AOpen DVRW2412Pro DVD Writer

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AOpen DVRW2412Pro

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$200 8.4/10
18 votes
Read 21


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DVD Media comments for this DVD Writer (click on the link to read the comments):
1 Arita 2.4xDVD+R (RICOHJPNR00) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Arita 2.4xDVD+RW (RICOHJPNW01) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 BestMedia Platinum 2.4xDVD+R (RICOHJPNR00) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Datawrite Generation 1 2.4xDVD+R (PRODISC.R01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 EKA Media 4xDVD+R (........001) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Fujifilm 2.4xDVD+R (RICOHJPNR00) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
2 Imation 2.4xDVD+R (RICOHJPNR00) comments, 2 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Memorex 8xDVD+R (CMC MAG.E01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Nashua 2.4xDVD+R (DATATRAK001) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Philips 2.4xDVD+R (RICOHJPNR00) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
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21 comments, Showing 1 to 21 comments

Very disappointed about this drive. Burnt fine for a while (about 25 pcs 2,4 DVD+R's (including Nashua, MMore, Arita). Then the 2,4 media became history and found out it refused to burn 4* +R's (6 coaters in a row, different brands). Funny enough it still worked fine for 2,4* +RW and CD's, just no 4* +R's. Checked firmware, appeared to be the latest. Also found that RICOH has a more recent firmware version for this drive; Aopen is not supporting this version. The only way to upgrade to the new RICOH software is a diffcult non-standard flash method described on someone's website (forgot which one) and which makes the drive a RICOH drive. Decided to check what the 2 year warranty is worth instead. Guess what, they lost the drive, so I am in for a new one. Not an Aopen; this time I am going for a drive of which brand and manufacturer match 1 to 1.

Comments posted by ftu from Netherlands, August 25, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

I have bought a 50pk of Memorex discs for DVD+R. So far I have been very DISAPPOINTED with this burner. So far I have made 5 coasters and one good copy. I sure hope it's not the media, I HATE having to try and buy one disc there and one disc there. DVDXcopy isn't helping my case either. I may end up trading in my burner for a Sony.


Comments posted by GodzPeepz from Other, April 05, 2004. Rated this writer 3 of 10.

I Have de Aopen DVRW2412Pro for over a year now I've writen about 25 +RW's multiple times not 1 coaster
I've burnt over 150 +R's not one coaster i've used 3 different media
+R Verbatim
That's write
+RW That's write

I Used all kinds of different proggie's
Nero6, Moviefactory, Instantcopy, DVD Decrypter, IFO edit, DVD Meastro, it worked with all of these drive's

So my overall conclusion is this is a very good and stable drive, The good choice if you are a frequent burner

Comments posted by Shnuff from Other, December 20, 2003. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

i've the aopen 2412pro it has a lot of problems burning the nashua dvd+r version 1.0 about 25% fallout the burner gives the next message scsi target error on 57 % and on 95% burn i do not recoment them the fuji discs are perfect not one failer all the discs with the ricoh code are working perfect


Comments posted by pierre from Other, September 25, 2003. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

After 8 months and 200 DVD+R's I am in big trouble.
The perfomance gets worse and worse (reaching up to 50% drop-outs on DVD+R). No firmware-update available, and I believe it will never come
So now I have to look for a more solid drive (No AOpen for me) and I am going to test the 24-month guarantee (lot's of headache)

Never and AOpen again!

Comments posted by Peter from Other, July 24, 2003. Rated this writer 3 of 10.

Gotta love it. Totally excellent writer. Nice and quick too. Just one thing, DO NOT USE NERO that comes with it. Instead, shell out for Record Now Max, or something else. The version of Nero that comes with the drive is dodgy.

Otherwise a very stable and fast drive. Oh yeah, don't use nail polish remover to clean the front of the drive tray, (I got paint on it modding my case) as the AOPEN logo tends to go MIA.

Comments posted by Kaelside from Other, June 21, 2003. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

This drive is great,video DVD+R works fine on standalone DVD
DVD+RW very fast and easy format when used with Instantcopy.
multisessions with Nero, no trouble.
works fine with 48x writer(also Aopen).
Lots of discs come with the package.
The price is major, but prevents future spending.
Installation: no problem (in my case slave)
support Aopen: optimal.
using win98 se no bugs to report so far.(1 month)

Comments posted by Toby from Other, April 05, 2003. Rated this writer No rating.

Great drive but i found out that it does not support overburning on cd-r
I've tried to burn vcd of 1h27min on a 90 min cd-r and it stopped at 98% then i tried it on 99min cd-r and the recorder didn't recognized it as a cd-r (brands 90min=platinum and 99min=Intenso both no problems with my LG cd burner so i have to reinstall this device)

Comments posted by ronald from Other, February 17, 2003. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

I bought the bundle and tried it with the the included software (a.o. Nero) and all the media. I tried it on a computer with Windows 2000. Most features did work very nice. However the burner and/or driver and/or Nero did not recognize an empty DVD+R. I tried two brands with the same results.
As I did not get any usefile hints from AOpen, I returned the burner after a week (legal period) and got my money back. Probably an up-to-date version of Nero or an update of the BIOS would have resolved the problem.

Comments posted by Jos from Other, February 09, 2003. Rated this writer 6 of 10.

This was a very good choice to me. The driver works very very smooth. Not a single hicup sofar. Burned very old cdr and cdwr (2x) and also new cdr and cdwr. tried DVD +r and DVD+rw also tried very cheap quality DVD +R/+rw media. All is working without any problem
Installation was very easy (I even did it on my own, with no previous Hardware experience). Software is ok to start with, but I just bought Ulead DVD movie factory version 2, and is has made all the difference. The package is now complete.
This driver is good, if you are consideing new driver, go ahead and take this one. Just be carfull about wether you reallly want +R or if you should consider -R.
So far all the medias that this dirver has burned, has worked on my dvd player (jvc-th 530). That includes +R and +RW.

This driver also played all formats as expected.

Comments posted by sarois from Other, February 08, 2003. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

Bought the write januari 2003. Works fine. Mini DV via Ulead Mediastudio Pro plays fine on p.c.

Problems with sound on Harman Kardon DVD25. After aboud 3 minutes 45 secs the sound becomes disrupted. When starting from a chapter point the same sound at the same spot is good!! Very strange. I tried different DVD+RW's, all then same problem.

My Nero (5.5.98) cashes when copying a 4.4GB DVD. P.c. hangs, only solution; hard reboot.

NeoDVD produces a bad DVD. Bad video, worse audio.

As I encounter several problems. I have difficulty in determing the cause.

My DV camcorder JVC GR-DVL9600 records with 32000. The UleadDVD plugin always takes 48000.


Comments posted by harrie from Other, January 20, 2003. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

Took delivery 26th Dec 2002.
Installed Harware and software no problems.
Written DVD +R (Verbatim)3 times No problem
Written DVD +RW (Disc supplied with drive) more than 10 times no problems
Written CD-R Several times on VERY cheap media no problems.
Have never had a problem reading CD or DVD of any kind. Reads CDs that my Mirai CDRW won't, even though they were written with the Mirai. How does that work?

I just can't break it.

My drive shows up as an AOpen RW2412Pro in hardware manager. I beleive some people see it as a Ricoh.

I bought the Aopen because I couldn't get a Sony multiformat drive.
I guess I got lucky.

Comments posted by mad-bax from Other, January 13, 2003. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

Aopen RW2412Pro Works very well my Panasonic SCHT80 plays the DVD+R&RW
no probs.
But my Panasonic RV32 will not play either DVD+R&RW.
it is compatable with all the software i have thrown at it

Comments posted by Zippy from Other, January 09, 2003. Rated this writer No rating.

A very satisfied owner.
Burned DVD+R en +RW at the fixed burning speed 2.4x with Nero and my SONY DVP-S535D played them without any problem.

Note: this SONY player is quite picky: It only reads CD-RW, NO CD-R!

I also have burned some "older" CD-RW. Although this kind of media claims to be "all speed" it only can be burned at max 2x. You will not get any error messages, but you can easily check the CD after burning by trying to read it.

Perhaps this is an explanation of some of the earlier mentioned troubles with CD-RW.

Comments posted by Peter from Other, December 15, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

Its great burner (same as Ricoh MP5125A). Have burnt to both DVD+R and DVD+RW discs with full speed and with no problems. (I have a minority problem with someone +RW disc).

Comments posted by kazi from Other, November 26, 2002. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

Just a quick update...No problems as stated with the DVD functions, tested the CD and CD RW functions and aswesome as well. I was going to put my NEC CDRW in my machine as well since it is 16X writer hwoever, no need. The 12X is fine and ofetn runs at 12.3X which is funny.


Comments posted by Rob from Other, November 25, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

I knew I made the right choice when I read the reviews here and am NOT disappointed. The machine is awesome.

Packaging was well done and came with a ton of software. Installed on my XP machine in place of my CD-RW drive and windows didn't even tell me it had found new devices, it just had it , period.

My very first burn of a home video (converted with TMPG and then IFOEDIT) as a DVD Video was flawless.

What can I say ? I bought it because they have the same technology my CD-RW had (A NEC designed by RICOH with Justlink)

Ordered online and price, tax plus FED EX shipping - 306.00

Could have saved about 22 dollars if I was not a NY state resident.

If you are thinking of a DVD burner, don't settle for "Maybe it will burn, maybe it won't, gee I hope I have the right disks". Get one that works ALL THE TIME. The Aopen

Comments posted by Rob from Other, November 20, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

Its a Ricoh drive and says so in Windows, so don't be surprised when you look at the device manager.
I've got AOpen firmware 1.27 - previous versions may have caused probs, mine's been okay.

Great drive, great price, great bundle - apart from neoDVD, I cannot believe they released that piece of rubbish.

I considered the Sony 120/500, Memorex 100 and Philips 228 before deciding on this one (based on features/bundle/bug reports/price).

Comments posted by Richard from Other, November 12, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

I've burned several DVD+R and DVD+RW with this drive. Not even one coaster. Made a 1:1 copy with DVD Decrypter without any problems. All the discs play fine on my Pioneer standalone player. The justlink function on this drive works perfectly ! A perfect drive for a fair price.

Comments posted by Harm van den Heurik from Other, October 26, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

Installed easely without problems on my pentium 3. Wrote to dvd+rw dvd ful of videos compiled and authored with neodvd also one one a dvd+r disk without any problems. Disks read on my sanio dvd player without any problems. Good quality!

Also wrote some rw-cd and cd's without problems.

Very good value for money!

Comments posted by Jan Prinsloo from Other, October 02, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

My first DVD Writer. No problems at all. Wrote my first DVD without any effort

Comments posted by Mops from Other, September 08, 2002. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

21 comments, Showing 1 to 21 comments

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Original Equipment Manufacturer.


The manufacturer of the main chipset the DVD writer/recorder is based on.

Write support / Read support
= Works
DVD-R = Is not supported
DVD-R? = Not tested

Single Layer(4.7GB) write speeds
1x (CLV) = about 58 minutes
2x (CLV) = about 29 minutes
2.4x (CLV) = about 24 minutes
4x (CLV) = about 14.5 minutes
6x (CLV/ZCLV) = about 10-12 minutes
8x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 8-10 minutes
12x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 6.5-7.5 minutes
16x (CAV/ZCLV) = about 6-7 minutes

Dual/Double Layer(8.5GB) write speeds
1x CLV = about 105 minutes
2.4x CLV = about 44 minutes
4x CLV = about 27 minutes

Single Layer (4.7GB) read speeds
1x read speed is 1.321MB/s = ~56 minutes
6x CAV (avg. ~4x) read speed is max 7.93MB/s = ~14 minutes
8x CAV (avg. ~6x) read speed is max 10.57MB/s = ~10 minutes
12x CAV (avg. ~8x) read speed is max 15.85MB/s = ~7 minutes
16x CAV (avg. ~12x) read speed is max 21.13MB/s = ~5 minutes

DVD Write types
CAV = Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is written at a constantly increasing speed.
CLV = Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is written at a constant speed.
ZCLV = Zone Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is divided into zones. After each zone the write speed is increased.
PCAV = Partial Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is being written at an increasing speed until a certain speed. After this speed it will not increase anymore.

Desktop = Standalone desktop DVD Recorder
EIDE = Computer DVD Writer with EIDE/IDE connection
SCSI = Computer DVD Writer with SCSI connection
USB = Computer desktop DVD Writer with USB 2.0 or/and 1.1 connection
FireWire = Computer desktop DVD Writer with IEEE 1394/FireWire/i.Link connection (some standalone desktop dvd recorder supports this also but then it is usually to connect your DV camera to the recorder)

The first rating is based on a weighted rank (the true Bayesian), it requires at least 5 votes to get a weighted rating.
The second rating between the ( ) is a normal average rating.

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