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Sony DVP-NS325

6 user region code comments

February 03, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Fred, October 29 2003:

Hi, ALL.

DVD-player Sony DVP-NS325 r1/r3/r2-Japan don,t have solderless upgrade
(Example: PDA, DESKTOP, IRC, CD-R and etc....) in
variant MULTIREGION, and NTSC and PAL-enable, and Macrovision OFF.

The modification of this player is done only through special
Sony-Data-service-cable and special firm software through plugs
On main-board (plug CN-103) and on IR-board (plug CN-405).

P.S.: NOTE - Besides, on main-board of this player it is necessary to install additional
Components for Pal-enable.


PostRegion code hack posted by superbillyman, February 28 2005: ... rch=Search

PostOther hack posted by chris, June 08 2005:

i have two factory remote control hacks for you. first, this is REALLY fun to do. find someone who has the ns325, turn it off, and hit return, enter, and power. this will LOCK his tray, and he wont be able to open it!! repeat to unlock. BUT be nice and undo it.

now for region and macrovision. by turning the player off and pressing return, clear, and power, you will get a HUGE list of menus from test, diagnostic, information, to things you can change, like eeprom.

im trying for region free and macrovision off, but i dont know how to work the complicated stuff like eeprom.

if this helps you get region free, or macrovision off, PLEASE e-mail me the instructions at DARKFIREoo7@AOL.COM letter o in 007. (i worked long and hard to find these codes).

PostRegion code hack posted by Susan Long, February 11 2006:

Sony DVP-NS325

PostRegion code hack posted by Kdosh, October 15 2006:

Ok, I have found 4 region hacks for this one, but I haven't tested them yet, I hope they are useful for you.

Region hack 1:
( This one has to be done with the original remote control)
1. Turn on your DVD with the remote control.
2. Wait until "no disc" appears on the screen.
3. Press the "pause" button on the remote control.
4. Press the buttons 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, in that order on the remote control.
5. The word "CODIFY" should appear on the screen and you have 5 seconds to choose the new region.
6. Press 0 (zero) to make it multizone or 1 for region 1, 2 for region 2, etc, etc. You will have 5 seconds to validate your modifications.
7. Press "Puse" and "Power" simultainouslu to validate your modifications.
Region hack 2:
A “One for All remote” is required.
1. hold magic button until dvd button on remote flashes twice
2. press 994
3. press magic button
4. press 1891
5. repeat steps 1-3,
6. then press 2552
7. repeat steps 1-3 again
8. then press 0953
9. repeat steps 1-3 again
10. then press 2214
11. repeat steps 1-3
12. then press 0795
13. Now, put player on standby.
14. Press 12345 (success will be displayed on dvd)
15. Press 12345 a second time (dvd goes into standby)
DVD is multi region active."
Region hack 3:
hit return, clear, and power. this brings up a LARGE set of menus. ranging from diagnostics to information, and things you can change ---> this will also open up a menu to configure the eeprom.
Region hack 4:
1. Put your DVD on "Standby".
2. On the remote control you can:
-Press simultainously "Audi" & "Return" to change it to multizone. (Zone auto detection)
-Press simultainously the buttons "P-Mode" & "Return" to read any region disc. (Multiregion)
-Press simultainously the buttons "Return" & "1" to make it region 1, "Return" & "2" for region 2, and so on ...
- Press simultainously the buttons "Return" & "0" to change it back to the original zone.

As I told you, I haven´t tested them yet, so if it works pleas tell me.

I hope you find this codes useful.

PostRegion code hack posted by belphegor, February 03 2007:

i need region code hack please

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