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Samsung DVD-E232

4 user region code comments

March 03, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Txus, October 20 2003:

This hack is from hack code posted by Razgogz:


This hack may work for DVD E232, DVD E234, DVD E335 & E435 as they are all in the same manual as the DVD E235

Power on player (no disc in machine)

1. Press the Repeat button on your remote control
NB: Do not confuse this with the Repeat A-B button
2. If your player was purchased in Region 1:
Press the buttons 2, 9, 3, 3 and 4 on your remote control, in order one at a time

If it was purchased in Region 2:
Press the buttons 5, 7, 5, 3 and 8 on your remote control, in order one at a time

For Region 3 players:
Press the buttons 5, 6, 7, 3 and 2 on your remote control, in order one at a time

For Region 4 players:
Press the buttons 7, 6, 8, 8 and 4 on your remote control, in order one at a time

For Region 5 players:
Press the buttons 5, 3, 8, 1 and 4 on your remote control, in order one at a time

For Region 6 players:
Press the buttons 2, 4, 4, 6 and 2 on your remote control, in order one at a time

3. The numbers 02 or similar will be displayed on the top left of your onscreen display
4. Press the 1 button on your remote control for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on, or 9 for multi-region playback
NB: The above step may be time sensitive and need to be performed quickly
5. After 15 seconds have elapsed, power off your player and then power on your player


This hack works with my Samsung E232, code "XEC" Region 2.

Per a usuaris catalans: aquest model de DVD es pot fer multizona mitjançant el comandament a distància del DVD. Simplement prement "Repeat" i marcant el codi 5-7-5-3-8. Apareixerà el número "02" en pantalla, premeu el número 9 per fer-lo multizona. Espereu uns 20 segons, apagueu el DVD i torneu-lo a encendre. Ja el teniu configurat :)

PostRegion code posted by bubatta, June 26 2004:

need this hack

PostRegion code hack posted by bubatta, June 27 2004:

need this hack

PostRegion code posted by Dre, March 03 2006:

Is It Possible for a VCD hack?

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