You can fit 740 MB on a 74 min CD and 800 MB on a 80 min CD on a XVCD. Check out our bitrate calculator to see how much minutes you can burn with your bitrate.

Tools: Get Nero 5.5+ or get the demo here.

Important! Before authoring and burning the XVCD be sure that you used the Video CD(non-standard) in Tmpgenc when making it or else may Nero report wrong file size. If you are not sure if you used it or you used another application you can fix it by multiplex the file to Video CD (non-standard), launch Tmpgenc and select File->Mpeg tools and select Simple Multiplex, open your mpg as both video and audio source and select Type Video CD(non-standard) and create a new XVCD MPG.

Launch Nero.Close the Wizard. Select File->New, then Select VideoCD, deactivate "Create standard compliant CD" under VideoCD and click on new.

1. Locate your .mpg and drag it.(see picture below). Remeber that you can add several .mpgs also, each mpg will be a own track on the VCD.

2. Check the time so it's fit on a CD, the time will probably not be the same as the videoclip.

3. Rename CD to anything you like by clicking F2 on the NEW.

4. Select File->Write CD.

1. Select Writer (or Simulate if you want to do that)

2. Click on Write.