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DVDtoBD Express


DVDtoBD Express is very simple program for DVD into BD conversion. DVDtoBD Express is independent program and does not use any additional software to create Blu-Ray. This is very simple in use one button program. However it contains powerful internal functions, as DVD Demuxer and BD Muxer.

OS: Win
File size: 1MB
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Latest version

2.0 (December 20, 2011)


Download DVDtoBD Express 2.0  1MB

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Freeware (Free software and usage!)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

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DVDtoBD Express is result oriented software and you can see destination BD approximately in 1 hour after clicking on “Start” button. All you need to do is to set the input and output paths, and then you will have analogous to source DVD but with valuable BD structure on the output. You will see the results after the only click. You do not need to set options before you proceed.

DVDtoBD Express is not expensive as BD or DVD authoring software but allows doing conversion without big efforts, times and tons of manual work. You also do not need to use big number of different programs because DVDtoBD Express is “all in one” program.

DVDtoBD Tool($$$) is unique productivity solution that open and edit unencrypted DVD Disc using Sonic Scenarist BD ®. With DVDtoBD you can easily convert any DVD into BD. You can add, change, delete or edit any assets including Interactive Menus and Subtitles streams. All conversions processed internally and does not requires big knowledge from BD authors. It is ideally for those BD authors who start to learn Blu-ray and it is very useful to any Blu-ray author. Destination project file allows you to do absolutely any changes using latest BD authoring technology from the leader in DVD and BD authoring — Sonic Solutions.

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Acronyms / Also Known As

DVDtoBD Tool, DVD2BD Express, DVD2BD,DVDtoBDExpress, DVDtoBD-Express

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5 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

This is for mazinz. Can you help me with creating bluray 1920 x 1080 files
using a DVD menu created with DVD Styler. You mention that this program can
be used with dummy files and then used for blurays. Can you link me to the
stuff I need and help me with a tutorial please.

Review by theundertaker180 on Feb 24, 2021 Version: 4.102 OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

I cannot believe this amazing little piece of software has not received more attention. In short it takes your entire dvd structure and converts it over to bluray. The main important part being it converts and obeys your entire menu system (if you have one). It does not convert the menus to a larger picture size (stays 720), but you can have a fully working bluray of whatever dvd and its entire menu system. if your clips are full dvd spec (720x480 or 720x576) it will not re-encode anything since bluray spec supports those.

Should also note that if you want each dvd title to be its own m2ts stream, in the programs options (options/settings) click on the dvd demux tab. Once here check the bottom box of "main mode by every title". Also on this page you can check the advanced memory mode for more complex titles (it couldn't hurt).

If you are doing a lot of SD on bd material for space:

Now where it really comes into play is if you use software like dvdremakepro which will combine up to 6 different full dvds with their menu structure and output a working combo dvd for you. In dvdRemake if you change the output file size in settings (say your project ends up being 17 gigs after being combined in the program), it will output a dvd of said size (on Win 7 64bit with 8 gigs ram I had no memory issues when doing a test). Now you have an oversized dvd (say 17 gigs in size for this example). You can then take this 17gig project and run it through dvd2bd express and now have that 17gig dvd with all its menus transferred nicely as a bd25 instead- enjoy your disc

Where this program also comes in handy: A few free bluray authoring programs are out there but limited to one clip, one menu, no menu, etc because they are free. In the case of tmpg Authoring works 6 for example (not free), you are limited to work with their bluray menu templates. You can customize them to a degree but not much.
Now you can author whatever video clips to bluray with whatever program you want. Likewise use whatever program to make dvd menus pointing to dvd dummy clips. Run the dvd with menus through bd2bluray express. Now you have a bluray with the menus and dummy clips. Taking the program Tsmuxer, this program actually allows you to replace the content on an already authored bluray (guides on doom9 and it does work). Now you can take the video clips you made to bluray (using whatever program) and replace those dvd dummy clips (the menu project using the dvd2bd express program). Once done you now have a bluray with menus that that you like and set up pointing to the bluray video clips you wanted (thanks to tsmuxer)-- enjoy your disc. Bit of work, but if you cannot afford to purchase a full bluray authoring program without limitations, at least you can use this method to author a disc with as many clips as you want and full menus the way you want them.

All of this possible thanks to this wonderful free program dvd2bd express

Review by mazinz on Sep 6, 2019 Version: 2.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

While it does not encode in blu-ray it does provide a storage upgrade over dvd5. I've used this with dvdstyler to create dvd9 on blu-ray disc. To add more video I use dvdshrink with 2 or more VIDEO TS folders encoded by dvdsyler. So far I've gotten 12 to 15 gb on a 25 gb blu-ray disc. Unfortunately I can't get a menu using this process but if encoded with subs or other audio I can still use them in this fashion. When I playback on my LG player I use info display button to access the later titles on the disc. So far every disc will freeze up the player if I don't stop it before the finish of the last title, but I just have to remember this flaw. Beautiful SD video and storage of 2 to 3 dvd9 size movies not bad especially for a free program. Too bad it is no longer being updated but I did read somewhere that they were expecting like $200 for a more advanced version something I definitely would not pay.

Review by rhoades625 on Jun 16, 2015 Version: 2.0 OS: Windows 8 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Maybe I am missing something, but what is the point of wasting a 23gb BD-R disc on just 7.95gb, tops, of a DVD ?

Show me how to put 3 dual layer dvdr's onto a 23gb BD-R disc retaining menu's and then we will have something, maybe.....

Review by Noahtuck on Jun 19, 2012 Version: 2.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

It does work as advertised. Just locate the VIDEO_TS.IFO, select a convenient output folder, click on "Start", and wait for the final result. Playback is fine with MPC-HC, AV Source Filter and Cyberlink's MPEG decoder.

Review by El Heggunte on Jun 19, 2012 Version: 2.0 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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