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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for tovid


This release contains minor changes from 0.35.0 and merges 0.35.1 which was a BSD compatibility branch. The main changes for most users will be:
Fixed set_chapters not having exec bit set
Fixed grep for libav filters
Some python3 fixes
Fixed scope problem that only showed up on freebsd for some reason.
Fixed imagemagick spumux buttons for IM-6.9.1-x.
Make ffmpeg the default encoder when both ffmpeg and avconv are present.

tovid 0.35

See the full changelogs


Support for avconv from (FFmpeg fork).
Removed mencoder dependency, and transcode is now optional, as ffmpeg will be used instead for seeking.
Added Python 3 support (support for python 2.4/2.5 dropped from titleset-wizard).
Add -encode-only option so that the tovid gui can also be used as an encoding only GUI. This allows 'batch' encoding by selecting multiple files.
Fix for ffmpeg bug (some versions) when generating silence from /dev/zero.
GUI now supports vertical resolution of 600 pixels (some laptops/netbooks)
movied libcairo stuff to its own branch so it is no longer a suggested dependancy.
GUI no longer chokes on loading some problematic options - it will ignore them and popup a copyable message showing the options in question.
GUI and titleset-wizard positions now synced so the GUI loads in place of the wizard and vice versa.
More consistent menu title and video titles style behavior.
Added *-font-deco (-title-font-deco and -titles-font-deco), to support all former "makemenu" options.
Cleanup of alignment of text and images, so there are fewer surprises.
Decreased verbosity of screen output.
Fix for broken showcase image display when doing -static faded menus.
Updated -quick-menu so it works with recent ffmpeg versions.
Fix for recent ffmpeg not parsing 'ffmpeg -h' fully. (caused bug in -loop 0 vs. -loop_input for slideshows)
Many other bug fixes and updates for changed backend options (notably ffmpeg).

tovid 0.34


a new GUI for making multiple titlesets with tovid was added.

many updates/fixes for changes in some of the backends like ffmpeg and dvdauthor as well as numerous bugfixes.

New libavfilter features from ffmpeg have been implemented, so the -quick-menu option that used -vhooks now works again with a recent enough ffmpeg (0.8) with appropriate libavfiler version.

Several new options have also been added, including the ability to use your own arbitrary images for thumbnail links.

PNG is now used generally as an intermediary format instead of JPEG, resulting in improved picture quality.

tovid 0.33

[edit] Installation

In this release, we are making an effort to move away from autoconf and automake, and towards distutils for all building, installing, uninstalling, and packaging. What does this mean to you?

The most important thing is that you have a new way to install tovid from the .tar.gz distribution. Instead of this:

su -c 'make install'
# or
sudo make install

You can do this:

su -c './ install'
# or
sudo ./ install

Similarly, to uninstall once you get tired of tovid, instead of this:

su -c 'make uninstall'
# or
sudo make uninstall

You can do this:

su -c './ uninstall'
# or
sudo ./ uninstall

Some nice side-effects of this change include:

* is considerably faster than configure + make, both for installing and uninstalling
* Maintenance of is considerably easier than maintenance of and

Since this is the first release to use, the old configure and make scripts are still included--but we are planning to phase them out by the next release, so please try using and report any problems you experience.
[edit] Configuration

This release includes a more powerful way to configure the default settings of each tovid command, via a ~/.tovid/tovid.ini file. This file will be created in your home directory the first time you run tovid, and follows the well-known INI format, with some enhanced capabilities provided by Python's ConfigParser.

There is one [section] for each of tovid's commands; within each section, you can set one or more default options. For example, if you want the mpg command to always use ffmpeg for encoding, and always encode to a quality of 8, you can do this:

options = -ffmpeg -quality 8

Similarly, if you want the dvd and vcd commands to always use /dev/hdb as your CD/DVD-RW device:

options = -device /dev/hdb

options = -device /dev/hdb

See the example tovid.ini file for more examples and an explanation of the allowed syntax.

[edit] tovid gui

* Loading/saving of -group and -chapter-titles is working
* Loading of exclusive flags like -ntsc/-pal, -static/-no-menu are correctly toggled
* Arguments can be passed on the command-line for setting initial GUI options, e.g. tovid gui -foo -bar -baz or tovid gui my_saved_script.bash -foo -bar -baz
* Color controls are refreshed as you type a hex value, with more graceful handling of invalid values
* The "Config" settings (for GUI font family, style, and size) now requires you to restart the GUI for changes to take effect
* Python 2.4 compatibility improved

[edit] General

* Fixed bug in Ubuntu, where libtovid was incorrectly installed to site-packages instead of dist-packages

tovid 0.32


It has been more than two years since the last release of tovid. I (Eric/wapcaplet) have been on a long break from development, to raise my son (now 3 years old), get a real job, and generally tend to more pressing matters. The Python rewrite of tovid still hasn't left the ground, there are a bunch of unresolved defects, I let the domain lapse out of my hands and into those of some Russian dude who won't reply to his email, and in general things are a big mess.

So, in an effort to get things moving again, we're putting this release out there. If things are broken or confusing, that's what the next release is for. After two years, I figure a half-assed release is better than no release at all.

Starting with this release, all of tovid's executable scripts are now called via a single frontend script, simply called tovid, which takes as its first argument the "command" you want to run. For example, instead of running the todisc script directly, you run it with tovid disc. Here are the new command names:

tovid gui
Was todiscgui. Run the graphical interface to making discs.
tovid mpg
Was tovid. Encode videos to MPEG format.
tovid disc
Was todisc. Create a DVD with menus.
tovid titlesets
New. Create a DVD with multiple titlesets using the 'tovid gui' to set options.
tovid id
Was idvid. Identify one or more video files.
tovid dvd
Was makedvd. Author and/or burn a DVD.
tovid menu
Was makemenu. Create an MPEG menu.
tovid vcd
Was makevcd. Author and/or burn an (S)VCD.
tovid xml
Was makexml. Create DVD or (S)VCD .xml file.
tovid postproc
Was postproc. Post-process an MPEG video file.

Since tovid is still predominantly bash-based, the actual executable scripts are much as they were before, except they will now be installed to a location that is not normally included in your system $PATH, such as /usr/lib/tovid.

This change will hopefully solve a couple of problems--first, it will keep your /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin folder from being cluttered with all of tovid's auxiliary scripts, and second, it will make tovid more extensible in the future if additional commands are added.

One consequence of this change is that the manual pages have also been merged into a single entry, man tovid. I realize that nobody likes ginormous manual pages, and this is not an ideal solution, partly because of the manpage format's general lack of readability, indexing, or inter-linking (I mean, the manpage format is like 40 years old!) This problem may be mitigated in the future by including comprehensive built-in help, or by switching to a more modern documentation format based on ReStructuredText or something similar; nothing is definite yet. For now, I'm afraid you'll just have to suck it up and do man tovid. It may not be great, but I promise it will never get as bad as mplayer's manpage.

[edit] GUIs

The GUI formerly known as todiscgui is now the tovid GUI. Apologies to anyone who preferred the wxWidgets-based GUI, but that beast was just too hard to continue maintaining. It was my first real GUI, and my first real Python experience, and basically just seems old and busted to me now. If you loved it and want to resurrect it under a new project, be my guest--but I am done with it, and have no interest in continuing development of it.

The One GUI to Rule Them All is now just called tovid gui. Run that to start the GUI interface (or use your installed desktop icon, assuming that's working). This thing has changed enormously since the 0.31 release, with too many modifications to remember or explain, but here's a very short summary:

* Pretty much every single todisc / tovid disc option is represented now
* Log window that shows the output of todisc / tovid disc as it runs, with the ability to interactively answers questions as it prompts for them
* GUI settings can be saved to a bash script, then loaded again later (note that this is not entirely working, and you will have problems with some options)
* Associative listbox controls for options that are associated one-to-one or one-to-many with the list of video files
* Font chooser shows a preview of the selected font

[edit] Scripts
[edit] todisc

* todisc now does slideshows. These can be single slideshows, multiple slideshows on one menu, or mixed videos and slideshows on the same menu. They can of course be used in titlesets as well. Additionally you can have submenus with slideshows: if -ani-submenu is used then the submenu will be an animated slideshow with transitions, else the submenu will be a static 'polaroid stack' montage of slides. The slideshows lead to a static display of slides, slide by slide.
* todisc now supports multiple cpus. By default one job for each cpu found will be run - this can be limited or increased with -jobs N. This results in a large speedup - on my athlon X2 3600 it runs 30% faster when using both processors compared to just using one. This should scale well for greater than 2 cpus as well.
* Encoding menus from images now uses ppm output and pipes, which results in less encoding steps and better quality, and better speed in many cases. Slideshows in SVN got a huge speed boost (600%) when the change to this technique was made.
* grouped files can now have submenus.
* thumb titles now go directly on the thumb image/video, allowing for multiline titles and keeping thumbs in aspect.
* submenu chapters now can have titles using '-chapter-titles'.
* You can now set the length of submenus, using -submenu-length N N N. This is particularly useful for slideshow submenus.
* Submenus can now have a background image or colour using -submenu-background or -submenu-bg-colour.
* -menu-fade now takes an optional argument, the time at which the menu start to fade in over top of the background. This means that you can use a video as a sort of 'transition' to the menu: this transition video will play/show as long as the duration you choose. Additionally, you can now use -menu-fade for a static menu. The '-transition-to-menu' option has been added for convenience: if you use this option the background will stop being animated at the exact point the thumbs finish fading in.
* -menu-fade now encodes just the images that change (animated) resulting in a speed up for faded menus.
* -button-style text now works for all arrangements. It also looks much better.
* Added -nomenu option for quick mpeg -> DVD with no menu
* Added possibility of playall button on VMGM menu
* Added 6 new thumb shapes (-thumb-shape)
* Added capability for user to supply thumb masks in $PREFIX/lib/tovid/masks or ~/.tovid/masks
* You can now use thumb shapes on the showcase image/video as well. (you can now do all effects on a showcase image/video that you can do on a video thumbnail.)
* Any makempg options can now be passed directory on the command line to todisc (they will be used by makempg if file(s) need re-encoding)
* submenus now working for grouped videos AND slideshows
* You can now use an image background for submenus, using -submenu-background.
* You can also use a background color instead, using -submenu-bg-color (-bg-color for main menu) Each submenu can have the same background, or you can use a different one for each.
* Added -grid option, which makes a second preview with a numbered grid on it to assist with options that require screen geometries
* todisc now honors WORKING_DIR variable in ~/.tovid/preferences
* todisc honors the new environment variable TOVID_WORKING_DIR
* many bug fixes were made and other changes that have been left out here. The diff to 0.31 is large: -2437 +6274

The man pages have been updated - see 'man tovid' for details and some examples of usage.
[edit] postproc

postproc had been broken because mplayer was not dumping streams properly. The script now uses ffmpeg to demux, and it is working again.

Overview of tovid 0.31

* xml files for DVDs are stamped with makexml's version
* output messages cleaned up
* mixed-aspect DVDs fixed: only widescreen titlesets get widescreen="nopanscan" video tags


* makedvd checks that input xml files were made with makexml and prompts to continue if not
* new option: -noask (which assumes answers that lead to script completion)
* available space for output dvd image found according to free space on output directory's filesystem (and no longer the pwd)


* Up to 36 buttons/entries allowed in DVD menus
* Sorting bug for DVD menu entries fixed (now ok for 10+ entries)
* ffmpeg's new API for -ab supported


* titlesets supported with -titleset OPTIONS -end-titleset, and -vmgm OPTIONS -end-vmgm. OPTIONS are any options that one can normally use with todisc as making each titleset (and the root or "VMGM" menu) will be a separate call to todisc. Between -vmgm -end-vmgm you only need -titles TITLES and OPTIONS - it will be a text menu with optional showcase image/video so no -files FILES are needed
* "switched menus" feature added with -switched-menu option. This features a showcase image or video that changes as you go forward or backward to the next menu button using up or down on the dvd remote
* '-quick-menu' feature added. This uses ffmpeg rather than imagemagick for making animated menus, so it is VERY fast. It makes a *-text-menu* style menu with a showcase video.The showcase video ( -showcase VIDEO ) is mandatory, unless doing '-switched-menu' in which case it is not needed. Note: this option is a natural for switched menu creation as it is so fast and switched menus would take a long time otherwise.
* A quick intuitive navigation system with '-quick-nav' option. The right and left arrow keys on the remote will advance to the next video in each titleset. If at the beginning of a titleset, left will go to the previous titleset, or the last titleset if we are already at the beginning. If at the last titleset, right will go to the first titleset. If used in conjunction with -switched-menus, the left and right remote buttons will also activate the next switched menu in the current titleset. Note: '-quick-nav' is an option for when using multiple titlesets only.
* '-chapters' now supports a user supplied chapter list in HH:MM:SS format, as well as just specifying the number of chapters with an integer.
* locales other than English should now be supported.


* If the input VIDEO is mpeg2, then use tcdemux to create a nav_log that will be saved as $VIDEO.nav_log. Subsequent calls to idvid will use this log to speed up id'ing the file. This will also help makexml/makemenu/tovidgui and todisc/todiscgui as the long process of getting the frame counts will only need to be done once.


* New options:
o -interlaced_bf -- Encode the video as interlaced with bottom fields first (common in DV footage).
o -fit NUM -- Fit the video into NUM MiB.
* Fixed bug in relation to tovidgui: if a video is projected to need more disk space than is currently available, tovid will ask the user if it should continue anyway. tovidgui, on the other hand, cannot pass answers to tovid and thus progress is impeded. This question is now under control of the options -noask and -from-gui and tovid now assumes a yes answer (as in 'yes, encode anyway') when either option is present.

New in 0.30

* New GUI for todisc using the Python built-in toolkit Tkinter
* Interface includes files, titles, disc format and TV system, showcase, menu title and backgrounds, thumbnail, font, and audio configuration, and nearly every other todisc option
* Use the command todiscgui to run the gui
* A todiscgui.desktop file is included and installed to allow running todiscgui from the menu
* Includes two graphical themes

Release Name: tovid 0.22

* Removed 'normalize' dependency by using mplayer -af volnorm. Normalization is now possible using -parallel.
* Aspect ratio control moved to advanced usage notes
* New -quality option added (controlling bitrate and quantization). Default bitrates for each format removed from script; they're now calculated based on default quality.
* Safe area is now rounded down to a 16-pixel multiple for (presumably) more efficient encoding.
* -interlaced option fixed (hopefully)

* mplayer output parsing simplified; ID_XXX= options are now executed directly as bash commands, instead of excessive grepping and awking. Many variables renamed appropriately.
* ID_LENGTH from mplayer is now used if it's nonzero, resulting in much faster (but possibly inaccurate) determination of video duration. If ID_LENGTH is zero, the old (time-consuming) approach is used.

* Fixed backward logic in deleting/keeping temporary files (they are now removed UNLESS -debug is used).

* "Update scan offsets" option added to VCD output

* Fixed vcdxbuild command-line error

Version 0.21

* New expermiental script for creating "thumbnail" video previews
* Minor tweaks to (re-)enable important functionality. Disc burning is now possible.
* Revamped bitrate controls (still experimental)

* -ffmpeg encoding option improved and mostly functional
* BSD-oriented and other portability enhancements
* Fixed bug causing log output to be lost
* Bugfix for re-encoding already-compliant video
* Cleaned up output

* Mostly functional burning
* Truncate Volume ID to valid length

Version 0.20

* New script containing common suite functions and declarations

* Improved progress-meter with a new approach
* Portability enhancements and code cleanup
* Tidied up console/logfile output a bit
* Fixed (hopefully) -parallel encoding
* Temporary work directory for each tovid instance partially implemented
* -filters now actually takes comma-separated options
* Experimental -ffmpeg encoding option added (doesn't work yet)
* -fps option back in at user request, until a better solution is found

* Portability enhancements and additional output

Version 0.19

GNU autotools now used for installation. The old tovid 'configure' script
is retired; instead, run "./configure && make install" as root to install

* Input filename and output filename prefix must now be specified using the -in and -out command-line options.
* Configuration files must now contain 'tovid' alone on the first line. Please edit your configuration files accordingly.
* Heavy modifications are in progress with the aim of improving portability. tovid now uses /bin/sh instead of bash, but it's still experimental and you may experience new bugs.

* Output and logfile formatting improved for completeness and readability
* Bugfix for panavision encoding
* Interlacing encoding (hopefully) fixed

Version 0.18

* Able to handle input without an audio track; silence is generated instead.
* -safe option for defining a target TV safe area.
* -filters option to specify post-processing filters to be applied (or none)
* Auto aspect ratio detection and appropriate letterboxing. New -aspect option to override the autodetection
* Experimental -interlaced and -interlaced_bf options for creating interlaced output streams.
* -discsize option for breaking output files into chunks of any size. Default is 700 MB for (S)VCD, 4500 MB for DVD.
* Sanity check for missing audio stream.wav file.
* -subtitles option for encoding a given subtitle stream into the video. Currently only supports hard-encoding of subtitles; good for foreign films or anime, to have subs on-screen all the time.
* -update option, to print out progress reports only at specified intervals.
* Minor stream redirection, to prevent mplayer errors from showing up as tovid errors.
* Better stat reporting; accumulates total size of all outputs, instead of just the first output file.
* -fps and -twopass options removed.
* -version option
* Full URI may be used as the input file; input will be streamed over the net if necessary.
* -mplayeropts for passing arguments directly to mplayer
* -config option, with inclusion of a default config file. Config files contain valid tovid command-line options with any amount of whitespace or comments.
* Statistics log (~/.tovid/stats) now in comma-separated format for easy import, and now includes min/max GOP size
* Various bugfixes
* New supporting classes added for future use (HidablePanel, MiniEditorFrame)
* Bugfix to keep log window updated when GUI is not focused
* 3-step interface, instead of next/previous
* Reorganized interface classes into "task panels;" each task panel is responsible for completing a specific task, and will usually comprise several steps.
* Allowed disabling of tooltips (annoying with continued use)
* Various structural changes and bugfixes

* Identifies files that have no audio stream
* Infers aspect ratio from mplayer

makedvd, makevcd
* New scripts for imaging and burning discs. Incomplete.

Version 0.18b

* Remaining (known) bugs to fix before version 0.18: * GUI crash/segfault on using the "Suspend" button during encoding. * 'makemenu' does not multiplex menu highlights on some versions of ImageMagick
* Fixed bugs: * PyNoAppError that occurred because of premature font object creation * Incorrect VCD video bitrate of 1500 changed to correct value 1150 * 'makemenu' command bug with text color, caused menu creation to fail * Idle-event processing bug that prevented the next command from being run when the system was truly idle * wxWidgets version bug that caused failure on GetFirstChild * "Next: Encoding setup" was being enabled too soon. Fixed some cases where it wouldn't make sense to proceed with encoding. * Refresh problem with menus; title list was only refreshed when menu was selected.
* Features and touch-ups: * Integrated help system to guide user from one step to the next, option to show/hide the help panel * Default video title is now filename with underscores converted to spaces * "Preview video" button on video options panel * Command output window has larger font * Removed unnecessary "Print command" buttons from options panels * Disabled "Add slides" button (not working anyway) * NTSC film (23.976fps) output support

* Fixed bugs: * Bug causing normalization failure with newer version of 'normalize' (called 'normalize-audio') * Bug manifesting in GUI when normalization was used * Using 'tr' instead of 'sed' for CR/LF replacement, fixes potential problems under Cygwin
* Features and touch-ups: * KVCDx3, KVCDx3a and "KDVD" support added * -type option added for specifying video type (live action, animation, or black and white). Not fully implemented yet. * Added -ntscfilm for NTSC film (23.976fps) output * Quick fix for already-compliant video: symbolic link from output file to input file is created (avoids extra complications in the GUI) * Tidied up logic in encoding
Version 0.18a
* Completely revised version of the old GUI

* New component created by Jean-Francois Ouellette for requantizing (shrinking) and re-authoring DVD titles

* New -parallel option for more CPU- and space-efficient encoding
* Use -vc dummy during audio dump by default if functional

* Support for different fonts. (See tovid webpage for instructions on maximizing your font choices.)
* Configurable text, selection, and activation colors

* Support for chapter breaks at whole-minute intervals
* Grouping capability, for combining several videos into a single title
* Forced separate-titleset flag to author differing resolutions to the same disc (DVD, Half-DVD, DVD-VCD)

Version 0.17

* New component for processing multiple videos with tovid

* New -priority option for controlling run-time priority of the important components
* New -deinterlace option for fixing interlaced input video
* Fixed bug that caused invalid VCD output
* Put CPU speed back into stats output; added version number to stats output
* Increased intra-DC precision, modified GOP size/selection
* Included luminance stretching in postprocessing to maximize luminance range, make darks darker, lights lighter
* Fixed some bugs affecting progress reporting and mplex commands
* Fixed some bugs affecting the use of filenames with spaces
* Audio encoding done first to minimize overall disk space usage during encoding

* More accurate duration reporting
* More complete identification of (S)VCD- and DVD-compliant files, identification of multiply-compliant video

* Merged with old 'makempg' component and expanded; this component now does all the necessary steps in creating an MPEG menu for (S)VCD/DVD

* Added output for "back" button from submenus
* Added support for (S)VCD still-image MPEG slides
* Fixed many bugs with (S)VCD XML output

* Added -debug option to save logs
* Added stats output

Version 0.16

* Faster encoding time and better CPU usage on some machines by using mplayer -benchmark, and removing 'nice -n 16' from mpeg2enc
* Much higher quality output (lower quantization) at high bitrates, as well as more intelligent quantization settings at all bitrates
* Fixed bug that caused problems for locales using a comma ',' for the decimal separator
* Fixed zero-length bugs in duration, width, height, and FPS reporting
* Helpful message printed at end of encoding
* -lowquality option now affects other encoding options in addition to denoising
* Required-space messages printed in megabytes instead of kilobytes
* CPU model instead of CPU speed reported in ~/.tovid/stats; other useful stats included, better stats output formatting

* Support for (S)VCD XML output
* Checks for existence of video files
* Fixed bug that caused titlesets to begin at 2
* Message at end tells user how to use the XML file

* Improved interface and usage output
* Support for (S)VCD and PAL
* Better standards-compliance (AC3 audio for NTSC DVD)
* Automatic image rescaling

* Fixed bug that caused error on filenames with spaces

* Shrink percentage reported

Version 0.15

* New tovid interface for interactive video encoding

* New component for shrinking video or adjusting A/V sync in finished mpeg videos

* Corrected default bitrates to conform to (S)VCD and DVD standards
* Added mplex options for variable bitrate and better buffer sizes
* Switched all scaling routines to mplayer instead of yuvscaler
* AC3 audio encoding for NTSC DVD, to conform to standard. Requires ffmpeg.
* New options for controlling video and audio bitrate
* Sanity checks for needed utilities; graceful failure if they aren't available
* Extended command-line options moved to "advanced", visible by using the -help flag
* Added -lowquality option to turn off denoising

* Identifies mpeg1 and mpeg2 video by name instead of hex code

Version 0.14

New installer, 'configure'

* Multiprocessor support is now enabled. mpeg2enc will use multiprocessing if more than 1 CPU is available
* Progress indicator and encoding-time estimate during encoding. Most other output suppressed and redirected to a log file
* Statistics printed out on exit, and saved to ~/.tovid/stats
* Denoising now applied to all videos
* Slightly better error-checking

* More output, ffmpeg used if available for determining running length

* Quick-and-dirty script for converting a still image plus background music into an MPEG video. Useful in making menus.

Version 0.13

* All options now require a dash '-' prefix. See usage notes.
* Added -twopass option to fix some videos with variable frame rates
* Code cleanup
* Changed options to include dash '-' when calling tovid.

* Initial release. Prints some useful identifying information, makes attempts to recognize valid VCD/SVCD/DVD video. Not fully reliable.

* Initial release. Can create a basic menu image. Only one font at the moment.

* Initial release. Creates a basic XML file for dvdauthor, defining navigation structure.

Version 0.12

* Added support for PAL output
* Included '%d' field in output prefix for VCD/SVCD, allowing mplex to split output into CD-sized chunks for large videos
* Changed '-H' mpeg2enc option to '--keep-hf' to eliminate possible problem with differing mpeg2enc versions
* Fixed some of the frame rate problems. Most videos should encode correctly now (with the exception of ASF and some MOV).
* Added (hopefully temporary) "fps" option to force a specific frame rate. For information on using this, please see the project website.

Version 0.11

* Switched to mplex (of mjpegtools) instead of tcmplex (of transcode), thus removing dependency on transcode
* Fixed bug when scaling to 2.35:1 aspect without denoising or normalizing
* Removed "-vc dummy" from audio encoding command (segfault reported)
* Prettied up output a little bit

Version 0.1

* Initial release

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