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movie thumbnailer (mtn) saves thumbnails/screenshots of movie or video files to jpeg files. It uses FFmpeg's libavcodec as its engine, so it supports all popular codecs, e.g. . h.265/hevc, h.264, divx h264 mpeg1 mpeg2 mp4 vc1 wmv xvid, and formats, e.g. .3gp .avi .dat .mkv .wmv. Command line tool(useful for batching) but GUI/Frontend also available.

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movie thumbnailer screenshot

movie thumbnailer screenshot 2

movie thumbnailer screenshot 3
Latest version

3.5.0 / 0.5 QMNT GUI (February 21, 2024)


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Download movie thumbnailer 3.5.0 Windows 64-bit  42MB  Win64 Win  Portable Portable

Download movie thumbnailer 3.5.0 Linux  Linux Linux

Download Beta and other versions

Download movie thumbnailer 0.5 QMNT GUI Windows 64-bit  15MB  Win64 Win

Download movie thumbnailer 0.5 QMNT GUI Linux  Linux Linux

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win Linux Linux

More information and other downloads

Download GUI Thumbnail Generator here, a GUI/fronted for movie thumbnailer/mtn.

Download Thumbnail me here, Thumbnail me saves thumbnails (screenshots) of movie or video files to jpeg files.

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

version 3.5.0 2024/02/21
- add filtering and tonemaping (--filters, --filter-color-primaries, --tonemap)
- add -x switch to change output filename
- add -e switch to specify file extension list
- add support for webp and avif (-o)
- append "tiles info" to the info file (-N)
- default font is being searched using fonconfig
- wrong fontname turns off font rendering instead of error exiting
- fix folder permission for newly created directory with -O switch
- fix font warning if no font needed
- fix network init warning

View full changelog

All features

Super fast! Thanks to FFmpeg's libavcodec.
Command line program: can be used on remote connections to co-location servers, or used in scripts.
Batch mode: recursively search directories for movie files.
Run at lower priority (nice 10 on Linux, idle on Windows) by default. To run at normal priority use -n option.
Thumbnails are group together in one jpeg file and can be saved individually too (-I option).
Work fine with Unicode filenames in both Linux & Windows (might need to change the font with -f fontfile).
Blank screen detection & evasion
Edge detection & blur evasion
Update mode: (-W option) omits files that already have thumbnails
Save file info (name, size, length, codecs) to a text file (-N option)
Seek and non-seek mode: automatically selected and can be overridden (-z and -Z option). Seek mode is much faster while non-seek mode is good for small time step or small clips.
3D-look: shadows under individual shots
Transparent background color using png

Sections/Browse similar tools

Alternative to movie thumbnailer

(Latest version updated)

Auto-Movie-Thumbnailer  (Oct 13, 2024)

Image Grabber II  (Nov 30, 2012)

ImageGrab  (May 2, 2023)

Scenegrabber.NET  (Mar 1, 2012)

Video Thumbnails Maker  (Jan 2, 2025)

Guides and How to's

Acronyms / Also Known As

mtn, mtnbatch, mtnfront, thumbnail me, thumbnailme

Download movie thumbnailer Portable download from the Download links under Download and Download other versions!

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6 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Rating by xsxs on Feb 5, 2025 Version: 3.5.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I have been using mtn since 2010 and it's the fastest out there. It took a bit to figure out the arguments since it's command line only but after that it's been great. I have been using the mtn-200808a-win32 version even to this day in 2024, but finally decided to update it because the older one didn't support HEVC or AV1. So I updated it to 3.4.2 and it does support HEVC & AV1 which is great.
My only gripe with the new version is that the font rendering changed a bit. I always used verdana.ttf as the font for the overhead text, but with the new version, the text letters are pretty narrow & slim. I tried using the verdana bold one, but it's still not the same! 🫤

Review by version365 on Feb 11, 2024 Version: 3.4.2 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

It's fast indeed, but the quality of the screenshots is quite poor compared with other tools. (I've tried VCSI, Scorp Video Thumbnails Maker, MPC-HC, SMPlayer, Auto Movie Thumbnailer, StaxRip, PotPlayer, BsPlayer !) It might go unnoticed for small thumbnails but I have a situation where I want 4 tiles of 960x540 pixels generated from 1920x1080 short videos, and MTN's output is dull and blurry. Another issue is that the colors are inaccurate for Bt.709 YUV footage. SMPlayer gets the colors right, the quality is fine, but options are limited and it doesn't allow batch-processing. I managed to tweak VCSI to respect the colors, the picture quality is also fine, but it's much slower than MTN and there are less informations available in the metadata header (although it's easier to tweak with a custom template). Scorp's software doesn't respect Bt.709 colors either, it's faster than VCSI but slower than MTN (even with the so-called “ultimate” engine which I found to be actually slightly slower than the basic “crystal” engine available with a free license, at least with my test video).

Review by abolibibelot on Nov 6, 2018 Version: 200808a OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 7/10

The best video thumbnails creator bar none. I am amazed at how blazingly fast it is compared to the other programs I've used. Many thanks to the author of this excellent tool. I highly recommend that others give this program a try.

Review by win7user on Nov 5, 2010 Version: 200808a OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Indeed indeed incredible simple incredible fast.
The only thing you must know is
Where is mtn.exe?
Where is my file?
How many rows to grab? or Grab a picture all 60 seconds, 120 seconds.
Example: I have unzipped

My File is on an external drive

I grab an image all 60 seconds:
-s 60

This string is used at Start_Run:

C:\Programme\moviethumbs\mtn-200808a-win32\mtn.exe -P -h 0 -c 3 -s 60 -w 1024 -g 0 -j 80 -b 0,80 -D 12 -L 4:2 -k 000000 -f tahomabd.ttf -F FFFFFF:12:tahomabd.ttf:FFFFFF:000000:10 -T "" "N:\fulldvd\MYMOVIE.mkv"

And within 10 seconds !!!!! 111 pictures in 3 rows are generated in a file MYMOVIE_s.jpg (1,381 MB).

If you save the great string

C:\Programme\moviethumbs\mtn-200808a-win32\mtn.exe -P -h 0 -c 3 -s 60 -w 1024 -g 0 -j 80 -b 0,80 -D 12 -L 4:2 -k 000000 -f tahomabd.ttf -F FFFFFF:12:tahomabd.ttf:FFFFFF:000000:10 -T "" "N:\fulldvd\MYMOVIE.mkv"

in a text file, you must only change the movie's title, paste it into START-RUN and you are much faster than with all the other third class programs!

Review by stratos on Dec 18, 2009 Version: 200808a (August 01, 2008) OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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