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Miro is a free HD video player. It can play almost any video file and offers over 6,000 free internet TV shows and video podcasts. Miro has a simple, gorgeous interface designed for fullscreen HD video. Since Miro downloads most videos, you can take your shows with you, even on an airplane. Quite simply, Miro is a better way to watch all the video you care about.

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OS: Win Mac Linux
File size: 46MB
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Latest version

6.0 (April 13, 2013)


Download Miro 6.0  46MB  Ad-Supported installation!

Download Miro 6.0 Mac  37MB  Mac Mac

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Software License

Freeware but ad-supported installation. Be careful when installing it to avoid unwanted addons!

Supported operating systems

Windows Win Mac OS Mac Linux Linux

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Changes and bug fixes in Miro 6.0

New features
bz:17239 (all) Audio CD metadata fetching
Bug fixes
bz:11972 (Linux) flash doesn't work on linux
bz:14545 (all) Unittests should check logging output
bz:15153 (Linux) Miro Doesn't play newly added items if they don't match the search
bz:17009 (OS X) drop support for OSX on PPC
bz:17785 (all) audio skips when changing tab
bz:17880 (all) MP3 conversion quality is very low
bz:17925 (all) import_itunes_path should handle ValueError exception
bz:17946 (all) extracted thumbnails don't always show for podcast items
bz:18595 (all) Give the frontend its own database.
bz:18812 (all) Figure out device database upgrades for versions past 5.0
bz:18863 (all) don't pre-create displays during delayed display switching
bz:19039 (all) Add thread check in Widget.__init__
bz:19099 (all) Switch to Write-Ahead Log (WAL) mode for sqlite.
bz:19170 (all) remove Hybrid from the Preferences - Podcasts Default view setting.
bz:19176 (all) in update_status NameError: global name 'new_title' is not defined
bz:19177 (all) in _item_info_for AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'get'
bz:19179 (all) in _actual_url_callback TypeError: _run_downloader() got an unexpected keyword argument 'contentType'
bz:19180 (all) in handle_temporary_error TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'
bz:19228 (all) Fix retry_time column handling
bz:19231 (all) info from entry_description not migrated from 4.0.6 to 5.0
bz:19244 (OS X) Miro is creates and opens unwanted files on external media
bz:19245 (all) title may not displayed when using download url
bz:19249 (OS X) Bad LC_CTYPE crashes Miro
bz:19270 (OS X) os x 6.0 nightly builds are 75 MB
bz:19272 (OS X) stuck with one item left - codegen.darwin / ffmpeg keep running
bz:19293 (all) AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'download_info'
bz:19299 (all) self.titlebar.update_resume_button(, AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'name'
bz:19304 (all) Database Upgrades can fail with WAL Mode
bz:19308 (all) AttributeError: 'GTKCustomCellRenderer' object has no attribute 'path'
bz:19309 (all) _make_base_query ValueError: Can't handle tab (u'others', u'others')
bz:19323 (all) ditch ffmpeg2theora for miro
bz:19356 (Windows) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_property'
bz:19369 (all) 'name': volume.get_drive().get_name(), AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_name'
bz:19370 (all) WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified
bz:19372 (all) Handle errors in device sqlite databases
bz:19373 (all) always_show setting doesn't take effect
bz:19374 (all) Miro doesn't save device preferences when it's closed
bz:19379 (all) Device Database Bugs
bz:19380 (all) Can't eject device first time connected if device has media files with no id3 data
bz:19395 (OS X) Add build signing to the build scripts
bz:19401 (all) remove ffmpeg2theora from helperscripts
bz:19408 (Linux) Don't install enmfp-codegen binaries for other architectures
bz:19411 (all) ConnectionLimitError when changing tabs
bz:19412 (all) KeyError in ItemChanges
bz:19413 (all) MiroUnicodeError in check_b
bz:19414 (all) playlists completely empty
bz:19425 (all) AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'up_rate'
bz:19429 (OS X) playback fails for videos: AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'name'
bz:19434 (all) in copy_item_url AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'file_url'
bz:19436 (all) add to the default sources list
bz:19443 (all) paused downloads don't show as paused and total download speed wrong
bz:19464 (OS X) Fix 10.8 deprecation messages
bz:19478 (all) Add Podcast cause Miro to crash
bz:19484 (all) Crash playing while in small width mode
bz:19503 (all) Deleting a device item should delete screenshot files
bz:19506 (OS X) When connecting a device. ProgrammingError: You must not use 8-bit bytestrings
bz:19507 (OS X) crash updating device db
bz:19508 (OS X) Key error attaching device: in update_obj KeyError: 'Updating non-existent row (id: 409)'
bz:19509 (all) downloading item status display when connection lost
bz:19540 (all) Download does not start with arguments in file URL
bz:19671 (Linux) Miro 6.0-git (19d2dd7a) - Menu item "Check version"
bz:19673 (Linux) Miro 6.0-git (19d2dd7a) - Filter downloaded
bz:19690 (Linux) Handle SQLite database errors in the new data code.
bz:19695 (OS X) get this trying to share on osx -> osx
bz:19712 (OS X) Sharing: miro/data/connectionpool.pyo", line 100, in get_connection ConnectionLimitError
bz:19715 (Windows) Latest Miro build for windows does not work.
bz:19727 (all) AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'video_path'
bz:19730 (all) in add_download_info, in write UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'xf6' in position 24: ordinal not in range(128)
bz:19731 (all) miro fails to start git 851b8eb5
bz:19732 (all) error: _try_save_temp_to_disk failed
bz:19748 (all) Sharing Playlists section showing podcasts content
bz:19766 (all) Can't change cover art for items
bz:19768 (all) Finish new sort code
bz:19775 (OS X) clicking quit on db error dialog doesn't quit Miro
bz:19779 (Linux) searching in feeds or tabs shows no results
bz:19780 (OS X) in select_has_playables disk I/O error
bz:19797 (Linux) assertion `GTK_WIDGET_ANCHORED (socket)' failed gtk.main() Segmentation fault
bz:19805 (OS X) Broken thumbs for podcasts
bz:19812 (all) hybrid view album sort is grouping empty data together
bz:19813 (all) only delete option for watched folder items
bz:19815 (all) Error with unicode when connecting device
bz:19820 (all) first-time install startup error: 'module' object has no attribute 'icon_cache_updater'
bz:19821 (all) in handle_set_item_resume_time File "miro/itemsource.pyo", line 291, in get_handler AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'source_type'
bz:19822 (all) _item_from_podcast AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'
bz:19823 (all) Key error: _calc_group_info File "miro/data/itemtrack.pyo", line 627, in get_row
bz:19826 (all) Failed external download are not remaining in the download tab with error displayed
bz:19827 (all) crash in _do_iteration()
bz:19828 (all) in item_continuous_playback_mode AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remote'
bz:19831 (Linux) (Miro-git 386771e1) - menu item "edit item details"
bz:19833 (Linux) (Miro-git 386771e1) - context menu does not show "pause dl"
bz:19847 (all) setup_new add_file, item already added error.
bz:19848 (all) AttributeError: 'DeviceItemInfo' object has no attribute 'video_path'
bz:19849 (all) list view missing copy to miro button for devices
bz:19850 (all) crash on client when deleting items from share server
bz:19851 (all) podcast search not searching full description text
bz:19852 (Windows) Windows playback fails
bz:19854 (all) saved search podcasts do not search full description text
bz:19856 (all) clicking play button for item in the sidebar of the miro guide tab on_play_clicked AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PlayMovie'
bz:19858 (all) errors trying to preform actions on device
bz:19859 (all) error starting playback.
bz:19864 (all) queued downloads are not showing as queued in the dl tab
bz:19873 (all) update libtorrent version to 0.16.8
bz:19878 (all) unittest failure: ERROR: test_error_fetching_list (miro.test.databaseerrortest.TestItemTrackErrors)
bz:19882 (all) stacktrace searching engines - too quickly.
bz:19883 (all) remove metavid from search engine list
bz:19887 (all) Individual downloads are not displayed in the Library.
bz:19896 (all) item.pyo", line 524, in expiration_date TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'datetime.datetime' and 'unicode'
bz:19897 (all) searching for hyphenated term
bz:19899 (all) core dump: miro_fixed_list_store_row_of_iter: assertion failed
bz:19900 (all) download display name doesn't update for magnet torrent downloads
bz:19904 (all) downloaded yt video title display doesn't reflect scraped title
bz:19905 (all) core dumps when I switch away from playing video in source
bz:19908 (all) ConnectionLimitError crashes.
bz:19911 (all) Change the data format of the feed.expireTime column.
bz:19913 (all) Another ItemTracker crash
bz:19915 (all) app.icon_cache_updater.shutdown() AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'icon_cache_updater'
bz:19918 (Linux) invalid literal for int() with base 10 when updating db
bz:19920 (OS X) sidebar didn't collapse when closing sections
bz:19924 (all) KeyError: <class 'miro.item.SharingItem'>
bz:19925 (Windows) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'bulk_add'
bz:19926 (Windows) File "mirodevices.pyc", line 1307, in __getitem__ KeyError: u'sync'
bz:19927 (Linux)", line 224, in filename_to_unicode return filename.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'
bz:19928 (Windows) line 683, in on_item_changes RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration
bz:19936 (Windows) in set_run_at_startup WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied
bz:19941 (Windows) Windows access error on shutdown, terminating subprocess
bz:19942 (Windows) watch history extension breaks playback
bz:19943 (all) watched folder video audio filters show no results
bz:19944 (all) podcast items don't adhere to 'show' setting
bz:19948 (Linux) GTK Timeout: in lookup_class raise KeyError(key)
bz:19953 (all) crash clicking on the download tab
bz:19955 (all) clicking on podcasts tab: NameError: global name 'api' is not defined
bz:19957 (all) in client_update_error_callback AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_closed'
bz:19963 (all) Crash when switching to a device tab that we can't eject
bz:19964 (all) Youtorrent site is unavailable - we should remove it
bz:19966 (all) Google sear...

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