HP DVD530i DVD Writer

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HP DVD530i

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$100 6.7/10
6 votes
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DVD Media comments for this DVD Writer (click on the link to read the comments):
1 Fujifilm 8xDVD-R (TYG02.......) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Memorex 16xDVD-R (CMC MAG. AM3) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Memorex 4xDVD+R (CMC MAG.F01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Memorex 2xDVD-RW (RITEKW01....) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 RiData 8xDVD-R (RITEKG05....) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Ritek 4xDVD-R (RITEKG04....) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Vobis 8xDVD+R (MBIPG101R04) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
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10 comments, Showing 1 to 10 comments

It's a more compatible with the My TV.
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Comments posted by Ammy from India, September 20, 2018. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

Have had no trouble with this drive until I tried
to use Philips DVD+R 4.7Gig 1-8X discs. It doesn't
seem to like them at all. Fujifilm DVD +rws worked
great. Maxell & verbatim CDrs have worked fine.

One note to add is to make sure you enable DMA
access to the drive or it won't work very well.
Mine didn't install with DMA on for whatever reason.

Comments posted by KV from United States, June 13, 2005. Rated this writer No rating.

This drive is an OEM Liteon SOHW-832S

The good:
This drive is a faster and more reliable DVD ripper than other HP NEC based drives. You could use LtnRPC utility to reset or disable the Region Counter (get it in here: http://dhc014.rpc1.org/LtnRPC/). It also supports DVD+R bit setting.

The bad:
After some trial and error we found that this drive is very picky when burning DVD-R media. I tested the same DVD-R media in my NEC-2500 and it worked properly.

The ugly:
According some reviews that I have read, the DVD-R problems also happens with the real Liteon SOHW-832S. No fix is available yet. If you want an HP drive and the capacity to burn cheap DVD-R media get a HP 420n or 520n drive.

Comments posted by ofbarea from Costa Rica, December 18, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

My unit died and burned only 40-50 DVDs... disapointed

Burned Ridata G04 fine.

Comments posted by Francois from Canada, December 04, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

Just returned this piece of junk to the store. This is the second HP device I've purchased recently, both crap, both returned. Purchased for $99 to replace an the OEM single layer 4x drive on my machine. The physical installation of the drive was painless. Once installed I wanted to verify that the drive had the latest firmware, this is where it gets hairy. HP's support site states that you must install the software on the CD in order to verify/update firmware. I'm not thrilled about putting some crappy 3rd party trialware on my computer so I uncheck all the boxes, hoping to install only the HP utilities. No go, in order to install the HP software you must install at least one of the other packages. More that just a bit pissed at this point, I run the packaged utility and it can't even find the drive. Mind you, I've already burned a couple DVDs with my existing software. I spent two days playing games with HP's lousy tech support, and finally gave up. HP should stick to printers it's the only thing they do well, as for the rest of their products HP stands for Heaping Pile!

Comments posted by Rik Gerblick from United States, October 26, 2004. Rated this writer 1 of 10.

I had success on this:
Plays fine on both dvd players I have.

Comments posted by ton185 from Canada, October 12, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

I've had a problem burning Fujifilm DVD+RW. In two of three cases, all the (video) data doesn't get written correctly the first time, but it may be the software (Arcsoft Showbiz, included with the drive), because the DVD+R's burn just fine, first time, every time.

Comments posted by kostby from United States, October 06, 2004. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

i also bought this on sale($99). its my first dvd/rw and i had my first dvd+r done in a few hours. it played perfect. the face plate on my unit was loose on one corner tho, but nothing a little contact cement would't fix.

Comments posted by tenders from Canada, September 25, 2004. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

Just got this for a $100 cdn on sale. It replaces my Pioneer 105 which died (second one that died, first was replaced during warranty period, very disappointing).
Burned two dvd-r's last night on Ritek 04's, with good results. Can't believe the low price on this. Haven't tried it with dual layered discs.

Comments posted by ton185 from Canada, September 23, 2004. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

Ok I'm the guy that had bough tthe 16X BenQ 1610. I returned the "problematic" (read: sucky) BenQ and got this one instead. What improvement! Not one coaster so far, but of course the lower write speeds helps that. But still... I was burning maybe 3 out of 10 good discs on the BenQ and so far it's 10/10 with this one. Have tried + and -R but not DL yet. Software bundle could be better but.... for 99$ Canadian it's alright. Nice, reliable hardware, nothing fancy.

Comments posted by brucecampbellsrighthand from Canada, September 22, 2004. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

10 comments, Showing 1 to 10 comments

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Original Equipment Manufacturer.


The manufacturer of the main chipset the DVD writer/recorder is based on.

Write support / Read support
= Works
DVD-R = Is not supported
DVD-R? = Not tested

Single Layer(4.7GB) write speeds
1x (CLV) = about 58 minutes
2x (CLV) = about 29 minutes
2.4x (CLV) = about 24 minutes
4x (CLV) = about 14.5 minutes
6x (CLV/ZCLV) = about 10-12 minutes
8x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 8-10 minutes
12x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 6.5-7.5 minutes
16x (CAV/ZCLV) = about 6-7 minutes

Dual/Double Layer(8.5GB) write speeds
1x CLV = about 105 minutes
2.4x CLV = about 44 minutes
4x CLV = about 27 minutes

Single Layer (4.7GB) read speeds
1x read speed is 1.321MB/s = ~56 minutes
6x CAV (avg. ~4x) read speed is max 7.93MB/s = ~14 minutes
8x CAV (avg. ~6x) read speed is max 10.57MB/s = ~10 minutes
12x CAV (avg. ~8x) read speed is max 15.85MB/s = ~7 minutes
16x CAV (avg. ~12x) read speed is max 21.13MB/s = ~5 minutes

DVD Write types
CAV = Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is written at a constantly increasing speed.
CLV = Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is written at a constant speed.
ZCLV = Zone Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is divided into zones. After each zone the write speed is increased.
PCAV = Partial Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is being written at an increasing speed until a certain speed. After this speed it will not increase anymore.

Desktop = Standalone desktop DVD Recorder
EIDE = Computer DVD Writer with EIDE/IDE connection
SCSI = Computer DVD Writer with SCSI connection
USB = Computer desktop DVD Writer with USB 2.0 or/and 1.1 connection
FireWire = Computer desktop DVD Writer with IEEE 1394/FireWire/i.Link connection (some standalone desktop dvd recorder supports this also but then it is usually to connect your DV camera to the recorder)

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