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Avi2Dvd is a all in one tool that converts avi/mkv/ogm with few clicks in a vcd/svcd/dvd. Avi2dvd uses only freeware tools and can handle varius freeware enconders (QuEnc/FreeEnc/NuEnc) or CCE. PAL to NTSC, NTSC to PAL, switchable subtitles, basic menu and more.

34 votes
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Latest version

0.6.4 (October 17, 2011)


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Download Avi2Dvd 0.6.4  35MB  Win Win

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Software License

Freeware (Free software and usage!)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Whats new v. 0.6.4
Added : Minimize to tray option
Added : Ask on exit
Added : Settings session
Added : New much cleaner interface
Added : Language dropbox
Updated : Dutch and taiwanese language
Removed : Updater
Updated : Installer

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Alternative to Avi2Dvd

(Latest version updated)

AVI2ISO  (Feb 21, 2010)

AVStoDVD  (Oct 11, 2020)

AVStoMPEG  (Jun 23, 2009)

DIKO  (Mar 21, 2009)

DVD Flick  (Oct 25, 2015)

FAVC  (Jun 19, 2008)

The FilmMachine  (Jan 9, 2011)

Guides and How to's

Basic Guide How to Convert AVI Files to DVD with Avi2DVD

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How to convert AVI files (DivX, XviD etc.) to DVD with Avi2DVD

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Avi2Dvd video tutorials

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Tool features - Convert

Acronyms / Also Known As

Trustfm Avi2Dvd

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34 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

My review may not reflect the program properly as it may work fine for others. Installation and setup was ok, I went for default settings. I was to convert a MKV into VCD, and I see in the log that sounds was converted but not video. So basically it failed without mentioning a reason in the log. Not sure if I can correct this to make it work, at least the MKV file palys fine in VideoLAN (it was ripped using Handbrake from a DVD). Now trying something from to see it that works, at least 10% progress bar so far...

Review by janolsen on Jul 4, 2010 Version: 0.6.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

This is being reported as spyware in KAV with the download blocked. I've checked it three times.

It should be carefully checked as it is being described as 100% ad and spyware free !

Review by blue2 on Jun 12, 2008 Version: 0.45 beta OS: WinXP Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Being a newcomer in this field the first time I used this software I had problems with the color or quality, but after I put out some codecs of another software, everything became perfect. Thank you so much to the author for such excellent piece of work, my best wishes to him!!!


Review by EP on May 31, 2008 Version: 0.4.5 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Just tried using .45 Beta on a few different AVI and Xvid files and it dosnt pick up the details of the file like the FPS etc.. also unable to choose an Audio stream. I will give .44 a go and see if that picks up all the details. Using Vista 32Bit, mind you there could be a problem with other codecs etc. on my PC.

Other than the above, it is very well set out and looks extremely easy to use.

Review by SirSTI on May 8, 2008 Version: .45 Beta OS: Vista Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 2/10 Value for money: 2/10 Overall: 2/10

A very practical way to get a DVD assembled with 3 + null subtitles and up to 3 different soundtracks.

Actually it's just an interface for human laypeople to grapple with several different freeware utilities that work seamlessly and automatically to get the desired final result.

The only shortcoming I found was my inability (if it'ds at all possible) to make subtitles come out in any color other than white, in spite of having them set to yellow in Subtitle Workshop. All other settings worked fine, though I never tried to build menus with it.

Review by johel on May 4, 2008 Version: 0.4.4 beta OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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