Updated October
3, 2004
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Sefy's Complete DVD Backup Guide v2.6
Using - AVI 2 VCD |
is a Freeware with which is very small and basic program, which all it does is simple AVI to VCD
(MPEG1) Encoding, it can also split the encoding to fit CD sizes.
Step 1 - Click on the "Browse" button and select your AVI Source file.
Step 2 - If your movie is longer then your CDR capacity, use the "Split Target MPEG at..." option to make the MPEG fit your CD, then select your "Target Format" and make sure it matches your movie type.
Step 3 - When you are done, click on the "Encode" button, and this will start the process, you can click on the "Pause" and continue encoding later as long as you don't quit the program.
Next - Splitting large MPEG files
to fit CDR media! or Authoring [Burn! Baby