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RipIt4Me is a freeware utility that helps you backup your copy protected DVDs. Recently released DVDs are now very often equipped with stronger copy protections - such as ARccOS and RipGuard DVD. Programs like DVD Shrink or DVD Decrypter cannot handle these types of discs. RipIt4Me is fully automated and the wizard will guide you through all the necessary steps involved. If you prefer, there is also a true "1-Click" mode that will perform all the involved steps automatically for you.

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Latest version (March 23, 2007)


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Use DVD Fab Decrypter to rip and then use RipIt4me to shrink it.

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version (22 March 2007)

* Added an automatic updater. When a new version is available, RipIt4Me offers to download and install it for you. If you answer yes, the application closes, and the updater launches, fetches the app, puts it in the right place, and launches it again. If DVD Decrypter is currently ripping, the rip is aborted. If the VOBs are being cleaned, the cleanup is also aborted.
This of course, will only work the next time we have an update.
* Added code to detect whether the DVD appears to be protected. This is displayed in the main window during Step 1. If the DVD isn't protected, there's a new button in Step 1 to open the DVD with DVD Shrink directly.
* Added "Open .ini file" to the Main menu.
* Added handling of missing titles in video_ts.ifo as experienced in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Greece).
* RipIt4Me now terminates AnyDVD "the right way" (by sending a WM_CLOSE message to its main window in the tray, instead of killing the process).
* In any VTS that's excluded from the rip, the replacement IFO now only contains 1 title and 1 PGC.
* Attempted to fix the problem with DVD Decrypter running out of resources... Let us know if the new code helps!
* Attempted to fix a crash that could occur when a VTS had too many VOBUs. This was possibly responsible for the crash on "Vientos de Agua". Please, try and report? Thanks!
* Fixed a PUO problem in the analysis code that could cause some PGCs to not be cleaned appropriately.
* There was a serious problem in the analysis code related to Sprm[5] (TTN number). Now fixed.
* Attempted to fix the "Not a DVD" problem that some users have had in If that still does not work, post the debug log you get during Step1.
* In Movie-Only mode, a bug in Step1 could cause the IFOs to be copied in the last used target directory (instead of a temporary directory in %TEMP%).
* The psl import code now works when the path includes "(" or ")".
* The "Save logs" function now also copies the FinalIFO BUP files.
* The DVD Decrypter version was not being checked upon startup, no matter what your preferences were! Now fixed.

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Alternative to RipIt4Me

(Latest version updated)

DVD Rebuilder  (Jul 12, 2008)

DVD Shrink  (Jul 25, 2004)

DVDFab  (Mar 6, 2025)

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58 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Excellent review below mine. Now I know it will work in my Win10 laptop. My advice is rip with WinX DVD Copy Pro- got mine as a giveaway and then use Ripit to shrink your DVD or dvdshrink which has a handy sharp mode option which is useful for DVDs of a soft video. All this old software still is useful and never obsolete. Thanks to Video help for maintaining and hosting this. Cheers!

Review by Tony on Apr 8, 2021 Version: OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I was introduced to RIP4ME in 2007 and it is still working for me in 2021. My initial use started with Wins XP and have continued use of it into Wins 7 and 10. The combination of RIP4ME, DvdDecrypter, Fixvts, DvdShrink and ImgBurn have worked consistently for me. I used the Wizard Mode, when I first installed it for use and it is pretty cool and not difficult to use. However, I found that the "One Click Mode" has worked just fine for me, 99 percent of the time. It still is an effective software for archiving my home videos as well as my[owned] family features and animated features that my granddaughter likes to watch frequently. Anytime I have get a new desktop or laptop, RIP4ME is one of the first items installed. Always. Even when it was no longer supported, it has been effective, for the major part, from then to 2021. I had a few, including a western, that were problematical. Curious thing. I tried RIP4ME on those same one's later, and was able to backup and archive them. Go figure, since RIP4ME is no longer updated. Since the costs of hdds, have come down, I back up and save the uncompressed files to external hdds. I have the option, from there, to use ImgBurn to burn the .iso file to a dvd or playback the uncompressed files with a video player such as VLC or Kodi Media Player. My discs of choice to burn .iso files is Verbatim +R/+RW. Since I am in no great rush, I set my burn speed of 4x, an idea I got from "old hands" and experienced folks who had written, at different forums like this one, that it was recommended speed for the best and most consistent burns. That advice has served me well, since 2007, and I've had very few coasters. Note: Early on I noticed that I might a coaster using a Write Only(+R or -R). For whatever reason, I was able to successfully back up the same program using a Rewrittalble (+ or - RW)disc. I don't know if it was the disc(or a bad batch of discs or) or if the writer/the laser was not "burning" the image to the disc as it should. The upside to a bad burn on an RW was that if the disc was not corrupted, I could reformat it in my stand alone, dvd recorder and record t.v. programming or transfer home videos to the dvd and rip it to my pc later if I wanted to. I thought I might give a slightly different perspective on the how the use RIP4ME and the supporting software has been a benefit to me.

Review by on Apr 8, 2021 Version: RipIt4Me OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

We have the Seinfeld box set. 180 episodes plus many hours of extras.

I began the process of converting them to MKV. First from DVDShrink as backups of uncompressed episodes. Then import the VOBs into a program called Hybrid to convert to MKV. Using a variety of bitrates, I was able to make each ep ~124.6 MB, thus able to fit 36 eps per single-layer disc. Btw, audio I set to a low-ish 64kbps/48khz and it's good enough for us.

All went well for seasons 1-7 -- 28 original discs. For season 8, Shrink couldn't read the disc. DVD Fab Decrypter would crash while trying to copy it. DVD Decrypter on its own couldn't get past read errors.

Then I remembered RipIt4Me. It managed to save everything to enable importation and episodic saving from Shrink. Now, this process takes longer than the previous season discs, but it's not an issue for me.

Without it, my job would be incomplete. Actually still is, I'm yet to start season 9 :)

Review by Jaffo on Aug 8, 2019 Version: OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Best used with DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink.
This rips DVDs only, no ISO files or Blu-Ray.
This is a wrapper around the free program DVD Decrypter. This combo can rip 95% of all DVDs. A few special titles like Avatar or Toy Story cannot be copied. Sometimes I can make backups of scratched DVDs that barely play then make a clean copy that works. It can also help convert home DVD Recorder discs that will not play on other equipment. Generally you will want to activate most of the check boxes in the software setup. I like to remove all prohibitions so you can skip past legal stuff and advertising, ignore tiny files, drop VOBs not linked, etcetera. I also like to skip the advertising and go direct to the menu. Key features - you can rip the movie only or include the menus.

The program works best in 'wizard mode'. When you begin. it will show the size of your output files depending upon the type of rip chosen (movie only, movie and menus, or ALL). Some protection schemes may show an output file of 30 or 40 GB, but this will only exist temporarily on your hard drive and the excess files will be deleted in the later cleanup steps.

First it checks for 'protected sectors' and writes a temporary list to your drive.

Next you hit enter to begin the Decrypter step. Decrypter will show the files selected for ripping with blue highlights. This is the slowest step. So do something else while it works. After Decrypter is done, you need to hit the Enter Key 8 times! This is because a series of insignificant error messages will appear about 'can't set ....'. These should be ignored. Decrypter will give a completely different type of message if it failed reading your disc.

Next you hit enter so it will check the rip for empty title sets and other 'junk' in the IFO's (index file objects). A very quick step.

Next you will hit enter for cleaning the VOBs (video objects). This will remove file padding, empty sectors, and phony vob's created by some protection methods. VOB cleanup may take a few minutes, it varies with each disc.

Finally you can tell it to skip to the main menu and skip the advertising at the beginning of most dvds.

Optionally, you can start the program DVD Shrink to remove stuff and compress files so everything can fit onto a single layer DVD.

Review by BillA on Aug 16, 2018 Version: OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Another obsolete software package that hasn't been maintained for a decade and it cannot handle current encryption. Not worth your time unless your DVDs are over a decade old.

Review by dave m on Jul 1, 2018 Version: 1.7.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

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