CDROM.

Could only get this working via a CDROM, couldn't get it working through a DVD. Once you've done the above just follow the hack instructions at the top.

Hope this helps,

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