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Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
DupEZ DVD-R 4.7GB LD01........ 1x Plays on 3 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 4 comments

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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 42 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 50 00 02 98 0C 13 .B...@....P.....
76 78 80 00 03 4C 44 30 31 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 vx...LD01.......

Media color and text:
Silver Blank shiney silver


4 user comments

Showing 1 to 4 comments
Comments posted by Chris from Other, October 18, 2003:
THese discs are excellent.... out of 200 i think 1 had bad sectors. most were burnt all the way to 4.36 Gb ... no complaints...

BE CAREFUL THOUGH ... there are some other Lead Datas that have the media code LD, not LD01 like these that are horrible.

Additional information:

Purchased from:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is None.
Authoring/Burning comments:
dvd shrink, copy2dvd ....
alcohol 120%

Comments posted by Geoff from Other, June 27, 2003:
Burns well in my Pioneer DVR105. Playback on DVD is great and XBOX reproduction is good. I was having a problem with all my media not working after a while - I have since found out why. I have a CD stomper kit and after applying a sticker to the DVD it no longer worked in the XBOX and movies began skipping. Note: Do not apply a printable sticker to this media - leave it blank!

Additional information:

Price: $3 Purchased from: - Sydney Date purchased: June 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 1x using firmware 1.3 (medion OEM).
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is Shiny silver.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVD to One for movies. Copy to DVD and Nero for burning. Just tried Clone DVD and burnt a movie and XBOX - very easy to use and perfect results so far.
Works fine on Hiteker AD-600A
Works fine on Microsoft Xbox

Comments posted by Scumbag from Other, April 17, 2003:
My initial report should say sold as 1x but burns fine at 2x with my A05 with hacked 1.30 firmware.

Additional information:

Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.30 hacked.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is None.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVD Shrink & Nero 5.5.20

Comments posted by Scumbag from Other, April 15, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Price: $1.5 Purchased from: Au$3 - in Sydney, Australia Date purchased: April 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.30 hacked.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is Blank shiney silver.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Authored with DVD Shrink 1.03 and burnt with Nero OEM
Works fine on Omni DV3300D

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1 media hits, Showing 1 to 1 media

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