Sony DRU-110A DVD Writer

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Sony DRU-110A

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$250 7.0/10
10 votes
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Basically what it says is that this Sony DVD+RW drive DOES NOT support DVD+R media. So, you will be stuck buying EXPENSIVE DVD+RW media instead of DVD+R media.

The choice is up to you.

Other than that, it does fine writing to DVD+RW media, although the software that it comes with (B's Clip) is funky and kinda sux.

Comments posted by Duge from Other, August 19, 2002. Rated this writer 4 of 10.

I have to totally agree with Randy M on this drive. I also got mine at Best Buy for $350 - $50 Rebate and I had no problems burning my first DVD+RW with it from a real time Dazzle DVC-II capture (using DVDit!) I didn't like the way DVDit handled the files and moved on to Ulead Movie Factory which works really great with this drive too! It also functions as a great CD-RW and CD-R drive too. How can you go wrong? The bonus is you use DVD+RW media to practice with different formats before making coasters. I also got a 5 pack of DVD+RW blank media for $30. I highly recommend the drive (but the software does need some work).

Comments posted by Rob W from Other, June 17, 2002. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

Update on Sony DRU-120A, with DVD+R by Verbatim and also one by HP both burned ok and also both played great in Sony DVP-S530D and Sony PS2, DVD+RW by Sony and Memorex will play in the Sony DVP-S530D but not in the PS2, The way I found to avoid making coasters (even with burn proof) is not having anything running in the background and also, after authoring a DVD image or Vob files is to do a reboot prior to burning a DVD+R.

Comments posted by g_bvideo from Other, June 17, 2002. Rated this writer No rating.

Got this drive for $300 at BestBuy ($350 - $50 rebate). Not bad! Who cares about DVD+R? WHy end up with a bunch of money tied up in DVD+R coasters? You'll find its not easy to get your first DVD burnt right. You'll have audio/video sync problems, and layout problems, etc. Not to mention trying lots of DVD authoring software to find one that works for you. All this trial and error means a lot of DVD+R coasters, useless and worthless. Thank goodness this is a DVD+RW drive. I've used the original DVD+RW disc to do all my testing, being able to re-use that disc is a life-saver!!! If this drive wrote DVD-R, DVD+R upside down, I wouldnt go DVD(anything)R. I've read posts of plenty of people using up 6-7 DVD+-R discs trying to figure out burning DVD's. Thats 6-7 discs x $4 -> $6 = some $42 JUST FOR TESTING... Unless you're really rich, or really expert on DVD authoring, you want a DVD+RW drive. And a 5-pack of DVD+RW discs goes for about $30 now. I love my Sony 110A and at that price!

Comments posted by Randy M from Other, June 15, 2002. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

Got a Sony DRU-120A, Works great, fast, DVD+RW plays in Sony DVP-S530D without any problems but will not play in a PS2 Just picked up a DVD+R and will burn a video to it and try it in PS2, My kids have a PS2 so I want to copy their VCR tapes to DVD+R to use with out wearing out tapes. The software that comes with it for DVD authoring is not that hot (NEO DVD) makes PCM sound tracks that eat up a lot of space and you get less then two hours on DVD. Tried Ulead DVD Workshop & Ulead DVD Factory They work alot better so I think I will save my money and get Ulead DVD Workshop I just wish they would drop the price a bit, I could get 6 hr 20 min Video at VCD quality (which is ok for backing up old vcr tapes)Sorry about putting this in the Sony DRU110A/C1 slot.

Comments posted by g_bvideo from Other, June 12, 2002. Rated this writer No rating.

I have had my Sony Dru110A/C1 for about a month. I actually love using it. The only draw back is that it does not write to DVD-R disc. Hopefully Sony will be coming out with something very soon. I have been able to play my DVD-RW's on My Sanyo and the new DVD/Televsions by RCA. I was unable to play it on my APex 500. I will try and us what some of the other users are using to get it to play. All in all it is a good DVD burner for the money and the programs are very easy to use.

Comments posted by Moe Hill from Other, April 30, 2002. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

This drive is fast and flawless. Backed up a 100 minute dvd movie in less than 20 minutes using Nero 5578 and IfoEdit.
It can only write on Dvd+RW disks which U can get at for 5.00 bucks each.
Of course in ripping DVds is not as fast as my Pioneer 16X DVD player
but overall is a good investment especially after the second week of May 2002 when the price is expected to fall below $300.00.
If U want to use DVD+R U'll have to buy the DRU 120A to be released soon.

Comments posted by Bruno Rossi from Other, April 25, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

Well, I'm hoping this will work with DVD+R as well. My Toshiba SD-2600 won't play the DVD+RWs so I'm just crossing my fingers on the DVD+R, but from what I read here that won't work yet...

Comments posted by Eric from Other, April 23, 2002. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

This drive works great on XP (update the bios to 1.37), and the DVD's created can be played on Apex players with a small utility called "compatibility bit settings" which is clearly explained here:

Get the latest firmware here:

Good luck people. Enjoy your drive.

Comments posted by Sairam from Other, March 12, 2002. Rated this writer No rating.

This drive was not recognized by XP, and I could not get any support from the website or their telephone assistance, which is only available during regular office hours after a long hold.

The drive did not work on my P4 XP machine at all.

Comments posted by David Lieder from Other, March 07, 2002. Rated this writer 2 of 10.

I bought this drive like a week ago... I got it for 499 plus tax at compusa... well I already made few dvd movies out of the MPEG-2 files I had. They work pefect on DVD-ROM drive but doesnt seem to work on my APex AD-500A player... After inserting the DVD disc it says that theres no disc in the drive... I am just wondering if it will do the same thing with all the Standalone DVD-Players.... Is there any way I can put a patch or something liek that which will make the disc recognized in the drive??? or should I just go ahead exchange it with a DVD-R drive... at the same time I also like the drive(DRU110a/c1)

Comments posted by Naim Rahman from Other, March 05, 2002. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

Drive burns DVD+RW great (Primo, Nero) at 2.4x but when I try to burn a video disc with menus in ReelDVD, it won't burn to the drive. Also, DVD+RW media seems not as compatible as I was thought to belive and works in about 25% of the DVD players I/family own. I'm hoping for a DVD+R firmware soon (and DVD+R media - WHERE IS IT!?), but knowing Sony it won't happen (ie. look at HP - no DVD+R). Also, DVD+R is not available yet, there has been no testing of DVD+R...nothing...kinda makes me wonder if I should have gone with a Pioneer A03 DVD-R drive.

Comments posted by Spike from Other, March 05, 2002. Rated this writer 2 of 10.

I bought it also. Finally gonna get some laserdiscs converted over to dvd (bye bye 30 min/flip/30 min/change disc/30 min/the end). Ran into same compatiblity problem with apex 703. Fixing to order another burner to compliment my +rw format. Probably go with the panasonic dvd-r/dvd-ram. Best buy ran sale on dvd+rw $9.99!

Comments posted by computerchuck from Other, March 02, 2002. Rated this writer No rating.

1. very easy to use
2. very quick
3. is dvd+rw which is the newest standard (will prolly succeed dvd-rw)

I bought this drive at circuitcity for $500 and i bought 4 year insurance on the drive for 36 dollars. Plus I got a $50 dollar rebate. At first I wasn't sure if I should go with dvd-rw or dvd+rw (which happen to be two totally different specifications) I read all of this news from dvd forum saying how dvd-rw is better, but then I realized that every store is only carrying dvd+rw now (best buy, circuitcity, office max, compusa). So I am hopeful that I chose the right format. I have already tested on a few standalone players. Apex AD-600A (didn't work) and Apex AD-500wm (worked perfect). The reason it didn't work on the AD-600A has nothing to do with the drive (dru110-A) but can be blamed on the dvd player itself. Overall, I love this drive, I hope that i chose bleeding edge technology. Course now there coming out with the blue laser! Good luck!

Comments posted by xai from Other, March 02, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

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The manufacturer of the main chipset the DVD writer/recorder is based on.

Write support / Read support
= Works
DVD-R = Is not supported
DVD-R? = Not tested

Single Layer(4.7GB) write speeds
1x (CLV) = about 58 minutes
2x (CLV) = about 29 minutes
2.4x (CLV) = about 24 minutes
4x (CLV) = about 14.5 minutes
6x (CLV/ZCLV) = about 10-12 minutes
8x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 8-10 minutes
12x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 6.5-7.5 minutes
16x (CAV/ZCLV) = about 6-7 minutes

Dual/Double Layer(8.5GB) write speeds
1x CLV = about 105 minutes
2.4x CLV = about 44 minutes
4x CLV = about 27 minutes

Single Layer (4.7GB) read speeds
1x read speed is 1.321MB/s = ~56 minutes
6x CAV (avg. ~4x) read speed is max 7.93MB/s = ~14 minutes
8x CAV (avg. ~6x) read speed is max 10.57MB/s = ~10 minutes
12x CAV (avg. ~8x) read speed is max 15.85MB/s = ~7 minutes
16x CAV (avg. ~12x) read speed is max 21.13MB/s = ~5 minutes

DVD Write types
CAV = Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is written at a constantly increasing speed.
CLV = Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is written at a constant speed.
ZCLV = Zone Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is divided into zones. After each zone the write speed is increased.
PCAV = Partial Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is being written at an increasing speed until a certain speed. After this speed it will not increase anymore.

Desktop = Standalone desktop DVD Recorder
EIDE = Computer DVD Writer with EIDE/IDE connection
SCSI = Computer DVD Writer with SCSI connection
USB = Computer desktop DVD Writer with USB 2.0 or/and 1.1 connection
FireWire = Computer desktop DVD Writer with IEEE 1394/FireWire/i.Link connection (some standalone desktop dvd recorder supports this also but then it is usually to connect your DV camera to the recorder)

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