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Grau GbRs Video Repair Tool can repair and fix broken or damaged video files (mp4,mv4,mpg,mov,jpg,dvc,3gp) that do not play in your media player. Repairs video files that are truncated, broken, corrupt or damaged. Repairs video files that do not play in QuickTime or Windows Media player. Repairs movies that were not finalized by the camera. The repair does not depend on a valid/correct container format - the raw video and audio stream data is fully automatically reconstructed. Supports non-broken reference movies for finding missing movie meta-data and parameters. $40 for 1 repair and $120 for unlimited repairs. The free trial version will try repair half your movie. NOTE! It has NO installation, just extract all files and run gs.exe.

Trialware $40
OS: Win Mac
File size: 58MB
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Latest version (May 9, 2021)


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Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $40)

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Windows Win Mac OS Mac

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Video Repair Software

Do-It-Yourself Video Repair Software (VRT)

“We googled 2 days to find a solution to repair some broken .MP4 movie files – we couldn’t find one, so we started to build our own.”

Our repair utility can repair and fix broken or damaged video files (MOV, MP4, 3GP, M4V) that do not play in your media player.

What exactly means REPAIR? Repair means that only video and audio portions can be repaired that are not lost: On some of your corrupt files, it MAY NOT repair anything at all, on some files it MAY repair some video portions, and on some other files it MAY repair both video and audio portions (It fully depends on the grade of corruption).

Repairs video files that are truncated, broken, corrupt or damaged
Repairs video files that do not play in QuickTime or Windows Media player
Repairs movies that were not finalized by the camera
The repair does not depend on a valid/correct container format – the raw video and audio stream data is fully automatically reconstructed
Supports non-broken reference movies for finding missing movie meta-data and parameters
Currently, our software can automatically repair damaged .mov, .mp4, m4v, or .3gp movie files (generally, all movie files based on QuickTime container format) that use one of the following codec formats:

avc1 (H264/AVC, used by most digital cameras, HD video cameras, iPhone, etc.)
mp4v (H264/ISO, used by a few cameras)
MPG2 / xdvc / xd5d / xd5e (MPEG-2 / XDCAM, used by Sony cameras)
jpg (Motion JPEG,used by Panasonic cameras)
icod (Apple Intermediate Codec, used by Final Cut)
dvc / dvpp / dvhp (DVCPRO / DVCPRO HD, used by Panasonic cameras)
apch / apcn / apcs / apco / ap4h (ProRes 4444/422/LT/HQ/Proxy, used by Final Cut)
Movies of the following cameras have been tested for correctness with our software (however we cannot test all camera models, and it generally works on most digital cameras):

Cameras Notes
Canon 60D, 5D, 7D, T1i, EOS 550D, Powershot SX20, S95
Panasonic HVX200, HXDC1
Nikon Coolpix P300 Experimental: Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single’ under options!
Kodak ZX1, ZX3, ZI8, Z7590
Oregon ATC9K
Sony XDCAM, EX1, F900,
JVC HM100,
Matrox MX02,
Other MPEG2 cameras If audio is white noise, under options, choose custom repair parameter ‘-af twos’ for PCM big endian, or ‘-af sowt’ for PCM little endian.
If video is shaky, under options, choose:
1. Enable ‘reencode movie files’
2. Choose ‘Custom (ffmpeg) as ‘preset for reencoding’
3. Enter ‘mp4: -f mov -acodec copy -vcodec mpeg2video -sameq’ into ‘custom reencoder params’
Contour HD Helmet
GoPro, POV.HD, Contour+2 If repaired video is hanging, try activating ‘No CTTS repair’ under options.
iPhone, Nokia N82, Nexus One, all Android phones
Samsung HMX200, HMXS10, MX20, SMX-F400BP/EDC and many other Samsung cameras Experimental: Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single’ under options!
Liquid Image HD320, Toshiba Camileo S30, B10, P100,
AR Drone Quadcopter Experimental: Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single’ under options!
SIV M7 Experimental: Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single’ under options!
Canon 574HD no audio
Zoom Q3HD no audio
Flip Ultra HD
Drift HD720 Experimental: Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single’ under options!
XSplit Broadcaster Experimental: Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single’ under options!
Olympus Tough TG-810 Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single -noctts’ under options!
DJI Drohne Vision Plus 2 Choose custom repair parameters ‘-single -noctts’ under options!
Sony DSC-HX1 Choose ‘Enable AVC1 single mode’, choose ‘Reencode repaired movie files (MP4 high quality)’, choose ‘Overwrite existing codec information by reference file’
Additionally, if our software doesn’t support your camera yet, we can add support for new video and audio encodings (our 10 years of experience in data recovery software helps us to develop something new).

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Video Repair Utility, HD Video Repair Utility, Grau GBR

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9 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Rating by michos on Sep 24, 2023 Version: OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

To get a full repair you must buy it(40 bucks only does 1 full repair and you must cough up 120 for unlimited!) as it only does half the file in trial mode. What a con! Only idiots or money to burn would buy this.

Review by Rob on Jan 9, 2023 Version: OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Downloaded the MAC file. It contains .exe files which do not work on Mac. Please fix the download so Mac users actually download the Mac version.

Review by Angie on May 23, 2019 Version: OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Crashes on scan when trying to repair an mp4 file

Review by wtf on Dec 19, 2018 Version: OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Did not work for me in trial/demo. But vtsfix which is free, worked! You must have money to waste if you spend it on this rubbish software!

Review by Tim on Jul 16, 2017 Version: 2.x OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

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Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)

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