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Denon DVD-2930CI

5 user region code comments

May 01, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Jose Abrantes, December 04 2006:

1. Turn power off by Power Switch.
2. While holding the "stop" and "pause" buttons down simultaneously turn the power of the unit by the power switch.
3. Using the remote press the following numeric number "73194628", after accepting the code the unit will enter standby mode.
4. Switch off the unit and back on for this to take effect.
5. If the unit does not enter standby mode please repeat from step 1.
This works in Australia.

PostRegion code hack posted by Borry52, January 05 2007:

Confirm Region code hack with remote control on Dutch Denon DVD-2930

PostRegion code hack posted by Brenton Smith, February 11 2007:

Tested the hack as per the above for a unit purchased in Australia. Verified first the player could not play a region6 disk, after executing the hack, the region6 disk played without problem. THIS HACK WORKS!!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by Roger Gustavsson, April 14 2007:

Above hack confirmed on player purchased in Sweden.

PostRegion code hack posted by starfox98011, May 01 2007:

Region code hack posted by Jose Abrantes, December 04 2006:
1. Turn power off by Power Switch.
2. While holding the "stop" and "pause" buttons down simultaneously turn the power of the unit by the power switch.
3. Using the remote press the following numeric number "73194628", after accepting the code the unit will enter standby mode.
4. Switch off the unit and back on for this to take effect.
5. If the unit does not enter standby mode please repeat from step 1.
This works in Australia.

To the above, I wanted to add that it worked in USA on Denon 2930-ci. The steps to correctly get code to work are as follows:

1) Power on unit with On/Standby.
2) Power off unit with On/Off switch (small switch to the right of the large On/Standby)
3) Hold down "stop" and "pause/still" buttons. CONTINUE TO HOLD UNTIL UNIT POWER DOWNS INTO STANDBY.
4) Power on unit with On/Off Switch
5) Wait for Timer to appear on unit's LCD Display.
6) Push "73194628" on remote. (Yes, tricky since one hand still holding down "stop" and "pause" buttons)
7) Unit goes into standby mode.
8) Power 0ff unit with On/Off switch.
9) Release "stop" and "pause" buttons.
10) Power on unit with On/Off Switch.

11) Put in a different region disk, unit will play it.

I put in my Japanese Nausicaa disk and it readily played, where before the Denon would display "Wrong Region" on the TV.

I hope this helps.

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