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Showing all Camcorders/DV/HDV/AVCHD software ordered by Latest version (Order by Name instead)

31 tool hits, Showing 1 to 31 tools
DVMP Pro is the most comprehensive and reliable method of time-stamping your camcorder video files. It extracts the recording date and time (also known as datacode or datecode) and stamps it onto the visible area of each frame. See the original date and time of recording change in real-time and with frame accuracy. Choose the exact format of the date and time stamp, also the font, size, position and language. Import time-stamped files into your own video editing or DVD authoring software. Works with video files from many cameras, camcorders and smartphones - try the DEMO version with your own files.

Trialware $80
OS: Win
Version: 8.0
Released: May 20,2024
File size: 17MB

2 votes

DVMP Pro screenshot

HandySaw DS is a Powerful Automatic Optical Video Scene Detection Tool. To accelerate the digitalization process the source material is usually captured as one or several large pieces, operate with such source files can be rather difficult. Instead of one long clip it is desirable to have a set of short clips, each one containing one single "scene" (e.g. from the start to the end of recording).

Trialware $64
OS: Win
Released: Mar 4,2024
File size: 60MB

1 vote

HandySaw DS screenshot

DVdate is a nice utility for all video avi-files, but specially useful when dealing with DV video clips. Retrieve basic video information like the codec, image size, duration, audio format. DV files specific features: retrieve datecode,timecode, type. Rename a video clip with its datecode. Add the datecode or timecode to the name of the video file and also convert a file from DV type 1 to DV type 2 and reciprocally.

OS: Win
Version: 8.3.7
Released: Sep 9,2023
File size: 1.7MB

10 votes

DVdate screenshot

Visual AVCHD Time Stamp (vATS) is a tool to add date and/or time stamp to the captured AVCHD video files- When videos recorded on an AVCHD camcorder are captured into AVCHD files on a PC, the time codes (date/time when the tape was recorded) are transferred along with the video/audio data to the files. But the time codes are not visible when you view the AVCHD files. By using vATS, the time codes are extracted from the AVCHD files and superimposed onto the videos. vATS 2.0 can now output AVCHD compatible format files. vATS works for AVCHD format files only.

Trialware $20
OS: Win
Version: 4.1.0
Released: Feb 12,2021
File size: 3.1MB

4 votes

Visual AVCHD Time Stamp screenshot

AVCutty is able to capture video material from a DV camera. It saves the videos in AVI files. It also simplifies the splitting of AVI files into the different scenes. It scans the AVI files and detects the scene changes either optically or per DV date stamp. Each scene can be saved into a new AVI file. Because AVCutty does not recompress the video data, the process is lossless. Also it is possible to trim the scenes in a comfortable manner. So, AVCutty is very useful, particularly at the beginning of your video project. Optical scene detection in AVI files, cutting+trimming of scenes/AVIs, splitting+joining of AVIs, export of BMPs, writing scene/AVI index with thumbnails.

OS: Win
Version: 3.7
Released: Jan 2,2021
File size: 1MB

12 votes

AVCutty screenshot

Visual MP4/MOV Time Stamp (vMTS) is a tool to add date and/or time stamp to the captured MP4/MOV/video files. The MP4/MOV video files have the time codes embedded in the files, such time codes are stored in the video files when they are recorded. But the time codes are not visible when you view the MP4/MOV files. When you use video edit tools to convert the MP4/MOV files to other files, the time codes get lost. By using vMTS, the time codes are extracted from the MP4/MOV files and superimposed onto the videos. This way the date/time will be visible when you view the stamped file, consequently other files made out of the stamped files will have date/time displayed. MP4/MOV format is used by iPhone, GoPro camcorders, and digital cameras made by Canon, Sony, Nikon, Panasonic, etc. Such video files have 'mp4' or 'MOV' file extension.

Trialware $20
OS: Win
Version: 2.0.0
Released: Dec 28,2020
File size: 4.1MB

4 votes

Visual MP4/MOV Time Stamp screenshot

xavc rtmd2srt / x_rtmd2srt is a tool to decrypt real-time (per frame) camera parameters from Sony XAVC S video files as they change during shooting and put them as usual SRT subtitles (to view over video in VLC player). Command line software.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 20190619
Released: Jun 19,2019
File size: 5.8MB

1 vote

xavc rtmd2srt screenshot

DV Analyzer is a technical quality control and reporting tool that examines DV streams in order to report errors in the tape-to-file transfer process, such as video error concealment information, invalid audio samples, timecode inconsistency, inconsistent use of arbitrary bits in video DIF blocks, and DIF structural problems. DV Analyzer also reports on patterns within DV streams such as changes in DV time code, changes in recording date and time markers, first and last frame markers within individual recordings, and more.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 1.4.2
Released: Sep 26,2017
File size: 5.3MB

1 vote

DV Analyzer screenshot

DSLRsync is a tool which allows you to use standard timecode in your DSLR cameras. It generates sync media (MP4 with timecode numbers, LTC signal and audio monitoring) which can be used by any smartphone or tablet to feed your DSLR camera with aux Timecode, reads LTC signal from your MOV clips, and generates FCP / APP XML project file based on loaded clips. K-lite codec pack and Quicktime may be required(included in download).

OS: Win
Version: 1.07
Released: Apr 12,2014
File size: 120MB

1 vote

DSLRsync screenshot

WinRewrap is essentially a frontend/GUI for ffmbc (command line encoder/wrapper). It is designed for batch processing project folders containing multiple .MTS Files and optionally an XML. It can ReWrap the .MTS files to .MP4 or .MOV fully automated. You just select the folder. Optionally, it can convert your Audio to AAC, PCM or remove it. Support for other formats may be possible, you can always make a request. This enables project export from The New Sony Vegas Pro 12 to DaVinci Resolve, and can also be used for normal batch processing of entire Folders from AVCHD Cameras like GH2, etc. Requires ffmbc.

OS: Win
Version: 0.4 Beta
Released: Oct 11,2012
File size: 0.7MB

1 vote

WinRewrap screenshot

Cedocida is an open source Video for Windows (VfW) DV-Type2-Codec. Installation: Unzip all files and right click on "cedocida.inf" and select install. Try the Grass Valley DV Codec for newer versions of Windows.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.2.3
Released: Oct 3,2012
File size: 0.1MB

2 votes

Cedocida DV Codec screenshot

Time and Date Subtitle Generator is a program that generates a date and time .srt file from the metadata found in AVCHD (.mts) files from HD video cameras. It also contains a tool to batch process a directory of .mts files or an entire directory tree of .mts files and generate corresponding .srt files. The latest version includes an experimental feature to dump all the frame specific metadata to a text file, so that you can examine the hex tags and hex data from you videocam files.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.35
Released: Jun 24,2012
File size: 3.7MB

1 vote

Time and Date Subtitle Generator screenshot

Transport Stream Packet Editor is a fast, capable, straightforward non-linear Editor and Analyser for transport streams (.ts and .m2ts) - e.g. AVCHD camcorder, recorded TV, etc. Can edit (cut) commercials from captured sources with assisted commercial detection. Advanced technical features for expert users. Wide compatibility with input stream types and sources. Supported Video Formats: MPEG2, H.264, VC-1. Supported Audio Formats: Dolby Digital AC-3/Plus/Lossless, MLP, DTS, DTS HD/HD-MA, AAC, MPEG1, MPEG2,PCM

Trialware $50
OS: Win
Version: 0.760 / 0.815 Alpha
Released: May 24,2012
File size: 3.8MB

3 votes

Transport Stream Packet Editor screenshot

VidToDisc is a (home) video capture, editing and converting software -VidToDisc-. Its name gives its main goal: backup your videos into a DVD (up to two hours of video with optimum quality, with chapters for easy navigation). It does this either in DVD video format for TV or Matroska/XVid/AC3 format for computer viewing. Based on free software.

OS: Win
Version: 1.2
Released: Jan 22,2010
File size: 28.7MB

1 vote

VidToDisc screenshot

TSSniper is a transport stream(ts,m2ts) editor. This software is not yet completely finished but cutting of transport streams containing H-264 or MPEG2 video should work without problems. The following audio/video formats are supported: Transport streams(.ts, .mts, .m2ts, AVCHD) with one video track containing either H.264 or MPEG2 video (with or without PAT/PMT) together with the following audio track formats: MPEG1, MPEG2, AC-3, AAC, AAC-HE. Transport streams containing multiple programs (transponder dumps) can only be processed if the qualifying desciption elements (PAT/PMT) also exist in the dump. Teletext und subtitle tracks are not yet supported. Cuts are placed on I/IDR-frames.

OS: Win
Version: test
Released: May 24,2009
File size: 4MB

22 votes

TSSniper screenshot

Enosoft DV Processor is primarily designed to perform real time processing on DV streams, either from an attached DV device or from existing DV AVI files. The processed DV streams can be sent to another attached DV device, a new DV AVI file or onto the computer's display. The key functions range from the relatively mundane - capture DV, send existing DV files back to a device etc - to real time logo insertion, aspect ratio conversion, timecode burn-in and synchronous control/capture from devices connected to separate computers on a local network.

OS: Win
Version: 1.5.4
Released: Mar 9,2009
File size: 8.9MB

4 votes

Enosoft DV Processor screenshot

EFIXMO is a simple software makes external video monitor for your camcorder/webcamera/etc from your notebook. Designed for DV sources, but works with others DirectShow sources too. Works with XP32, Vista and Windows 7. Site is available only in Polish but EFIXMO in English language software.

OS: Win
Version: .1
Released: Feb 15,2009
File size: 1.5MB

2 votes

efixmo screenshot

The Enosoft AVI Repair Tool is designed to repair DV format AVI files that have been corrupted due to missing AVI header information. The tool can repair both Type-1 and Type-2 DV AVI files. The tool works by creating a new AVI file from the DV data inside the corrupt file.

OS: Win
Version: 1.1
Released: Jan 11,2009
File size: 0.2MB

3 votes

Enosoft AVI Repair Tool screenshot

HDV Data Monitor is very simple tool to view datacodes of some HDV cameras and files. In some cases you need to rename the file first to .mpg. This program has been designed to work with PAL (25pfs) camcorder and material. It should not be used for NTSC (29,95fps) camcorder or material.

OS: Win
Version: 0.6
Released: Jun 12,2007
File size: 0MB

1 vote

HDV Data Monitor screenshot

HDVSplit is a utility for capturing HDV stream from your camcorder with scene splitting by timestamp. You can also split MPEG2 Transport Stream files captured earlier - new scenes are detected by date and time read from .m2t file.

OS: Win
Version: 0.77 beta
Released: Dec 16,2006
File size: 0.2MB

18 votes

HDVSplit screenshot

Visual DV Time Stamp(vDTS) extracts the time codes from the DV AVI files and superimposed onto the videos. Features: Preview stamped video, accurate to pixel level. Custom date/time stamp format. This allow users to define their own formats. Mark stamping, Range stamping, and Stop-watch stamping duration modes.

Trialware $20
OS: Win
Version: 2.1.1
Released: Nov 12,2006
File size: 0.3MB

7 votes

Visual DV Time Stamp screenshot

ScenalyzerLive (short: ScLive) makes capturing video and selecting useful scenes from your DV-tapes very easy, comfortable and FUN! Sclive is the "missing link" between the Camera and your editing-program. Due to the file-size or file-format limitation under the FAT32 file-system (Windows 98/ME) .avi files are limited to 2 or 4 GB, ScenalyzerLive provides a solid Workaround for this 2/4GB problem.

OS: Win
Version: 4.0 20060412
Released: Apr 12,2006
File size: 1.8MB

16 votes

ScenalyzerLive screenshot

DV_Datecode is a small tool for Windows, reads the DATACODE(time and date) for each frame in a DV AVI file automatically. The DATACODE is displayed on DV_DataCode's window and there are two files(ssa, sub subtitles files) created which can be used for further processing of the DATACODE in other programs.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.4
Released: Feb 18,2006
File size: 0.2MB

1 vote

DV_Datecode screenshot

STOIK Capturer allows you to capture video from DV camcorder through FireWire interface or any analog video source such as TV tuner card, video card, webcam etc. Features: Capture to AVI or WMV, Option to capture through temporary file to avoid drop frames during recompression, Split capture file by size, Ability to output DV AVI to DV camcorder

OS: Win
Version: 1.0
Released: May 20,2004
File size: 0.2MB

10 votes

Stoik Video Capture screenshot

DVapp captures in DV type 1 or type 2. It has a preview windows and a timer.

OS: Win
Version: 9.0
Released: Mar 11,2004
File size: 0.2MB

6 votes

DVapp screenshot

WinDV is a small and easy to use Windows application for capturing videos from DV device (camcorder) into AVI-files and for recording AVI-files into DV device via FireWire (IEEE 1394) interface.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.2.3
Released: May 29,2003
File size: 0MB

56 votes

WinDV screenshot

DV Sub Maker extracts DV Date and Time from DV AVI or DV DT(dvdt) file and make Subtitles from it. You can use Your favorite player to watch Your video with DateTime Stamp, or make DVD or SVCD with DateTime subtitles.

OS: Win
Version: 1.3
Released: Oct 27,2002
File size: 0.4MB

2 votes

DV Sub Maker screenshot

Ulead DV Type 1 to DV Type 2 Converter utility will convert DV Type I movies to DV Type II. No quality loss.

OS: Win
Version: N/A
Released: Sep 24,2001
File size: 0.1MB

5 votes

Ulead DV Type 1 to DV Type 2 Converter screenshot

Canopus DV File Converter utility will convert DV Type I movies to DV Type II or Canopus Reference AVI. No quality loss. Useful if you have problem editing or converting the DV in some tools like Virtualdub.

OS: Win
Version: 1.1
Released: Jul 24,2001
File size: 1.6MB

6 votes

Canopus DV File Converter screenshot

DVIO captures and sends both AVI Type 1 and Type 2 video files to and from your IEEE 1394 videocamera without the need for converting between multiple files types.

OS: Win
Version: 1.32
Released: Oct 18,2000
File size: 0MB

7 votes

DVIO screenshot

Canopus DV Codec is a DV video codec. Play and import DV video with any tool. Try the Grass Valley DV Codec for newer versions of Windows.

OS: Win
Version: 1.02
Released: May 19,1999
File size: 0.8MB

2 votes

Canopus DV Codec screenshot

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