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Subtitle Workshop 6+ replaces the old Subtitle Workshop from urusoft. It's based on Subtitle Workshop 2.51. Subtitle Workshop is the most complete, efficient and convenient subtitle editing tool. It supports all the subtitle formats you need and has all the features you would want from a subtitle editing program.

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Latest version

6.0b / 6.3.3 (November 28, 2024)


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Download Subtitle Workshop 6.0b  2MB  Win Win

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Download Subtitle Workshop 6.0b Portable  2MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

Download Subtitle Workshop 6.3.3  13MB  Win Win

Download Subtitle Workshop 6.3.3 Portable  15MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

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Windows Win

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Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b (, but with Audio waveform, UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.

2024-11-28 (v6.3.3)
Changed the layout of the 'Split Subtitle, simple' window for better readability.

Prevent an error when the currently selected language file does not exists any more for some reason, see

Join Subtitle: Added the possibility to order the items in the list with an extra up/down button (in addition to drag/drop).

The FFMpeg tools are also found now if their path is in the 'Path' environment variable, see

Handled false UTF8 detections in language and shortcut files better now, see

When starting playing the video the waveform audio play is stopped now instead of paused (solved some waveform audio timing problems).

The waveform extraction can also be done now using the VLC video renderer (if present of course). In this case the FFmpeg tools are not needed any more. New translation required: [Settings Waveform] 05=Use FFmpeg for waveform extraction

For hunspell more dictionaries can be downloaded and installed now. New translations required: [Hunspell] InstallDicts=Install Dictionaries DictTitle=Hunspell Dictionaries DictAlreadyInstalled=Already installed DictDelete=Delete DictInstall=Install ListFail=Could not download list DictFail=Could not download dictionary "%s"

Attention: the whole content of the 'Hunspell' folder is new now (important for the users of the 'Portable' version).

Implemented menuItems and shortcut (in the 'File' section) for "An option for CTRL+S to save translations as well as original", see

Solved: Stuttering GUI after mouse hovering over the seekbar, see

Made the video zoom function work better and more logical, see also

Solved: Seekbar and buttons are erased from GUI when zooming in fullscreen (permanently), see

Removed the "- untranslated subtitle -" default text in untranslated subtitles, see Additionally also removed the "- empty subtitle -" text that replaced previous text after that was deleted. Additionally also also removed the "Mark untranslated subtitles with color" from the settings menu (untranslated subtitles have no text to color it).

Disabled the stop button when not playing (the button actually only does something if playing, even if it is enabled).

Loading translated subtitles has changed: the time stamp is used now to merge it with the original ones.

Divide lines implemented for the translation (together with the original text), see

Translations needed: [Divide lines] 10=use original 11=use translation

Shortcuts translations needed: Edit aGlobalNotes Edit the global notes in bigger window Edit aProjectNotes Edit the project notes in bigger window

Solved a calculation problem in 'Divide lines', see Also adapted the layout of the 'Divide Lines' window, see

WebVTT files now allow empty lines within the subtitle text, see

Partly solved original and translated subtitle overlap display problem, see

Detecting of Overlapping subtitles and subtitles with too short pause is disabled when one of the subtitles is blank.

Solved problem "Surplus dots are added to translated subtitles", see

Solved a problem in "Search and Replace" for the translation. In translate mode the possibility to choose the characterset has been added.

Disabled now the popup menu for the text edit areas when it is not necessary.

"Smart line adjust automatically" did not work in divide lines. Solved. Additionally this feature can now be switched on or off in the divide lines window too (next to menu settings advanced).

If notes are not shown in the left window then more place is provided for the items still present in the left panel.

Added the possibility to edit notes in a separate larger window (menu Edit, Notes). Shortcuts and 2 buttons are provided.

Solved a problem with "&" in the subtitle text using the alternate rendering mode.

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All features

Supports converting between, creating, opening, editing, and saving over 60 (currently) subtitle formats via the Subtitle API library, as well as saving subtitles in a custom user-defined file format.

User-friendly, multi-language, customizable interface (including customizable shortcuts and translation mode).

Vast array of customizable tools and functions for automatic timing and text manipulations, including automatic durations, smart line adjusting, spell checking, FPS conversion, search and replace, and many more.

Comprehensive customizable system for automatically or manually detecting, marking, and fixing various timing and text subtitle errors.

Supports style tags (bold, italic, underline) and color tags in the subtitle text -- including full tags support for multiple tags in a single subtitle.

Supports displaying and manipulating the timing pauses (the time gap between two subtitles) and offers a CpS (Characters per Second) system.

Multi-level Undo-Redo system.

Integrated video player with customizable subtitles preview and full screen mode that would play any video or audio format the system has codecs installed for.

Offers various information about the subtitle file, including custom information based on user-defined rules about the timing or the text.

Supports the usage of external Pascal scripts, as well as find-and-replace text scripts (called OCR Scripts).

Sections/Browse similar tools

Alternative to Subtitle Workshop


AHD Subtitles Maker

DivXLand Media Subtitler


Sub Station Alpha

Subtitle Edit

Guides and How to's

How to convert .srt to .subtitle (format for Tmpgenc Authoring Works)

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Subtitle Workshop video tutorials

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73 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Subtitle Workshop 6.0b cannot handle unicode characters. If a subtitle file contains symbols such as musical notes, they will not be displayed and saved properly. This is quite a shortcoming these days. Other software such as Subtitle Edit do support unicode and even allow inserting special characters.

Review by ArthuryF on Jan 31, 2025 Version: 6.0b OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 6/10

I have been using Subtile Workshop for more than 20 years and I still find it very useful, I love how easy and friendly its interface is. I also use SW but for some reason I have a special affection for this application. Thanks to all the people who have kept it alive to this day.

Review by TGB on Mar 2, 2023 Version: 6.1.8 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

64 bit versions keep crashing with a "Floating Point Division by Zero" error. 6.0e didn't for a while, then suddenly with no changes made to any setting on *anything* on the computer it does the same thing.

Review by bizzybody on Feb 26, 2021 Version: 6.0e OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 7/10 Overall: 7/10

Rating by babonga on Oct 11, 2020 Version: 6.0b OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Terrible software, slow, buggy and useless.

Review by gaa on Oct 10, 2020 Version: 6.0b OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 3/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 3/10

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